
An extraordinary choice for a ninety-year-old lady: to retire in a hotel, spending 5,000 a month is better than a nursing home

author:Rui Zhiyue
An extraordinary choice for a ninety-year-old lady: to retire in a hotel, spending 5,000 a month is better than a nursing home
An extraordinary choice for a ninety-year-old lady: to retire in a hotel, spending 5,000 a month is better than a nursing home

Text: Rui Zhiyue

Edited by Rui Zhiyue

In today's society, nursing homes have long been the first choice for many seniors to spend their old age in peace, as the professional care and well-established facilities there provide meticulous care for the elderly.

However, behind this seemingly common choice, there is a ninety-year-old Cai Xiuqin who has chosen a unique path - she chooses to retire in a hotel.

Why didn't she choose a traditional retirement home and spend her old age in a hotel? What is her lifestyle and philosophy?


Sixty years of family homes

An extraordinary choice for a ninety-year-old lady: to retire in a hotel, spending 5,000 a month is better than a nursing home

In 1962, Mrs. Cai Xiuqin and her husband moved from a small house in Xi'an to the family home of Yanguang Factory.

This family home carries the memories of the couple for many years and witnesses the bits and pieces of their lives. Here, Mrs. Cai and her husband worked hard to raise their children and spent countless ordinary and warm days.

However, the gears of fate are always turning.

Mrs. Cai's husband passed away a few years ago, which plunged her life into unprecedented loneliness.

An extraordinary choice for a ninety-year-old lady: to retire in a hotel, spending 5,000 a month is better than a nursing home

The children have all started a family, and although the filial children want her to move in with them, Mrs. Cai is reluctant to disturb their lives.

She insisted on living alone in the family home, because it was a place where she had lifelong memories and emotional sustenance.

In order to alleviate her loneliness, Mrs. Cai adopted two stray dogs.

However, just when she thought she would spend the rest of her life in this old house, a demolition notice shattered her peaceful life.

An extraordinary choice for a ninety-year-old lady: to retire in a hotel, spending 5,000 a month is better than a nursing home

The imminent demolition of the family home meant that she had to leave the place where she had lived for more than 60 years.

For Mrs. Cai, who is already 90 years old, this is undoubtedly a huge shock.

After the news of the demolition came, the filial children expressed their hope that their mother could move to their home, so that it would be convenient to take care of her and accompany her more.

However, Mrs. Cai has her own insistence: "After so many years of living alone, I have become accustomed to living alone, and I really don't want to bother you anymore." ”

So, she resolutely refused the children's kindness.


Traditional nursing homes don't work for you

An extraordinary choice for a ninety-year-old lady: to retire in a hotel, spending 5,000 a month is better than a nursing home

Mrs. Cai began to think about her future living arrangements, and she visited several nursing homes, but found that they were not suitable for her.

Although the nursing home can provide professional care and companionship, she does not feel free because of the fixed schedule and group life.

In addition, although the environment of the nursing home is professional but relatively simple, it is difficult for Mrs. Cai, who is accustomed to living freely, to adapt.

Mrs. Cai has her own fixed living habits and schedules, and she likes to live at her own pace.

An extraordinary choice for a ninety-year-old lady: to retire in a hotel, spending 5,000 a month is better than a nursing home

The nursing home's schedule is relatively fixed, requiring group activities and meals, which makes her feel unfree.

The hotel is different, it offers a great deal of freedom, allowing Mrs. Cai to arrange her life as she pleases.

Mrs. Cai is accustomed to living independently and does not want her privacy to be disturbed.

Communal living in a nursing home means that you need to live with other elderly people and share common spaces, which can be inconvenient and disruptive.

An extraordinary choice for a ninety-year-old lady: to retire in a hotel, spending 5,000 a month is better than a nursing home

In contrast, the hotel room offers a separate living space that is able to better protect her privacy.

The services and facilities of the hotel are very attractive to Mrs. Cai.

Modern hotels offer a comprehensive range of services, from housekeeping to food and beverage services, and even personalized service according to guest requirements.

Mrs. Cai doesn't need to worry about daily chores and can concentrate on enjoying her life.

In addition, the environment of the hotel is usually elegant and comfortable, equipped with modern amenities, and the living experience is more high-end.

