
The pension of the elders is higher than their own salary, and the reason for the resignation of the post-90s guy is very heartfelt, and he will no longer be a cow or a horse

author:Interesting to teach

How much is more? How much is too little? At the very least, you have to be able to survive in your own environment.

Therefore, in today's society, when college students enter the workforce after graduation, their salary level often becomes a hot topic. However, with the flow of people, more and more people are starting to clean up their workplaces.

The pension of the elders is higher than their own salary, and the reason for the resignation of the post-90s guy is very heartfelt, and he will no longer be a cow or a horse

A resignation letter from a post-90s guy has attracted widespread attention on social media, not only because his decision was unexpected, but also because the reasons he gave were really heartfelt.

The pension of the elders is higher than their own salary, and the reason for the resignation of the post-90s guy is very heartfelt, and he will no longer be a cow or a horse

The post-90s guy mentioned in his resignation letter that the pensions of his grandparents, parents and other family members are much higher than his own salary. The grandfather's monthly pension is 7,000 yuan, grandma's 6,500 yuan, father's 6,800 yuan, mother's 5,200 yuan, and grandparents' pensions have reached 6,500 yuan and 6,000 yuan respectively. As for himself, he worked hard for a month, but his salary was only 3,200 yuan. This huge gap made him feel confused and unfair, why did he work hard, but his income was far less than that of the retired elderly at home?

The pension of the elders is higher than their own salary, and the reason for the resignation of the post-90s guy is very heartfelt, and he will no longer be a cow or a horse

This phenomenon is not unique, and many college graduates, especially those from ordinary families, face tremendous stress in their lives. They enter society with dreams and hopes, only to find that their income is far from enough to meet the needs of life, let alone realize their dreams. At the same time, some retirees, especially those who have worked in good jobs and have high pensions, earn much more than these young people.

The pension of the elders is higher than their own salary, and the reason for the resignation of the post-90s guy is very heartfelt, and he will no longer be a cow or a horse

If you follow this analogy, many people are saying that the income is much lower than that of those who do not work? But he ignores the fact that his elders have worked hard for decades to earn such an income. The hardships they have endured are not clear to young people or have not experienced at all. I only see the analogy that follows, and the result is that my current income is not as good as that of a retiree.

The pension of the elders is higher than their own salary, and the reason for the resignation of the post-90s guy is very heartfelt, and he will no longer be a cow or a horse

But he may not know the life that his grandparents experienced when their salary was a few dollars or a dozen yuan.

Of course, there are also people who believe that work is not only for income, but also a realization of self-worth and a manifestation of social responsibility. Moreover, long-term dependence on family support is not a long-term solution. However, these arguments are not entirely convincing. Because, in real life, many young people do face great financial pressure and life difficulties. Their income is not enough to meet their basic needs, let alone take on family and social responsibilities.

The pension of the elders is higher than their own salary, and the reason for the resignation of the post-90s guy is very heartfelt, and he will no longer be a cow or a horse

In short, it's a diverse option. In fact, you can't say that the choice of the post-90s generation is wrong, the elderly need to be taken care of, and it is not easy to spend money to hire people, so it is better to come by yourself, and it is okay to take care of yourself, but it may be a little out of touch with society, and it is the same as working in a pension institution. You say, don't you?