
How do you cook bitter gourd slices? Preparation of bitter gourd slices

author:Foodie cooks

Bitter gourd has the effect of clearing heat and dissipating heat, nourishing blood and invigorating qi, nourishing the kidney and spleen, nourishing the liver and brightening the purpose~ A simple stir-fry with meat slices, a dish that can be made in ten minutes, simple and delicious. How do you cook bitter gourd slices? Preparation of bitter gourd slices

How do you cook bitter gourd slices? Preparation of bitter gourd slices


100g of meat

Bitter gourd 150g

Cayenne pepper 100g

Ginger a little

Soy sauce a little

Essence of chicken a little

How do you cook bitter gourd slices? Preparation of bitter gourd slices

Preparation of bitter gourd meat slices one

  1. Buy 1-2 bitter gourds from the supermarket and/or vegetable market, green, not soft, and relatively fresh.
  2. Cut the bitter gourd in half, then scoop out the bitter gourd seeds with a small spoon.
  3. Cut the bitter gourd slices
  4. If you want to buy meat, especially for stir-frying, it is recommended to use the front sandwich meat, because this meat is fat and lean, it will not taste particularly dry, and it will be a little more fragrant than ordinary lean meat.
  5. Pour in a little light soy starch and salt and stir well
  6. Ginger can be patted or cut into slices. Garlic can also be patted or chopped into minced garlic or slices
  7. Pour in canola oil
  8. Add the ginger and garlic for seasoning
  9. Pour in the sliced meat, stir-fry to change color, and serve
  10. Pour in the bitter gourd slices and stir-fry
  11. Remember to turn the heat on a little lower, bitter gourd is easy to zoom. After the bitter gourd is cooked, add a little salt, so that you don't need to add salt when you get out of the pot
  12. Pour in the freshly stir-fried slices of meat
  13. Simply stir-fry for another half a minute, and it is ready to go
How do you cook bitter gourd slices? Preparation of bitter gourd slices

Preparation of bitter gourd meat slices two

Ingredients: bitter gourd, lean pork, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, cooking wine, minced garlic.


Step 1: Slice the lean meat, add oyster sauce, light soy sauce, cornstarch and water and marinate for a while, and slice the bitter gourd with salt and marinate for 5 minutes.

Step 2, just add enough salt to marinate, drain the water and go directly to the pot, no need to add more salt, add a spoonful of cooking wine during the period, 5 minutes after the pot is set aside.

Step 3: Put a little oil and stir-fry the meat slices and cook them to pour on the surface of the bitter gourd.

Step 4: It's delicious.

Step 5, or pour the bitter gourd into the meat slices and mix well.

How do you cook bitter gourd slices? Preparation of bitter gourd slices

Bitter gourd meat slices recipe three


  • Bitter gourd 220 grams
  • Pork 80 grams
  • Yellow pepper 25 grams
  • Ginger 6 grams
  • Garlic 6 grams
  • Oil to taste
  • One tablespoon of red oil bean paste
  • Cooking wine Two tablespoons
  • Pepper 2 grams
  • Essence of chicken 3 grams


  1. Pork and bitter gourd, ginger
  2. Cut the bitter gourd in half and scoop out the gourd with a spoon
  3. Slice the bitter gourd and yellow pepper into long strips of ginger and garlic
  4. Sprinkle the chopped bitter gourd with salt and marinate for 10 minutes to remove the moisture
  5. Rinse the pickled bitter gourd with water
  6. When the oil in the pot is hot, add ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add red oil and bean paste to stir-fry the red oil
  7. Then add the meat slices and stir-fry over high heat to taste
  8. Stir-fry the meat until it changes color, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine and pepper and stir
  9. When the meat is cooked, add the bitter gourd strips and stir-fry
  10. Finally, add the yellow pepper strips and stir-fry until soft
  11. Remove from the pan and sprinkle with chicken essence to enhance the umami
  12. Finished picture, isn't it very tempting