
[Building a youth development city] "reunion" gathers youth power and paints a picture of youth

author:Youthful Xigu

The community is the window and peripheral nerve for the people to perceive happiness, the home where people live together, and the grassroots foundation of the national governance system. In order to further stimulate the youth vitality of the community and give full play to the power of youth integration into community governance, the Xigu Youth League District Committee actively mobilizes youth organizations at all levels to carry out community youth actions, activate the "youth code" of grassroots community governance, and let young people change from spectators to participants in community governance.

Empowering young people in their communities

When it comes to mobilizing young people to participate in community governance, many grassroots workers are even more worried: young people work from 9 to 5 and can't see people during the day, how can they get them to participate in community affairs?

The Xigutuan District Committee actively solicited the needs of township streets, and sent more than 40 "hometown" college students to participate in the grassroots social governance of township streets, so that college students can do a lot in their in-depth participation in grassroots social governance.

During the Spring Festival, young volunteers wore red vests and devoted themselves to the front line of rail transit, based on volunteer service positions in the tide of "Spring Festival", consulting guidance, ticketing assistance, luggage handling, and taking the initiative to "take a hand" to help vulnerable groups, creating a warm and orderly "warm winter action".

[Building a youth development city] "reunion" gathers youth power and paints a picture of youth

In the short vacation practice, the college students went from government practice to public service, from rural revitalization to community service, and the college students who "returned to their hometown" in Sijiqing Street said: "I witnessed how community workers deal with disputes between residents, and felt the patience shown by grassroots workers in the face of the masses, and I also continued to learn and grow in assisting community workers in their work." ”

[Building a youth development city] "reunion" gathers youth power and paints a picture of youth

The Pioneer Road Street Cultural Community League Branch believes that only by truly handing over opportunities to young people, believing in their abilities and talents, and exchanging sincerity for sincerity, can we truly leave young talents for grassroots governance. With the help of the opportunity of the election of the "two committees" of the community and the youth league branch, the youth league branch of the cultural community has absorbed the backbone of young people into the community governance team, and the proportion of people under the age of 35 in the "two committees" of the community has reached 63%.

Expand the "circle of friends" of youth league services

When it comes to community activities, many people have the impression that the elderly are the main characters, and the young people always seem to be absent.

The Youth League Branch of Shangkan Community, Xiliugou Street, has always adhered to the idea of party building and league building, giving full play to the leading role of party members and league cadres, and gathering young people to promote community development. The community has set up a "Community Youth Discussion Room" in the Youth Home to guide youth league members to participate in conflict mediation and solve community problems.

At first, everyone always resisted, thinking that it was a waste of time, but slowly saw that their suggestions were adopted, and the community became better for this, and gradually began to actively make suggestions and suggestions, and solved more than 20 problems for residents in the jurisdiction, such as damage to building facilities, parking difficulties in the jurisdiction, care for the elderly living alone, and unattended children during holidays.

During the winter and summer vacations, the unattended children has become the most headache for dual-income families. The Youth League Branch of Tianqing New Town Community of Chenping Street invited young lecturers from training institutions to carry out the brand project of "Community Neighborhood School", and personally formulated a series of courses to enrich the children's holiday life with colorful and diverse course activities.

[Building a youth development city] "reunion" gathers youth power and paints a picture of youth

Mr. Yang's son, a resident of the community, was naturally introverted and shy, so the youth volunteers took the initiative to communicate with him, introduced him to other children, and often praised him, and the children became much more cheerful than before and gradually integrated into the group.

Youth have needs, and communities have warmth

While young people are contributing to the development of the community, the community is also enthusiastic about their growth and development needs.

"Working during the day and learning art at night, here, we can make friends with many like-minded peers, learn together, and progress together, and we feel that it is very meaningful to come to the evening school." In the Chinese New Year's Eve School organized by the Xigutuan District Committee, young people are immersed in classical dance, calligraphy and fitness, and the night school courses are closely related to the needs of young people, which can not only improve themselves, but also socialize externally, which is deeply loved by everyone.

[Building a youth development city] "reunion" gathers youth power and paints a picture of youth

In order to alleviate the problem of youth employment, the North Community of Yumen Street, Xigucheng Street, integrated various resources, and organized activities such as "Spring Breeze Action" and "Employment Assistance Month" job fairs, "doorstep" nearby work, and "three-kilometer" employment circle job fairs to build a supply and demand platform for enterprises and young job seekers and provide comprehensive employment services.

The Xinwei Road community in Xincheng Town also held a public welfare training on vocational skills to help unemployed young people improve their employment skills and broaden employment channels. The community takes the initiative to connect with relevant professional colleges and universities, invites professional teachers to teach face-to-face, and continuously improves the quality of training.

[Building a youth development city] "reunion" gathers youth power and paints a picture of youth

Youth are an important carrier of community work, and we actively mobilize young people to return to the community through various ways, innovate and explore the path of youth-friendly community construction that "helps youth develop and makes young people promising", so that young people can contribute their wisdom and strength in integrating into the community and serving residents.