
Is it bad to grow vegetable soil at home? Not enough fertility? These tips don't cost money, the soil is loose and fertile

author:Rural dialect nostalgia

Recently, I found that many friends have never grown vegetables well, and the specific reason is either bad soil or lack of fertilizer. If you want to grow good vegetables, you must first have good soil, what is good soil? That is, it is loose, breathable and fertile. Second, there must be sufficient fertilizer, without which it is impossible for vegetables to grow well. However, in the actual planting, the soil of many families growing vegetables is hard and compact, and the fertilizer is not sufficient, and the vegetables grown thin and dry yellow. In fact, these problems of growing vegetables at home are easy to solve, so let's share a few tips for you, so that the soil you grow vegetables is not only loose and breathable, but also has sufficient fertility, and you can grow well what you plant.

Is it bad to grow vegetable soil at home? Not enough fertility? These tips don't cost money, the soil is loose and fertile

1. Soil loosening method

The soil is hard and compact, and what is planted will not grow, because if the soil is hard, it will lead to lack of ventilation, the root system will not develop well, and the crops will not grow well. There are many ways to solve soil hardening, depending on whether you are willing to do it or not.

The river sand in the river, the humus on the mountain, rotten leaves, rotten pine needles, cinders, cow and horse dung, sheep dung, rice husks, etc., these things are all good things for loosening the soil. If you live in the city, if the soil is hard and compact, you can mix an appropriate amount of sand, cinder, rotten leaves, etc. into the soil. If you live in the countryside or suburbs, you can use some cow and horse dung, sheep dung, rice husks, etc. These things both loosen the soil and increase soil fertility.

Is it bad to grow vegetable soil at home? Not enough fertility? These tips don't cost money, the soil is loose and fertile

The above refers to the family planting area is relatively small, if the planting area is large, or you have a small vegetable garden, the only way to improve the soil is to increase the application of herbivore manure every year, such as: cow and horse manure, sheep manure, but before using it it is best to ferment and rot, and then spread it to the soil surface when turning the ground, and mix it with the soil through ploughing, so that the soil is not only loose and breathable, but also has sufficient fertility, and also has drought and waterlogging resistance, water and fertilizer retention.

Is it bad to grow vegetable soil at home? Not enough fertility? These tips don't cost money, the soil is loose and fertile

Second, the method of making fertilizer at home

Growing vegetables at home, no fertilizer is not possible, and many people think that fertilizer is only through purchase, in fact, there are many things around us that do not cost money, just a little treatment, it is a good fertilizer, it depends on whether you are willing to do it.

Drink the leftover oka from soy milk. Egg shells, vegetable leaves, rice water, fruit skins, expired grains, fish scales, fish offal, human feces and urine, etc., usually put these things into the bucket, add some yeast powder for making noodles at home, and add an appropriate amount of brown sugar, after more than a month of fermentation, you can use it as base fertilizer or top dressing.

Is it bad to grow vegetable soil at home? Not enough fertility? These tips don't cost money, the soil is loose and fertile

If the planting area is more, the above is certainly not enough, but organic fertilizer can not be used, the most appropriate way is to buy organic fertilizer from professional farmers or farms, not only cheap, but also not fake. Soil compaction, you can use more cow and horse manure, sheep manure, etc., low soil fertility, chicken manure, pig manure, etc. If the soil is compacted and the fertility is not good, it can be mixed with a variety of organic fertilizers, or it can be used with chemical fertilizers.

Is it bad to grow vegetable soil at home? Not enough fertility? These tips don't cost money, the soil is loose and fertile

Again, planting vegetables should be based on the nature of the soil to choose fertilizer, such as sandy soil, loose and air permeability are very good, fertilizer can choose chicken manure, pig manure, human manure and their own fertilizer and so on. If the soil for growing vegetables is sticky, hard and compact, you can use more plant fertilizers such as cow and horse manure, sheep manure, pine needles, and leaves. You need to use this flexibly according to the actual situation.

Is it bad to grow vegetable soil at home? Not enough fertility? These tips don't cost money, the soil is loose and fertile

If you usually do more, you are not afraid of bad soil, nor afraid of lack of fertilizer, if you want to grow good vegetables, you have to pay hard work and hard work.

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