
"The girl my son wants to marry must have an establishment" "Auntie, I also like rich mothers-in-law"

author:I'm a March Fish


Last night, I received a message from a girl.

Let's call her Little Lu.

Xiao Lu and her boyfriend have been in love for 6 years, and they originally planned to get married this fall.

Unexpectedly, my boyfriend went ashore for the exam.

Since graduating, Xiao Lu has been working as an administrator in a unit, and her salary is not high, but she is quite content.

Last year, her boyfriend, persuaded by his family, took the public entrance examination and paid a high price for a tutoring class.

At that time, her boyfriend asked Xiao Lu if he wanted to be together. Little Lu refused.

Unexpectedly, after her boyfriend went ashore. The future mother-in-law, who was originally very good to Xiao Lu, has changed.

During the May Day holiday, Xiao Lu went to her mother-in-law's house, and her mother-in-law suggested that she also go to the public examination, saying that it was so stable. Now, she's still young and can fight for it.

Even if you can't pass the exam, it's not bad to take the career editor.

Xiao Lu asked her boyfriend's opinion, and the other party hesitated for a long time and said: Why don't you try it?

Xiao Lu's family is one of her daughters, and the conditions are not bad, her parents don't have too many requirements for her, they just say that she is happy. Anyway, their property will be hers in the future.

But now, the future in-laws are putting pressure on Xiao Lu.

Xiao Lu asked her boyfriend: What if I can't pass the exam?

"Then continue to take the test, it's always okay."

This is her boyfriend's answer to Xiao Lu. After listening to it, she couldn't say what she felt in her heart.

"The girl my son wants to marry must have an establishment" "Auntie, I also like rich mothers-in-law"


Xiao Lu is entangled in whether he should take the public examination now? To be honest, she didn't have much in her heart.

It's just that she is reluctant to have a relationship with her boyfriend.

She was afraid that if she didn't take the test, they would eventually break up. Because the trend is already obvious.

I asked Xiao Lu, even if you are admitted, can you be sure that you will not break up? Or won't there be a divorce in the future?

Xiao Lu was silent for a long time and said: No.

In fact, Xiao Lu's future mother-in-law was originally satisfied with her and felt that Xiao Lu and her son were on par. Now that her son has come ashore, her mentality has changed, and she feels that they have capital, so she asks for little Luti.

In the past few years, I have actually seen a lot of such requests for help.

In fact, the key factor in this is the attitude of the boyfriend.

At present, her boyfriend also asked Little Lukao to continue the test. But he didn't care about Xiao Lu's wishes at all.

I'm suggesting that little Lu stay true to his heart. Because, sometimes, the more people who look down on us, the more we cater to them, the more dissatisfied they are, and the more things they will do.

Just like Xiao Lu, he is quite satisfied with his current life and work. If you are careful, in order to marry this man, you will definitely be unhappy if you do something you don't like.

If you get in, maybe it's okay.

In case, if you really can't pass the exam, will you be resentful? Relationships are still in jeopardy?

So, I still feel like I have to be myself.

It's important to know what you want. It's also important to do what you love.

There are thousands of paths in life, and the one you like is the best.

So, there is no need to cater to anyone.


Writing this, I remember, a friend Xiaofen. Xiaofen and I met a long time ago, when we were taking a psychology course.

That time, we shared a room together in a class in the field.

After 3 days of classes, I stayed with Xiaofen for 3 nights. She also told me her story.

Xiaofen and her husband met at the wedding of a mutual friend.

At that time, she didn't know that her husband was a doctor, and she just thought that he was very good. When they separated, the two also left each other's contact information.

Slowly, the two chatted together and became boyfriend and girlfriend.

As a result, the first time Xiaofen came to the door, her mother-in-law gave her a dismount.

While her son went to the bathroom, the mother-in-law bluntly said: I will never let my son marry a foreigner.

Xiaofen said calmly: Auntie, my mother also said the same as you, let me not marry a foreigner.

Mother-in-law's face immediately changed, and she continued to magnify her moves: You also know that my Xiaoxuan is a doctor and has a good job. His father and I planned for him to marry three types of girls: doctors, teachers, and public girls, they have an establishment, and you really don't meet the requirements.

Xiaofen said with a smile: Auntie, you don't know, I like a rich mother-in-law very much, who has a big villa, a nanny for work, a luxury car, and a driver. You don't meet my requirements.

The mother-in-law's face suddenly turned black like ink: You, you!

"The girl my son wants to marry must have an establishment" "Auntie, I also like rich mothers-in-law"


Later, when his son came out, his mother-in-law immediately asked him to break up with Xiaofen.

As a result, Xiaofen's husband not only did not, but also said that if his mother didn't want him to marry Xiaofen, then he would never marry for life.

With that, he took Xiaofen's hand and went out.

Later, they got married. The mother-in-law was very polite to Xiaofen and didn't embarrass her anymore.

Xiaofen did not follow her mother-in-law's request to become the kind of person she wanted her to be, and in turn picked and chose her mother-in-law.

It's a clever move. In fact, there is also a risk, that is, the mother-in-law will definitely get angry, and if she doesn't do it, she will completely tear her face.

I also asked her what would have happened if her husband hadn't turned to her at that time.

Of course, she said, it was a breakup. It just so happened that it was also tested that he was not a good candidate to be her husband.

She didn't want to, after getting married, she would fight with her mother-in-law. I don't have that energy, I don't have that effort, and I don't like it.

Isn't it good to have that time to study and improve yourself?

To be honest, I think Xiao Fen's trick is good to defeat magic with magic.

Many girls will hesitate, will be entangled, will care about their boyfriend's feelings, and feel that they can't say those words.

has been bullied to the head, and you are still showing weakness, so don't give people the impression that you are bullied.

"The girl my son wants to marry must have an establishment" "Auntie, I also like rich mothers-in-law"


Therefore, I think Xiaofen's example is a good reference for girls.

I have a firm inner heart, I know my direction, and when I should be strong, I am strong.

Otherwise, even if you get married, it's still a piece of chicken feathers.

Moreover, when you are like this at the beginning, your mother-in-law will also weigh it when she talks to you later.

If you let yourself be wronged at the beginning, there will be more grievances in the future, even unwilling, and you will fall deeper and deeper in that whirlpool.

Sometimes, the more scared we are, the easier it is to be manipulated.

The braver you are, the more you will be able to live your life and earn the respect of others.

You tell me?