
Smuggling weapons and "hunting" state workers, this underworld organization involved in more than 4 billion yuan

author:Nine News

smuggling weapons, forced trade, opening casinos, "hunting" state workers...... There were more than 170 cases of illegal and criminal activities committed by an underworld criminal organization in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, and the amount involved was as high as more than 40 billion yuan. On May 17, the Supreme People's Procuratorate released typical cases of procuratorial organs punishing underworld crimes in the field of engineering construction in accordance with the law. Among them, the "case of Yu Mourong et al. organizing, leading, and participating in underworld criminal organizations" is worthy of attention.

The two gangs of Yu and Wu are in the same stream

Mafia-type organizations have taken shape

In 1995, Yu Mourong was sentenced for hooliganism. After his release from prison in 1997, he began to contact idle people in society, and in 2009, he conspired with Dai Mousong, Wang Moucheng and others to organically force a construction group company in Hangzhou to transfer shares, forcibly invest in a real estate project, and illegally profit 41.8 million yuan. Since then, Yu Mourong has established a strong position in the Binjiang District of Hangzhou.

Later, Yu Mourong and Dai Mousong established a municipal engineering company in Hangzhou, and began to get involved in earthwork, municipal and other engineering fields, and established illegal order in the engineering and earthwork fields through illegal and criminal activities in an organized manner, grabbed illegal benefits, and gradually formed an underworld organization with Yu Mourong, Dai Mousong, Wang Moucheng and others as organizers and leaders.

At the same time, since 2001, Wu Moulong has successively recruited Lai Moudong, Tang Mouyun and others, and has repeatedly carried out illegal and criminal activities such as forced transactions and picking quarrels and provoking troubles. In December 2009, Wu Moulong's organization of Lai Moudong joined the underworld organization headed by Yu Mourong and others. Subsequently, the organization developed and expanded into a relatively stable underworld organization with Yu Mourong, Dai Mousong, Wang Moucheng, and Wu Moulong as the organizers and leaders, and 10 core members, 17 active participants, and 35 general participants.

"Protect the business with black, raise the black with business"

There were more than 170 violations and crimes

The underworld criminal organization has a clear internal hierarchy, implements hierarchical management, uses violence as a backing to squeeze out and crack down on competitors, and "uses the underworld to protect businessmen" to carry out illegal and criminal activities such as forced transactions, extortion, and collusive bidding, seizing huge economic benefits and increasing its economic strength. The organization "uses business to support the underworld", uses the profits it has seized to support the members of the organization, buys vehicles for the members of the organization, pays off gambling debts, buys tools for committing crimes to support the members, provides escape funds, contributes compensation, settles the situation, provides treatment expenses, and appeases the aftermath, and so on, and also organizes members to gather, entertain, and take drugs, and distributes benefits by arranging for members of the organization to contract projects, win people's hearts, and win over and corrupt relevant state personnel, so as to maintain the operation and development of the organization.

The underworld criminal organization used violence, threats, or other means to do evil, oppress and harm the masses, and organized more than 170 illegal and criminal facts such as smuggling weapons, picking quarrels and provoking troubles, assembling crowds to disrupt social order, extortion, assembling crowds to fight, intentional injury, illegal detention, forced transactions, collusive bidding, and opening casinos, involving an amount of more than 40 billion yuan, causing serious consequences such as minor injuries to 14 people and minor injuries to 8 people.

During this period, Yu Mourong established the Golden Kapok Casino in the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone in Pokeo Province, Laos. In 2012, Yu Mourong arranged for members of the organization to manage overseas gambling businesses for him, including Lai Mouwei, Tong Moucai, Xu Moucai, and others, and acquiesced in the support of members' buying and selling and possession of guns. It is reported that Yu Mourong himself secretly hid a large number of guns in the Golden Triangle area of Laos, and used guns in the process of gathering crowds to fight, picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

"Hunting" state functionaries

The total amount of bribes was more than 700 yuan

In order to seek asylum, the underworld criminal organization headed by Yu Mourong and others offered bribes many times to win over and corrupt relevant state personnel, with a total bribe amount of more than 700 yuan.

According to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission, Yu Mourong is good at long-term emotional investment, and some leading cadres who have worked in Puyan Street, Binjiang District, have become his "hunting" targets. Yu Mourong often entertained street leaders in various names, and after the banquet, he would give "red envelopes", gift cards, cigarettes and alcohol. He also carried out a three-dimensional "hunting" of party members and cadres by providing gambling funds, helping overseas gambling, and providing paid escorts, which seriously undermined the credibility of the government and judicial fairness.

In addition, the organization uses violent and "soft violence" methods to illegally extort debts, do evil, dominate one side, and form psychological coercion and deterrence on the local people, so that the people whose legitimate interests are damaged dare not report or accuse, and seriously disrupt the order of local social life; Criminal acts such as fraudulently obtaining loans and issuing false VAT invoices have caused huge economic losses to the state and seriously disrupted the local economic order.

The core members were sentenced to life imprisonment

The umbrella behind was uprooted

On May 7, 2018, the Zhejiang Provincial Public Security Department filed a case against Yu Mourong and others for organizing, leading, and participating in underworld criminal organizations, and on the same day designated the Dongyang Municipal Public Security Bureau for investigation.

On June 11, 2019, the Jinhua Municipal Procuratorate filed a public prosecution with the Jinhua Intermediate People's Court in the case of 14 defendants (organizers, leaders, and key members) including Yu Mourong and 5 defendant units. The cases involving the remaining active participants and general participants were prosecuted by the Dongyang Municipal Procuratorate to the Dongyang Municipal Court in July 2019.

Smuggling weapons and "hunting" state workers, this underworld organization involved in more than 4 billion yuan
Smuggling weapons and "hunting" state workers, this underworld organization involved in more than 4 billion yuan

The case file of Yu Mourong's case transferred by the public security organs.

After review by the procuratorate, it is found that the criminal organization formed by Yu Mourong, Dai Mousong, Wang Moucheng, Wu Moulong, and others meets the four characteristics of an underworld criminal organization (organizational characteristics, economic characteristics, behavioral characteristics, and harmful characteristics), and shall be designated as an underworld criminal organization.

On December 24, 2019, the Jinhua Intermediate People's Court made a first-instance judgment, sentencing Yu Mourong and other organizers, leaders and key members to life imprisonment, fixed-term imprisonment ranging from 25 to 8 years, deprivation of political rights, and confiscation of all personal property on charges of organizing and leading underworld criminal organizations, smuggling weapons, assembling crowds to fight, picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and extortion. The Dongyang City People's Court made a first-instance judgment and sentenced them to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from 14 years and six months to one year and two months, and were also fined. Subsequently, Yu Mourong and other organizers and leaders appealed. On 21 January 2020, the Zhejiang Provincial High Court rejected the appeal and upheld the original judgment.

At the same time, nine grassroots courts, including Wucheng District, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, publicly pronounced first-instance verdicts on 26 public employees involved in the "protective umbrella" of Yu's Rong case in accordance with the law. Zhu Weijing, former deputy secretary of the party committee and inspector of the Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, Wang Shenfei, former deputy secretary of the Hangzhou Binjiang District Party Committee and former secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Ling Jun, former member of the Standing Committee of the Hangzhou Binjiang District Party Committee and former secretary of the party committee and director of the Binjiang District Bureau of the Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from 14 to two years and were also fined for harboring and conniving at underworld criminal organizations, accepting bribes, and bending the law for personal gain.

[Source: Procuratorate Daily Justice Network]

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