
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody

author:Tao Li Nanyang

Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody - a record of the first "Celebration of June 1st" campus chorus festival of "childlike heart to the party and happy growth" of Dengzhou Sanxian Primary School

In order to enrich students' extracurricular life, promote the development of music education, improve students' musical literacy, show students' artistic talents, and create a harmonious, healthy and civilized campus cultural atmosphere, on May 14, Sanxian Primary School held the first choral festival with the theme of "Childlike Hearts Grow Happily to the Party" on campus.

Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody

Participating in the conference were Ding Honglei, director of administration of the ancient city center school, Han Yingqing, director of business, Liu Kejiang, director of logistics, Liu Jun, director of vocational education, Zhao Xiaopeng, secretary of party affairs, the leadership team of Sanxian Primary School and all teachers and students.

Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody

The students actively participated and were enthusiastic, and there were bursts of singing and music on campus, and there were singing voices in the classes, and everyone was lyrical; The students listened to the conductor and practiced repeatedly, and their singing skills gradually improved, and the pitch and rhythm became better and better. The beautiful children's voices, singing what they think, each class after careful preparation in the early stage, serious rehearsals, on the stage fully demonstrated the excellent style of the grade group, the students took a neat step on the stage in an orderly manner, bold and confident singing, singing loudly, rich and diverse. Every class in the school participated in the competition together. The students used beautiful singing, neat movements, and sassy heroic posture to reflect the spiritual outlook and beautiful demeanor of the three sage students. Our school song "Song of the Three Sages" is set as a compulsory song, and each class selects a red song as an optional song. Thirty-six classes brought us "Learning from Lei Feng's Good Example", "Red Star Shining", "Chinese Youth Pioneer Team Song", "Youth China Says", "Loyal to the Country", "Unity is Strength", "Youth Pioneer Team Song", "Singing the Motherland", "We Are the Successors of Communism" and other wonderful choral songs, everyone in each class participated, neatly dressed, dignified appearance, some held the red star red flag, some held sunflower flowers, all full of energy, vigorous, beautiful children's voice, singing what they wanted. He expressed his love for the party, the motherland, and a happy life with his best singing voice, and showed the fine spiritual outlook of a good boy in the new era.

Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody

The competition follows the principle of "openness, fairness and justice", after the seven judges score, remove the highest score, remove the lowest score, and the remaining five scores take the average score, which is the final score. Awarded the first, second and third prizes! At the end of the event, the school leaders presented awards to the winning classes of the choir festival!

Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody
Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody

This is not only a singing, but also a great opportunity to show the class style and enhance the cohesion of the class. Choral activities provide a platform for all students to show their self-image and youthful vitality, and are also an effective way for self-training, self-improvement, self-cultivation and self-learning. The singing is inspiring and inspiring. It fully demonstrates the vigorous spirit and patriotism of the three sage teenagers, and further stimulates the children's love for the motherland, love for the school, and love for life. The teachers and students of the school will transform their sincere patriotic enthusiasm into the driving force to keep moving forward, and make unremitting efforts to realize the dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

Singing all over the campus and singing the red melody