
Before remarrying, I transferred the house to my daughter, and the other party's son called: Don't want to be my mother if you don't have a house

author:Affection and dew

My name is Zhu Hongxia, and I was born in 1970 in a small county town. As I remember my girlhood, it was a time with many mixed emotions.

The conditions of our family are okay in the county, although it is not considered rich, but it can also allow me to grow up without worrying about food and clothing. However, my studies did not go so well.

I still remember the day when the results of the high school entrance examination were announced, I looked at the unsatisfactory scores, and my heart ached.

I knew that with such grades, it would be difficult for me to get into my ideal school to continue my education. During that time, I often sat alone in front of the window of my room, looking out at the street, feeling confused and helpless.

"Hongxia, don't be too sad, let's find a way." My father's words rang in my ears, and his warm and firm voice calmed my heart a little.

Before remarrying, I transferred the house to my daughter, and the other party's son called: Don't want to be my mother if you don't have a house

In the days that followed, my family traveled for my future, and eventually I got a job.

I remember the day I first went to work, I was both nervous and excited. As the morning sun shone on the streets, I walked to my place of work in neat clothes and with anticipation for the future.

"Hongxia, come on, do a good job." My mother gently encouraged me, and I nodded vigorously.

The place where I work was full of people, and I stood there, a little overwhelmed. "Little girl, don't be nervous, take your time."

An older colleague told me with a smile, her eyes full of kindness and encouragement. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself.

At work, I also encounter some difficulties and setbacks. Sometimes I would be criticized for some small mistakes, and whenever I would think of my family's expectations of me, grit my teeth and tell myself to keep going.

Before remarrying, I transferred the house to my daughter, and the other party's son called: Don't want to be my mother if you don't have a house

After work, I would drag my tired body on the way home, watching the afterglow of the sunset, thinking about work and looking forward to the future.

When I was a girl, I spent it in such entanglements and struggles. Although I have experienced loss and confusion, the support of my family has always been my motivation to move forward.

I know that life will not always be easy, but as long as I work hard, I will definitely be able to find my own path. And this experience has also become a valuable asset in my life, so that I can face it with strength in the years to come, no matter what difficulties I encounter.

1992 was the year that changed the course of my life. I was introduced to my first husband in my life.

I still remember the first time I saw him, my heart was pounding. It was a sunny day and we met at the introducer's house. He was dressed in a neat shirt, with a gentle smile on his face and a sincere look in his eyes. "Hello, Zhu Hongxia." His voice was calm and powerful. At that moment, I felt as if I saw what life would look like in the future.

We started dating, strolling the streets together, sharing each other's likes and dreams. "Hongxia, I will be good to you for the rest of my life." He spoke to me softly on a quiet night. I looked into his eyes, which were full of love, and I nodded shyly.

Before remarrying, I transferred the house to my daughter, and the other party's son called: Don't want to be my mother if you don't have a house

Soon, we entered the palace of marriage. On the day of the wedding, family and friends gathered to send us blessings. I was wearing a white wedding dress, holding his arm, and my heart was full of happiness and sweetness.

Life after marriage is plain and beautiful, and we run our little family together. Every day he goes to work and I do the housework at home. In the evening, when he came back from work, we would sit at the table together and share the joys and sorrows of the day.

A few years later, we welcomed our daughter. When I hugged her soft little body for the first time, I couldn't help but cry.

"Husband, look, how cute she is." I smiled at him. "yes, our darling." His eyes were full of pampering.

However, happy times are always short-lived. In 2003, a nightmare struck. The husband was found to be seriously ill.

At that moment, it was as if my world had collapsed. I looked at him on the hospital bed, and my heart was full of pain and helplessness.

"Husband, you will definitely get better, and we will watch our daughter grow up together." I held his hand tightly and held back tears.

"Hongxia, I'm sorry for making you suffer." He said weakly.

Before remarrying, I transferred the house to my daughter, and the other party's son called: Don't want to be my mother if you don't have a house

During those days, I traveled between the hospital and home every day, taking care of him. I watched him suffer from his illness and be unable to do anything about it, and the pain was beyond words.

One night in 205, he finally left me. At that moment, I felt like the whole world was quiet. I lay on the side of his bed and cried loudly. "Why are you willing to leave me, what should I do if you leave, what should I do if my daughter leaves......"

After my husband left, I fell into deep grief. But I knew I couldn't go down and I still had a daughter to take care of. I started raising my daughter on my own, and only I knew the hardships.

