
Peasant woman Wang Xiumei and her "husbands".

author:The story of the world is the deity
Peasant woman Wang Xiumei and her "husbands".

In the village, Wang Xiumei is a "legend". She is Sun Degui's wife, but in addition to Sun Degui's husband, she has many "husbands" before and after. Wang Xiumei's relationship with these "husbands" is in a gray area, although it is not visible, but it has improved the life of their family and brought a better future to her children.

Sun Degui also said,

Wang Xiumei has decided,

After Sun Zhihua bought a house and got married, he officially retired.

Come back and live with him,

I won't be looking for a "husband" in the future.

The father and son said with their eyebrows fluttering,

I look forward to a better life in the future.


The air in early summer is exceptionally fresh, and the village is filled with the smell of boiled rice dumplings. Wang Xiumei carried a few exquisite handbags, stepped off the crowded minibus, and walked home. The high heels on her feet were slightly out of place, and she sounded tired when she stepped on the concrete road with a "clicking" sound.

It is the season of rice planting, and most of the people who are busy in the fields with mud hanging their legs are old men who go out to work and no one is willing to harvest them.

Peasant woman Wang Xiumei and her "husbands".

As soon as Wang Xiumei got out of the car, it became a topic of conversation between them. Wang Xiumei ignored their whispers and walked over without changing her face.

Pushing open the open door, the hall was filled with smoke and the pungent smell of low-quality tobacco. Sun Degui was still smoking, his eyes looking at the large wall calendar on the wall. This calendar, with the theme of "China Dream", has been turned to the sixth side, and there is a date scrawled in pencil on it, which is very eye-catching.

June 21, 2018, the eighth day of the fifth lunar month, the summer solstice.

Obviously, it was a day like no other.

This is the day of Wang Xiumei's fourth wedding. Not including Sun Degui, who had not had a wedding when she married him.

Seeing Wang Xiumei, Sun Degui hurriedly threw away half of the cigarette in his hand, took the handbag carried by Wang Xiumei diligently, and put it on the square table where he was eating.

Wang Xiumei shook her sore right hand, sat down on an old-fashioned low wooden chair, took a pair of old flat shoes from the side, and replaced the new leather shoes on her feet.

"Banquet booked?" Sun Degui also pulled a chair and sat down opposite her.

"Booked, 18 tables."

"The hotel is upscale, isn't it?"

"How bad is that? With three stars. ”

"You've all posted treats?"

"It's all sent."

"Well, that's good." Sun Degui nodded curtly, took out a pack of 6 yuan red gold dragon from his pocket, took out one, picked up the lighter and was about to light it, seeing Wang Xiumei's expression a little angry, he hurriedly stuffed the salivated cigarette back into the cigarette case.

Wang Xiumei frowned, pulled a handbag on the square table, took out a Yellow Crane Tower soft treasure from it and threw it to Sun Degui: "This cigarette is used on the wedding table, I brought you one, how about smoking?" ”

Peasant woman Wang Xiumei and her "husbands".

Sun Degui had never smoked this kind of Yellow Crane Tower, and asked, "I'm afraid this cigarette will cost more than 200 yuan, right?" ”

Wang Xiumei glared at him: "It sells for 600 yuan outside, and the wholesale price of the tobacco company is 550 yuan." ”

Sun Degui snorted as if he had a toothache, and hurriedly restored the plastic seal that had just been scraped open a little bit - this cigarette could be exchanged for at least 4 red gold dragons for a pack of 10 yuan when he took it to the store in the town.

For him, smoking a 10 yuan pack of red gold dragons is already a luxury.

"It seems that your 'husband' is really rich." There was no jealousy in Sun Degui's tone.

Wang Xiumei replied ostentatiously: "Of course, Lao Zhou is a retired cadre, with a monthly retirement allowance of five or six thousand, and his children are all people who can make a lot of money." ”

Sun Degui's eyes lit up: "Did you marry him in the house where Huazi was married?" ”

"You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, why are you in a hurry?" Wang Xiumei glared at him unhappily, and said with confidence, "You just wait and see, at the latest by the end of next year, I guarantee that the new house will be in hand." ”

"That's that, that's." Sun Degui nodded as if he pecked rice, and said flatteringly, "I absolutely believe in my wife's charm." ”

Wang Xiumei took out two bags of zongzi from her handbag and threw them to Sun Degui: "Don't play tricks, boiled eggs and zongzi, Huazi said that he had already taken Duan Zhenzhen to the Dragon Boat Festival, and he would be back soon." ”

Sun Degui agreed, happily took the zongzi into the kitchen, and Wang Xiumei took out her mobile phone, and then watched the hit TV series "Lang Yu Bang".


