
After encountering cheating, how to control emotions, the original partner needs to do three things!

author:Su Yue - the separation of the third party

After encountering cheating, how to control emotions, the original partner needs to do three things!

Unexpressed emotions never die, they are simply buried alive and will one day explode in an even uglier way.

We should learn to face up to and express these emotions, so that they can be properly released and channeled.

Only in this way can we maintain inner balance and peace and avoid emotions from erupting in an uglier way.

There must be emotions when encountering cheating, whether it is pain or anger,

These emotions are not helpful for the original partner to solve the extramarital affair.

It may also affect the original partner's decision to handle the affair, so you need to keep your emotions in check.

After encountering cheating, how to control emotions, the original partner needs to do three things!

After encountering cheating, how to control emotions, the original partner needs to do three things!

First, give yourself time to accept your emotions.

Many original partners don't have time to think about what emotions they have.

The first thing I did after cheating was to start solving the extramarital affair.

But if you don't pay attention to emotions, it doesn't mean that there are no emotions, and emotions are gone.

Rather, emotions are ignored for the time being. But it has been piled up.

In the process of wives' settlement of extramarital affairs, as long as it does not go well, negative emotions will accumulate.

In the end, when there is really no way to ignore it, it will be a big explosion.

Like many original partners, when they first found out about cheating, they all behaved very rationally.

As a result, halfway through the extramarital affair, his emotions suddenly collapsed, and he washed his face with tears every day.

It's because I didn't pay attention to it at the beginning, dissolve my emotions, and accumulate and explode together.

Therefore, wives must give themselves time to accept the emotions that exist.

The matter of a man's cheating needs to be solved in time.

But it's not that as soon as you find out, you don't care about anything, just look for the mistress to tear each other apart, and find out the cheating man to confront each other.

It is to solve the extramarital affair in a timely manner, and the wives need a good attitude and the right strategy.

Solve the problem in one step, instead of emotionally finding out the trouble of cheating man and mistress.

So take the time to accept your emotions and think about some questions.

After you are ready, you can understand and analyze the extramarital affair.

It is more conducive to solving the problem than to solve it with emotions at the beginning and without rules.

After encountering cheating, how to control emotions, the original partner needs to do three things!

The second thing is to learn to vent your emotions.

Many of the original partners don't vent their emotions and like to pretend to be strong.

For example, after many original partners were cheated on, they hated it so much that they had to be kind to the cheating man.

Obviously, when I am alone every day, I wash my face with tears, and I have to act as if nothing happened.

Your emotions are not vented, they have been suppressed, and eventually they will rebound or even backlash.

It's normal to have emotions, and it's normal for you to vent your emotions.

If you find out that a man is cheating, find a place where no one is there and cry bitterly, which can relieve your emotions.

Traveling alone to relax can also relieve emotions.

Talking to friends and loved ones and gaining some comfort can also be a relief.

In fact, wives can do a lot, and they don't have to carry it alone.

You have to be strong, you have to face betrayal immediately, and you have to solve the extramarital affair.

You're just a person, not a machine, and you can't run without emotions.

So accept your weaknesses and accept your emotional negativity.

Accept that it is difficult to resolve an extramarital affair with your emotions, and you need to vent your emotions.

And use a reasonable way to vent your emotions.

There is really no way, go to relatives and friends for help, and find a way to vent out.

Emotions vented out. Only then can your sanity return, and solving the extramarital affair will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

After encountering cheating, how to control emotions, the original partner needs to do three things!

The third thing is to find the source of emotions and put an end to being controlled by emotions.

In fact, many original partners don't know why they are in pain and why they have emotions.

When a man cheats and his wives are angry, is it because of the man's betrayal?

In fact, it may be because he gave his sincerity to the cheating man, and the cheating man did not repay his sincerity.

The original partners are angry at the emotional injustice, and they don't get what they deserve.

At the end of the day, you are still in love with this man, and you have expectations for cheating men.

But this man doesn't love you anymore. He's not worth your expectations.

Wives see this clearly and know what your relationship with the cheating man is really like.

You slowly retract your expectations for the cheating man and the love for the cheating man.

In fact, there won't be much ups and downs in emotions.

Once a woman doesn't love her, she is the god of war, and she can solve extramarital affairs at her fingertips.

No mood swings, no pain, jealousy and sadness.

Wives rationally solve extramarital affairs, and what they should be afraid of is cheating men.

After encountering cheating, how to control emotions, the original partner needs to do three things!

In the end, Su Yue wanted to say that it is normal for people to have emotions, but if you want to solve the extramarital affair, you can't be controlled by emotions.

Most women who are cheated on, if they lose emotionally,

It's all because they don't control their emotions and don't realize the impact they have on them.

I don't even know how to produce negative, unfavorable emotions for myself.

When you find that you have a problem, you must think calmly about what the problem is.

Instead of solving extramarital affairs, ignoring one's own problems and not taking one's situation into account.

There is nothing more important in this world than yourself, whether it is marriage or cheating on a man.

If you also have an extramarital affair and don't know what to do, you can follow Su Yue and chat about your situation in private messages.

I'm Su Yue, an emotional mentor who can really help you solve your marriage problems.