
A must-eat vegetarian dish for my family in summer! It's cheap and delicious, and it's super easy to make! I can't get enough of it every time

author:Foodie Program

In summer, when many ingredients lose their original flavor due to high temperatures, winter melon has become an indispensable dish in this season with its unique fresh taste. Despite its affordable price, the deliciousness of the stir-fried winter melon is not compromised at all, making people feel a touch of coolness and comfort in summer.

The characteristics of stir-fried winter melon lie first in its simplicity. This dish does not require tedious cooking steps or expensive seasonings, and can be fully unleashed by simply stir-frying and simmering. Heat the pan with cold oil, and the aroma of white onions and garlic slices slowly spreads in the pan, which is the most tempting prelude before stir-frying. When the melon pieces are put into the pot and mixed with these spices, it is as if the whole kitchen is surrounded by this fresh smell.

A must-eat vegetarian dish for my family in summer! It's cheap and delicious, and it's super easy to make! I can't get enough of it every time

In terms of taste, the stir-fried winter melon is even more praiseworthy. The winter melon itself has delicate flesh and soft and waxy taste, but after stir-frying and simmering at high temperatures, it can maintain a certain chewiness, so that people can feel its softness and taste a trace of toughness when tasting it. In addition, the juicy nature of winter melon allows it to fully absorb the flavor of the seasoning during cooking, making the whole dish more delicious and tasty. When the dish is served, the melt-in-your-mouth sensation seems to transport you into a cool world and make you forget the summer heat.

In addition to being delicious, stir-fried winter melon is a nutritious dish. Winter melon is rich in vitamins and minerals, which have the effects of diuresis, swelling, heat clearing and detoxification. Eating winter melon in summer can not only help us replenish water and nutrients, but also play a role in relieving heat and cooling down. In addition, because winter melon is very low in calories, it has also become one of the preferred ingredients for many people who are losing weight.

A must-eat vegetarian dish for my family in summer! It's cheap and delicious, and it's super easy to make! I can't get enough of it every time

The deliciousness of stir-fried winter melon lies not only in its taste and nutritional value, but also in the simple and pure taste it contains. In this materialistic age, we may be accustomed to pursuing expensive and complicated food, but sometimes, returning to simplicity can make us feel the beauty of food itself.

This summer, why not try the simple dish of stir-fried winter melon? Let it bring us a touch of coolness and comfort, and also let us feel the beauty of life in taste. When you pick up a piece of winter melon with chopsticks and put it in your mouth, the fresh, soft and juicy taste will definitely make you want to taste it again. And when you finish tasting this dish, that feeling of satisfaction and pleasure will also become one of the best memories of your summer days.

A must-eat vegetarian dish for my family in summer! It's cheap and delicious, and it's super easy to make! I can't get enough of it every time

【Stir-fried winter melon】

Ingredients: 1 piece of winter melon, 1 tablespoon of salt, 2 garlic, 1 shallot, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of rice vinegar


1. Although winter melon is cheap, it is also an indispensable ingredient in summer, which is cheap and delicious! After peeling the winter melon, cut it into hob pieces, and slice the garlic for later use;

A must-eat vegetarian dish for my family in summer! It's cheap and delicious, and it's super easy to make! I can't get enough of it every time

2. Heat the pan with cold oil, add green onion and garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant, and stir-fry the winter melon pieces evenly;

A must-eat vegetarian dish for my family in summer! It's cheap and delicious, and it's super easy to make! I can't get enough of it every time

3. Start seasoning: add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, rice vinegar and salt and stir-fry evenly;

A must-eat vegetarian dish for my family in summer! It's cheap and delicious, and it's super easy to make! I can't get enough of it every time

4. Add less than half a bowl of water, cover and simmer for about 8 minutes; The ingredients are cooked thoroughly, reduce the juice over high heat, add green onions and stir-fry evenly before leaving the pot;

A must-eat vegetarian dish for my family in summer! It's cheap and delicious, and it's super easy to make! I can't get enough of it every time

5. The simple and delicious vegetarian fried winter melon is completed. It's so easy! It's cheap and delicious, and it's super easy to prepare. Every time you stir-fry, you can smell the fresh and attractive aroma, which makes people appetite great. Whether it's a dish or bibimbap, it's a great vegetarian dish in the summer!

A must-eat vegetarian dish for my family in summer! It's cheap and delicious, and it's super easy to make! I can't get enough of it every time

6. This is probably the simplest, delicious and cheapest dish I have ever eaten. The entrance is juicy, sweet, soft and chewy, how to describe its deliciousness? Running out of words! Go ahead and try it!

A must-eat vegetarian dish for my family in summer! It's cheap and delicious, and it's super easy to make! I can't get enough of it every time

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