In the village, Wang Xiumei is a "legend". She is Sun Degui's wife, but in addition to Sun Degui's husband, she has many "husbands" before and after.

Wang Xiumei is 53 years old and has been married to Sun Degui for 35 years. Although the marriage certificate had been lost at that time, they were still spouses in the household register.

Sun Degui is Wang Xiumei's husband, and those who hold weddings with her are called "husbands", and there is no need to get a marriage certificate with her "husband".

I say this, are you being dazzled by me?

In fact, it doesn't go around, the husband is the husband, and the "husband" is the "husband", in Wang Xiumei's understanding, the concepts and meanings of the two are completely different.

According to Wang Xiumei's own inadvertent disclosure, in the past ten years, the number of "husbands" who have had a cohabitation relationship with her has now reached double digits, and there are as many as three "husbands" who have held weddings with her alone. She repeatedly stressed that she was not cheating on marriage, because she did not hide the fact that she had a husband from any of her "husbands". In other words, her "husbands" all know that she is a married woman, and they don't mind this.

Wang Xiumei's "husbands" are at least 65 years old, and most of them are widowed retired workers. For people of this age, whether or not to get a marriage certificate really doesn't mean much.

Y City is famous for its automobile industry in the country and even the world, and there are many old workers who have retired from state-owned enterprises, providing Wang Xiumei with inexhaustible "husband" resources.

Wang Xiumei's "husband" is also divided into formal and temporary. The so-called "official husband" refers to the "husband" who has held a wedding with her. For the "official husband", Wang Xiumei is very sincere. No matter how long they live together, she will serve each other wholeheartedly, and during this period, she will no longer have anything to do with other men, not even Sun Degui. Until that "husband" turns into a handful of ashes, she will not look for a suitable "husband" again.

Everyone said that Wang Xiumei was able to navigate the road of finding a "husband" with ease, in addition to relying on her charm, but also benefiting from her good reputation and reputation.


Wang Xiumei's first temporary "husband" was a flower maker from a foreign country.

When she was a girl in her mother's house, Wang Xiumei had the reputation of "a flower" and "covering the village". At that time, there were often Henan merchants who carried their burdens to the villages and households, selling small things such as needles, threads, brains, wooden combs and grates. Wang Xiumei had nothing to do, and eloped with a young merchant when she was 16 years old. She followed the merchant to the county for more than a year, and later found out that the other party had a wife and children, so she had to come back.

In that conservative era, Wang Xiumei had a bad reputation, so she had to succumb to marry Sun Degui, the wiggling man of our village.

After marrying Sun Degui, Wang Xiumei did not accumulate habits as people assert, and she kept herself clean for more than ten years until she met the flower maker.

At that time, the work of making quilts was still in the stage of pure hand-making, and playing cotton was a handicraft job. At that time, Wang Xiumei's eldest son Sun Zhiguo dropped out of the township middle school and went home, and half of the eldest son had nothing to do all day, so she thought about letting Sun Zhiguo learn a craft. After careful investigation, combined with Sun Zhiguo's conditions, she felt that the craft of playing cotton was more suitable, so she asked Sun Degui to lead Sun Zhiguo to worship the flower maker as a teacher.

Peasant woman Wang Xiumei and her "husbands".

But the father and son hit a wall. In today's popular language, the florist is very arrogant and refuses to accept apprentices. So Wang Xiumei rose to the challenge and won the flower maker without any suspense. A few days later, the playmaker not only accepted Sun Zhiguo, but also became Sun Zhiguo's godfather. For his apprentice and godson, the florist naturally has no reservations and teaches all the skills.

It's just that before Sun Zhiguo, who had not yet completed his craft, set up his own door, the cotton technology was replaced by mechanization, and the technical content was greatly reduced.

This is a loss-making transaction, Sun Degui regrets it, but Wang Xiumei doesn't think so. Because by getting the Bullet Florist, she discovered the capital she could use.

In this way, Wang Xiumei's vision was greatly broadened, and even the county seat was omitted, and she went directly to Y City. That year, Wang Xiumei was 36 years old.


Although Wang Xiumei is a peasant woman, she has never interfered in the farm work in the field after marriage, so the more she raises "Yizhihua", the more beautiful she becomes. After arriving in Y City, the rustic atmosphere on her body was quickly washed away and became full of charm.

The first and only job Wang Xiumei found after coming to Y City was to work as a choreboy in a breakfast restaurant. She didn't do this job for long, and after just over two months, she had a "husband" to raise. Although she and the "husband" were not married, they maintained a cohabitation relationship for more than three years, and later they had to break off contact due to the obstruction of the other party's children.