Every morning, I wake up early to prepare breakfast for my daughter and take her to school. Then, I had to go to work again, and after a busy day, I had to pick up my daughter from school. In the evening, I also have to help my daughter with her homework. Sometimes I was so tired that I couldn't straighten my back, but when I saw my daughter's lovely face, I felt that it was all worth it.

"Mom, you've worked hard." My daughter said to me sensibly.

"It's not hard, baby, as long as you grow up healthy and happy, mom is willing to do anything." I touched her head and said.

Before remarrying, I transferred the house to my daughter, and the other party's son called: Don't want to be my mother if you don't have a house

Watching my daughter grow day by day, from kindergarten to primary school to middle school, I have witnessed her growth every step of the way. Although life was hard, I never regretted it. I know that I want to be strong, and I want to work hard to make life better for the sake of my daughter.

In those days when I was raising my daughter alone, I often think about the good times I had with my husband. Those memories are like warm sunshine, illuminating my path.

I would silently say to my husband in my heart, "Don't worry, my dear, I will take good care of our daughter and let her grow up happily." ”

Under my careful care, my daughter became a slim girl, not only successful in her studies and admitted to a good university, but also met someone she liked and got married six years ago.

After my daughter got married, life was peaceful and happy, I helped my daughter bring up a pair of children, and then chose to return to my hometown, after all, young people have their own lives, and I have many inconveniences to stay.

Before remarrying, I transferred the house to my daughter, and the other party's son called: Don't want to be my mother if you don't have a house

However, when I lived alone, I realized that living alone is indeed inconvenient.

Once, I accidentally fell and sprained my foot. I lay alone in bed, looking at the empty room, my heart full of loneliness and helplessness.

"It would be nice if someone could be there to take care of me." I can't help but think so.

When my neighbors and friends found out about my situation, they persuaded me to remarry. "Hongxia, how lonely you are, how good it is to find a companion to take care of each other." That's what they said to me.

At first, I refused, after all, I had been married once, and that memory is still deeply imprinted in my heart. But I couldn't withstand their repeated persuasions, and I began to waver.

At the beginning of last year, they introduced me to Lao Xue. I still remember the first time I met Lao Xue on a sunny morning, at the introducer's house.

Before remarrying, I transferred the house to my daughter, and the other party's son called: Don't want to be my mother if you don't have a house

He wore a neat jacket, his hair neatly combed, and a genuine smile on his face.

"Hello, Zhu Hongxia." His voice was low and steady.

The introducer said next to him: "Lao Xue's wife has passed away for three years, and now he lives with his 27-year-old son, and he is honest and capable." "Me

Looking at Lao Xue, I thought to myself that I would contact it first.

As I got in touch, I found that Lao Xue and I had a lot of interests in common. We all like to listen to opera, and we often discuss the classics together; We all like to walk in the park and enjoy the peace and beauty.

"Hongxia, you know what, I especially like to chat with you." Lao Xue said to me with a smile. "Me too, Old Xue." I responded, feeling something different.

Lao Xue's son also came to see me a few times, and he seemed very enthusiastic.

Before remarrying, I transferred the house to my daughter, and the other party's son called: Don't want to be my mother if you don't have a house

"Hello, Auntie." He is affectionate and affectionate, and he is also very polite, and he feels very easy to get along with.

In this way, the relationship between me and Lao Xue gradually warmed up unconsciously.

One evening three months ago, Lao Xue asked me to go for a walk in the park. As he walked, he stopped abruptly and looked at me solemnly.

"Hongxia, I want to tell you something." He looked a little nervous.

"What's the matter, Old Xue?" I asked curiously.

"I want to propose to you, Hongxia, I like you, I want to walk through the next days with you." He said seriously.

At that moment, my heart was both surprised and delighted. I hesitated for a moment and said, "Old Xue, I have to ask my daughter's opinion on this matter." ”

Before remarrying, I transferred the house to my daughter, and the other party's son called: Don't want to be my mother if you don't have a house

Lao Xue hurriedly nodded and said, "It should be, it should be." ”

I called my daughter and told her about Lao Xue's proposal. The daughter was silent on the other end of the phone for a while, and then said, "Mom, as long as you feel happy, I have no objection." ”

Hearing my daughter's words, a stone in my heart fell to the ground.

I discussed it with Lao Xue and decided to get married on the day of 520.

