
Volunteer Yimeng | Party members' "double registration" volunteer service activities

author:Volunteer Yimeng
Volunteer Yimeng | Party members' "double registration" volunteer service activities

On May 15, the Second Party Branch of the Municipal Administration Service Center went to Dongguan Community to carry out the "double registration" volunteer service activity for party members in Dongyuan District B Community.

This volunteer service activity is based on innovating service methods, improving service quality, service efficiency and "solving problems for the masses", doing practical and good things; Take the in-depth investigation of the difficulties and problems of municipal facilities around residents as the breakthrough point; Eliminate the blind spots and blind spots in the management and maintenance of urban infrastructure, effectively improve the comprehensive appearance of the living environment in old communities, and enhance the happiness index of residents.

Volunteer Yimeng | Party members' "double registration" volunteer service activities

In the volunteer service activities, the party members and volunteers of the second party branch of the municipal management service center worked in groups and acted separately to prune the green belt in the Dongyuan B area of Dongguan Community; carried out a "general cleaning" of the corridor and the park; In view of the upcoming flood season, in order to ensure that the residents' lives are not affected when the flood season comes, a large dredging vehicle was transferred to carry out a major dredging and cleaning of all sewage pipes in the community.

Volunteer Yimeng | Party members' "double registration" volunteer service activities

In the process of service, it was found that a tree had fallen due to strong winds, and because the residents did not have the tools and equipment to deal with it themselves, the party members and volunteers volunteered to take the lead in cleaning up the fallen trees, and cleaned up a "decommissioned" wooden telephone pole with potential safety hazards by the way.

Volunteer Yimeng | Party members' "double registration" volunteer service activities

The volunteers also distributed the "Flood Season Safety Service" brochure and the "Municipal Facilities Management Paper" brochure to the residents, including not only the office phone number, but also the phone number of the person in charge of the collective. Residents can quickly solve municipal infrastructure problems such as damaged potholes, damaged pavement slabs, street lights, building lighting failures, sewage overflows, and damaged manhole covers.

This volunteer service activity not only effectively improved the overall living environment of the community in Dongyuan District B, but also the second branch of the municipal center also took the work concept of "ingenuity municipal administration and service for the people" to solve the people's worries, resolve the people's worries, and "I do practical things for the masses" The practice of "I do practical things for the masses" is a perfect interpretation of the continuous promotion and deepening of the practical activities.

Volunteer Yimeng | Party members' "double registration" volunteer service activities

Source: Gorchhill Street

2024 No. 356 | Total 471514 issue

Editor: Geng Qiran

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