Wang Xiumei's first wedding with her "husband" was on August 8, 2008. This day is the opening ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing, which is an extremely important day for the people of the whole country.

At that wedding, Wang Xiumei sent invitations to several neighbors in the village, including my family, but no one else went, so my family didn't go.

As a representative of the family, Sun Zhiguo attended the wedding with his prospective girlfriend Zheng Juanjuan, and changed his words on the spot, calling the 67-year-old groom in a wheelchair Dad, which made the atmosphere of the whole wedding very harmonious.

Peasant woman Wang Xiumei and her "husbands".

Of course, there is a reward for paying, and in the new year, Sun Zhiguo bought a commercial house before the large-scale rise in housing prices in Y City with the help of this "father", and married Zheng Juanjuan as he wished.

Wang Xiumei lived with this "husband" for more than two years, and she served each other wholeheartedly until she died of illness.

Wang Xiumei's second wedding was on New Year's Day in 2013. This time, she didn't send another invitation to the villagers. It is said that this time Sun Degui not only attended the wedding, but also helped Zhang Luo with the trivial matters of the wedding.

Wang Xiumei spent the shortest time with her second "husband", only more than nine months before and after. However, after sending this "husband" away, Wang Xiumei paid the full amount to buy a brand-new Dongfeng Peugeot 308 for Sun Zhiguo.

On the National Day of 2015, Wang Xiumei and her third "husband" officially held a wedding. This "husband" is a retired veteran cadre who is nearly seventy years old. Due to the strong opposition of the "husband's" daughter, the wedding was not very successful, there were few guests, and the "husband's" daughter led people to smash the scene.

In this "husband", Wang Xiumei received the least return, because all the assets of the "husband" were controlled by her daughter. Even so, she still never abandons her "husband", which greatly touches her "husband". In order to make up for the debt to her, the "husband" used his previous connections to the maximum and arranged a good job for her youngest son Sun Zhihua.

Wang Xiumei looked for her "husband" so frequently and held a high-profile wedding, which naturally attracted a lot of criticism in the village. In this regard, Wang Xiumei disagreed, and even Sun Degui's father and son were accustomed to it.

Cheng San, a narrow ghost in the village, once asked Sun Degui at the wine table: "Old Sun, do you really not mind your sister-in-law repeatedly looking for a 'husband'?" ”

Sun Degui took a sip of wine and said honestly: "At first, I didn't think it was a problem, but after thinking about it, if it weren't for her 'husbands', I wouldn't have been able to earn the money for my two sons to buy a house and get married in my two lifetimes." Besides, no matter how many 'husbands' I find, isn't she still my Sun Degui's woman? ”

Cheng San smacked his lips and smiled evilly: "That being said, but for so many years, my sister-in-law has been warming the quilt for others, so don't you panic?" ”

"You kid knows a." Sun Degui glared at Cheng San and talked eloquently, "Women are actually like a field, they are tired after plowing for a long time, and they are inevitably powerless. ”

Sun Degui's tone was quite proud.

Everyone tasted it, and then they suddenly realized: it turned out that Sun Degui couldn't plow that field for a long time.


Sun Degui had just boiled the eggs and zongzi, and Sun Zhihua drove back with Duan Zhenzhen.

Sun Zhihua and Duan Zhenzhen had already been engaged according to local customs a few years ago, but because the house had not yet been bought, Duan Zhenzhen refused to get a marriage certificate.

In fact, Wang Xiumei had a plan to buy a house, but Sun Zhihua's mother-in-law proposed a harsh condition, and she had to pay in full to buy a house, which caused her plan to buy a house to be temporarily put on hold.

As soon as Duan Zhenzhen entered the door, Wang Xiumei hurriedly took the exquisite handbags on the table and took them out like a treasure: "Zhenzhen, these are the clothes and shoes you fancied last time in Wanda, I bought them for you." ”

Duan Zhenzhen happily took the handbag and went to the bedroom to try on clothes.

When Duan Zhenzhen came out of the bedroom in a new shape, Wang Xiumei took out a beautiful packaging box from her bag and handed it over: "Zhenzhen, what do you think this is?" ”

Duan Zhenzhen took the box and opened it, and her eyes suddenly lit up: "Wow, Longines women's watch!" ”

Wang Xiumei said proudly: "This watch is imported, it is very expensive, you look at the invoice, it costs more than 10,000 yuan." ”

"Thank you, Mom!" Duan Zhenzhen immediately wiped honey on her mouth.