Last week, I went back to my parents' house and wanted to tell my eldest brother and sister-in-law about my remarriage. After hearing this, the sister-in-law frowned.

"Hongxia, sister-in-law has to remind you that you must guard against others." The sister-in-law said earnestly.

"Sister-in-law, I know you are good for me, but Lao Xue is really good to me." I tried to explain.

The sister-in-law continued: "I'll give you a few examples of people around you, some old ladies remarried, and in the end they were deceived and had nothing left. "I listened to my sister-in-law's words, and I was a little apprehensive.

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to transfer the house to my daughter. "Sister-in-law, I have thought about it, and I will transfer the house to my daughter, so that I can feel more at ease." I said.

The sister-in-law nodded and said, "That's fine, after all, that's your guarantee." ”

Before remarrying, I transferred the house to my daughter, and the other party's son called: Don't want to be my mother if you don't have a house

After returning home, I told Lao Xue about this decision.

Lao Xue said understandingly: "Hongxia, I understand your thoughts, this is as it should be." I looked at Lao Xue, and my heart was full of emotion.

Now, I am looking forward to a new life with Lao Xue, and I also hope that we can accompany each other and spend the next few days happily. Although there are still some worries in my heart, I believe that as long as we are sincere with each other, everything will be fine.

"Old Xue, let's live a good life in the future." I smiled at him. "Well, Hongxia, it will be." He held my hand tightly.

I didn't think about it, I didn't know people and faces, I didn't know the true face of Lao Xue's son at all.

The day before yesterday, Lao Xue's son called me and asked me about the transfer of the house. On the phone, the voice of Lao Xue's son revealed a kind of eagerness and anxiety, and he tried to persuade me not to transfer the house to my daughter with various reasons, even at the expense of threats and inducements.

His words were filled with a longing for the house, which made me feel more terrified and uneasy than I had ever felt before.

At this time, I thought of one thing, that is, Lao Xue's son is 29 years old and has not yet married a wife, thinking of this, I finally understand his true purpose, and I can't help but feel creepy.

"Auntie, have you thought it through? If you give the house to your daughter, how will we live in the future? There was a hint of menace in his voice.

I took a deep breath and replied firmly, "I know exactly what I'm doing." The house is my guarantee to my daughter, it is my responsibility and love as a mother. I will not change my decision because of anyone's threats or inducements. "

Before remarrying, I transferred the house to my daughter, and the other party's son called: Don't want to be my mother if you don't have a house

He didn't seem to expect me to be so resolute, and there was a hint of panic in his tone: "Auntie, you will complicate our relationship by doing this. If you only care about your daughter and ignore our father and son, I can't honor you as my own mother, and my mother can't care about my feelings. Isn't your relationship with my dad worth your consideration? "

My heart hurts, but I know that I can't sacrifice my daughter's future for the sake of momentary affection.

"My feelings for your dad are real, but I can't ignore my daughter's interests because of that. Also, I don't need you to treat me as my own mother, you didn't give birth to me, you don't need to honor me, I have a daughter. "

On the other end of the line, he was silent. I could feel his frustration and anger, but I also knew that this was the bottom line I had to stick to.

After hanging up, I couldn't calm down for a long time. I thought of Lao Xue and the relationship between us, but I also clearly realized that if Lao Xue's son valued material things so much, then this relationship might not be what I expected.

I decided to meet with Lao Xue and talk about it face-to-face. When we sat down, I didn't hide my feelings and directly told him about his son's true intentions and my decision.

After hearing this, Lao Xue showed a complicated look on his face. He was silent for a long time, and then said slowly, "Hongxia, I understand your concern. My son's behavior really disappointed me. But I assure you that I am with you, in no way because of the house or other material things. I love you because of your people, your kindness and strength. "

I looked at Lao Xue and felt a little shaken in my heart. But I knew that I couldn't afford to lose sight of the long-term thinking because of a momentary relationship. "Lao Xue, I appreciate your affection, but I can't accept a future that may be calculated. I don't want my daughter, and I don't want you to get involved in such a dispute. I think it's better for us to be separated. "

A trace of pain flashed in Old Xue's eyes, but he finally respected my decision. "Hongxia, I respect your choice. I just want you to be happy, and I will support you no matter what decision you make. "

My heart is filled with gratitude, but also with sadness. I know, it's a difficult decision, but for the sake of my daughter, for the sake of the future of all of us, I have to.

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