
How can you tell a lie in an extramarital affair? Three reasons that men like to use most after cheating!

author:Su Yue - the separation of the third party

How can you tell a lie in an extramarital affair? Three reasons that men like to use most after cheating!

Why do men cheat?

This is the first thing that many women who have been cheated on want to figure out.

Most of the original partners will choose to communicate with the cheating man, hoping that the cheating man will give an answer.

The cheating man will tell the original partner the reason, but the original partner is not credible.

There is a high probability that they will not tell the truth to their wives, and they all like to use three reasons,

But almost all of them are to shirk responsibility and reduce their own culpability, which is not the real reason for derailment.

The original partner must learn to distinguish the lies of the cheating man, don't believe it easily,

Not being deceived and finding the real reason is more conducive to resolving extramarital affairs.

How can you tell a lie in an extramarital affair? Three reasons that men like to use most after cheating!

There are three reasons that men like to use after cheating, each of which is a lie,

The first reason is that the marriage is unhappy before cheating, and cheating is also the wife's fault.

After many men cheat, they will blame their original wives.

They said to the mistress that they cheated because their marriage was unhappy, and their wives treated them badly.

After the cheating is discovered, he will in turn shift the responsibility for the cheating to his wife.

Blame some contradictions in life and say that they are the cause of cheating.

But what about reality? Whether a man cheats on him because of his wife's problem, they know best.

Wives can refute it, and cheating men don't dare to say it a second time.

If the wives don't refute it, they will really be accused by the cheating man and believe it.

Then the accusation of a man with a high probability of cheating will become the reason for cheating.

So a lot of times, wives don't cheat, you believe what men say.

More than ninety percent of men will not tell their wives the real reason after cheating.

Because the real reason is that the wife can't accept it, and the guilt is heavy.

Once a man says it, he must not immediately choose to return to the family, admit his mistake and apologize.

Otherwise, he will not change his mistakes, and even if others know that he is cheating, the man will have no face.

There is only by shirking responsibility and saying that the derailment is someone else's fault.

Especially when it is said that it is the wife's fault. It is the most beneficial for cheating men.

Because the wife is the victim, the man betrays his wife, and what he needs to accept is the punishment of his wife.

If the wife has to bear part of the responsibility for cheating, the price that the cheating man will face will naturally be less.

So this is the careful thinking of many cheating men, it's not that they don't know that they don't blame their wives for cheating, but they just want to say that it's a wife's problem.

How can you tell a lie in an extramarital affair? Three reasons that men like to use most after cheating!

The second reason is that the cheating is an accident, and the extramarital affair is just a joke.

The man said that the cheating was drunk and promiscuous, and it was the mistress who took the initiative, and he didn't control it.

It was his friends who took him to encourage him, it was to accompany the needs of customers and so on.

These are all to say that the cheating was an accident and that the cheating man did not mean it.

The cheating man is just playing, and the cheating man doesn't give sincerely.

But what a cheating man really means is that cheating is not his fault.

Cheating is not what he wants, he should not be held accountable and punished.

Su Yue hopes that all the original partners will know that it is not an accident for a man to cheat.

The vast majority of extramarital affairs are premeditated, and cheating men even think about what will happen if they are caught cheating.

The wives who have been cheated on choose to divorce directly are very few.

It's not an accident, but the cheating man knows that his wife won't divorce directly before he dares to cheat.

Therefore, a woman who shouts about cheating and divorces will not suffer from cheating.

And after being cheated, those who will not be divorced easily are easy to be cheated.

A cheating man sees his wife's mind, so he will use an accident as a result of cheating.

How can you tell a lie in an extramarital affair? Three reasons that men like to use most after cheating!

The third reason is that the junior takes the initiative to seduce and cheat is the problem of the junior.

Xiao San took the initiative to seduce, but the man didn't hold it, whose fault was it if he cheated?

Many of the original matches may be more blamed on the mistress, so they will directly tear the mistress.

Especially after being discovered, the cheating man had a good attitude and really broke up with Xiao San.

Then there is the pestering of the mistress, the wives will be more determined, and cheating is the problem of the mistress.

What about reality? Cheating is not the fault of Xiao San alone, cheating is this man's choice,

There is no reason why a cow does not drink water and presses its head.

The cheating man doesn't want to cheat, can the mistress force the man to cheat?

Maybe the extramarital affair was indeed taken by the mistress, but the cheating man did not refuse.

And it's not that Xiao San took the initiative and immediately derailed.

It was ambiguous for a while, but the cheating man did not refuse, and even hinted that the mistress could continue.

Only then will there be a mistress who will continue to take the initiative, so it is not the mistress who takes the initiative to cheat on a man.

It's a man who wants to cheat, but he doesn't take the initiative to cheat.

How can you tell a lie in an extramarital affair? Three reasons that men like to use most after cheating!

A man's cheating is his choice, and no amount of excuses can cover up the subjective problems of cheating men.

If he sticks to the moral bottom line, marriage problems will not cause him to cheat,

Any accident will not let him go to Xiao San, even if Xiao San takes the initiative, he can refuse.

He cheated just because he had the intention to cheat and just had the opportunity to cheat.

So I gave up the moral bottom line and chose an extramarital affair.

Don't believe the lies of the cheating man, and don't let him shirk his responsibility.

Whose fault is it for cheating, the division of responsibility is clear, and the wives can be held accountable and the cheating man can pay the price.

If you also have an extramarital affair and don't know what to do, you can follow Su Yue and chat about your situation in private messages.

I'm Su Yue, an emotional mentor who can really help you solve your marriage problems.