A sumptuous festive lunch was served. At the dining table, the family pushed the cup and changed the lamp, and Duan Zhenzhen, who was wearing a Longines watch, called "Mom" very sweetly. Wang Xiumei's heart was full of joy, striking while the iron was hot, and the old saying was repeated, so that Duan Zhenzhen and Sun Zhihua got the marriage certificate.

Duan Zhenzhen lowered her head and remained silent, and secretly glared at Sun Zhihua. Sun Zhihua had no choice but to come out to play a round: "It's not that Zhenzhen doesn't agree to get the certificate, it's that Zhenzhen's mother has to get the certificate when the house is in hand." Therefore, you still do more work at Uncle Zhou's place, and it is best to buy the house by the end of the year. You can rest assured, as soon as the house is in hand, Zhenzhen and I will go to get the certificate immediately. ”

Wang Xiumei didn't dare to be angry with Duan Zhenzhen, so she had to pour her anger on Sun Zhihua and scolded him. As a result, the amiable lunch at the beginning ended in discord.

After eating, Sun Degui and his son took the initiative to clean up the mess on the table, and Wang Xiumei pulled Duan Zhenzhen to chat in order to alleviate the embarrassment at lunch. Since no one mentioned sensitive topics such as obtaining a license and buying a house, the atmosphere of the chat gradually became harmonious.

At this time, Wang Xiumei's mobile phone rang, and it was Lao Zhou's daughter calling.

followed the phone, Wang Xiumei's face suddenly turned hard-boiled egg color: her prospective groom, Lao Zhou, is gone!

Lao Zhou, a 71-year-old retired worker, scored twice, and although his children did not support it, they did not oppose it. People are in good spirits at happy events, and today when he reunited with his children for a festive lunch, he was about to be the groom, regardless of the opposition of his children, greedy for a cup, but two glasses of strong wine went down the stomach, induced cerebral hemorrhage, and before the ambulance was pulled to the hospital, people were not good......

The unexpected news sent the family into a panic. Duan Zhenzhen's face was cold, and she immediately packed up her things and asked Sun Zhihua to send her home.


Due to the unexpected death of the groom-to-be, Wang Xiumei's fourth wedding was canceled. The chain reaction brought about by this was that Duan Zhenzhen decisively proposed to break up with Sun Zhihua.

Sun Zhihua was dumbfounded: "Zhenzhen, you have a child in your belly, how can we break up?" Don't worry, I will definitely buy the house, can you wait patiently? ”

Duan Zhenzhen said angrily: "I can wait, but can the child in my belly wait?" Sun Zhihua: Let me tell you, I have decided to dispose of this child. ”

Sun Zhihua panicked: "Don't, Zhenzhen, please give me some time, I will definitely find a way to buy a house as soon as possible......"

"You want to do it? It's not like asking your mother to find another 'husband'! Duan Zhenzhen sneered and interrupted him again, "An old woman in her 50s, do you think she is still a hot item?" Instead of counting on her, I'd better go find an old man myself! ”

"......" Sun Zhihua opened his mouth and was speechless.

Duan Zhenzhen ignored Sun Zhihua's pleading and walked away.

After the love affair with Duan Zhenzhen collapsed, Sun Zhihua was very depressed for a while, and he didn't want to go to work at home. Wang Xiumei scolded him, cheered up again, and prepared to "go out" again to find the next "husband".


During the Spring Festival of 2019, I went back to my hometown for the New Year. On the thirtieth day of the Chinese New Year's Eve, he went to Sun's house and found that only Sun Zhihua came back to accompany his father for the New Year. According to Sun Degui, Wang Xiumei successfully found her "husband" again, a small boss from Jingmen, who is worth a lot of money and is one year younger than her.

Sun Zhihua also confirmed that the little boss of Jingmen was very good to his mother and had promised to help him get the house in 2019. So the most important thing for him in 2019 is to find a girlfriend quickly.

Sun Degui also said that Wang Xiumei has decided that she will officially retire after Sun Zhihua buys a house and gets married, and comes back to live with him, and will not find a "husband" in the future.

The father and son said with a smile on their faces, looking forward to a better life in the future.

Regardless of whether this is Wang Xiumei's last "husband", I think at least it should be impossible for her to hold a high-profile wedding this time, because according to the Sun family's father and son, it is slightly different from Wang Xiumei's previous "husbands", and her "husband" has a wife and children in Jingmen's hometown.

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(Text/Master Lu, this article is the exclusive first release of "Human Story Shop", enjoying exclusive copyright authorization, no third party may reprint it without authorization, and violators will be held accountable in accordance with the law.) )