
Inventory of the world's top 10 most well-known chip companies

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Inventory of the world's top 10 most well-known chip companies
Inventory of the world's top 10 most well-known chip companies
Inventory of the world's top 10 most well-known chip companies
Inventory of the world's top 10 most well-known chip companies
Inventory of the world's top 10 most well-known chip companies

Inventory of the world's top 10 most well-known chip companies

10th Winner: NXP Onchiura Hanko

The headquarters is located in the Netherlands

Founded in 2006


No. 9: 5T STMicroelectronics

The headquarters are located in Switzerland

Founded in 1987

Representative chip: STSPIN9 series

No. 8: AMD Chaowei Semiconductor

The headquarters is located in the United States

Founded in 1969

Representative chip: Ryzen processor

No. 7: HiSilicon Semiconductor

The headquarters is located in China

Founded in 2004

Representative chip: Kirin chip

No. 6: Nvidia

The headquarters is located in the United States

Founded in 1993

Representative chip: GeForce

No. 5: MediaTek

The headquarters is located in Taiwan, China

Founded in 1997

Representative chip: Dimensity chip

No. 4: Apple

The headquarters is located in the United States

Founded in 1976

Representative chips: M/A series chips

3rd place: Samsung

It is headquartered in South Korea

Founded in 1938

Representative chip: Exynos

No. 2: Qualcomm

The headquarters is located in the United States

Founded in 1985

Representative chip: Snapdragon processor

No. 1: Intel

The headquarters is located in the United States

Founded in 1968

Representative chip: Core

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