An extraordinary choice for a ninety-year-old lady: to retire in a hotel, spending 5,000 a month is better than a nursing home

The living environment of the hotel is relatively spacious and bright, and the décor and atmosphere are also relaxing and pleasant.

Mrs. Cai felt that the environment of the hotel was more in line with her pursuit of a comfortable life, and she was free to bring her pet dog to the hotel, which was also difficult for the nursing home to provide.

During her stay at the hotel, Mrs. Cai was able to meet all kinds of guests and staff, which provided her with abundant social opportunities.

Although there are also social activities in nursing homes, Mrs. Cai prefers this freely chosen way of socializing rather than passively participating in group activities.

An extraordinary choice for a ninety-year-old lady: to retire in a hotel, spending 5,000 a month is better than a nursing home


Mrs. Cai's lifestyle

An extraordinary choice for a ninety-year-old lady: to retire in a hotel, spending 5,000 a month is better than a nursing home

Mrs. Cai believes that old age is not only about survival, but also about enjoyment.

Although it costs 5,000 yuan a month to stay in a hotel, these expenses are worth the price in exchange for her mental and physical comfort.

Mrs. Cai didn't want to be a burden to her children, and she didn't want her life to be arranged and restricted.

Living alone in the hotel gives her peace of mind that she is guaranteed independence and receives the necessary care and services.

For Mrs. Cai, each stage of life has a unique meaning and value.

An extraordinary choice for a ninety-year-old lady: to retire in a hotel, spending 5,000 a month is better than a nursing home

She chose to retire in a hotel because she wanted to be able to live in the moment and enjoy each day, rather than to conform to conventional wisdom or other people's expectations.

Mrs. Cai's life in the hotel reflects the importance she attaches to the freedom of the mind.

She has the freedom to organize her own time and do what she likes, and this freedom is invaluable to her.

Every day, Mrs. Cai wakes up in the comfort of her bed in the hotel.

An extraordinary choice for a ninety-year-old lady: to retire in a hotel, spending 5,000 a month is better than a nursing home

She likes to wake up early, do some light gymnastics in the early morning sun, and then take her pet dog for a walk in the park near the hotel.

The fresh morning air makes her feel refreshed, and she always smiles and greets passers-by.

Upon returning to the hotel, Mrs. Cai will enjoy a hearty breakfast prepared for her, and she likes to savor every dish in the quiet restaurant.

The hotel's chef understands her eating habits and prepares some healthy and delicious meals especially for her.

An extraordinary choice for a ninety-year-old lady: to retire in a hotel, spending 5,000 a month is better than a nursing home

Mrs. Cai's favorite is the bowl of hot oatmeal porridge with a few slices of fresh fruit, which is both nutritious and delicious.

After breakfast, Mrs. Cai will return to her room and enjoy a leisurely reading time.

She likes to read some historical novels and sometimes flip through some fashion magazines to learn about the world of young people.

Her room is filled with a variety of books and magazines, which she has carefully selected in the bookstore.

An extraordinary choice for a ninety-year-old lady: to retire in a hotel, spending 5,000 a month is better than a nursing home

At noon, Mrs. Cai will enjoy a simple but hearty lunch.

The hotel's restaurant prepares a variety of healthy dishes for her, and every bite is a nourishment for her body. After lunch, Mrs. Cai will take a nap, the lunch break is indispensable for her, and sufficient sleep keeps her energetic.

In the afternoon, Mrs. Cai is active, and she sometimes participates in various activities held by the hotel, such as tea art performances and handicraft classes.

Sometimes, she would also meet up with a few old friends who lived nearby, drink tea and chat, and share interesting stories about each other's lives.

An extraordinary choice for a ninety-year-old lady: to retire in a hotel, spending 5,000 a month is better than a nursing home

Mrs. Chua believes that maintaining social activities is an important way to maintain mental health.

In the evening, Mrs. Cai will enjoy the dinner prepared for her by the hotel.

After dinner, she likes to watch an old movie quietly in her room, or listen to a melodious piece of music.

In this quiet night, her mind was also fully relaxed and rested.



An extraordinary choice for a ninety-year-old lady: to retire in a hotel, spending 5,000 a month is better than a nursing home

Mrs. Cai Xiuqin's choice allows us to see different ways of providing for the elderly and life concepts.

Senior living should not be limited to the traditional model, everyone can choose the most suitable pension method according to their own needs and preferences.

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