
The Philippine side illegally gathered ships to rush into Scarborough Shoal, and China refused to give up an inch of land!

author:Minnan Net

On May 15 and 16, a number of Philippine vessels illegally gathered in the waters near China's Huangyan Island to carry out activities unrelated to normal fishery operations.

Philippine "non-governmental organizations" wantonly manipulated the farce of storming China's Scarborough Shoal

The Philippine side illegally gathered ships to rush into Scarborough Shoal, and China refused to give up an inch of land!

Recently, a "non-governmental organization" in the Philippines has wantonly manipulated the farce of storming China's Scarborough Shoal. The group, called "This Is Ours", set sail on the 15th, declaring that they would distribute fuel and food to fishermen.

The Philippine side illegally gathered ships to rush into Scarborough Shoal, and China refused to give up an inch of land!

On May 16, a number of vessels of the organization illegally gathered in the waters adjacent to Huangyan Island to carry out activities unrelated to normal fishery operations. During the gathering, Philippine ships posed for photos of each other, displayed the group's flag, and concocted so-called "declaration of sovereignty" activities. At the same time, a number of Philippine non-governmental organizations illegally gathered about 60 nautical miles east of China's Huangyan Island, carrying a number of media personnel on board, to take pictures and videos. Philippine official ships accompany him. The Philippine side put on a show at the scene by supplying fishing boats, fishing with nets, displaying flags, etc., and the China Coast Guard conducted on-site control over Philippine vessels illegally gathering in accordance with the law.

The Philippine side illegally gathered ships to rush into Scarborough Shoal, and China refused to give up an inch of land!

Reuters said the group had organized a similar operation in December last year to deliver supplies to Filipino soldiers who were "beached" at Ren'ai Jiao, but the trip was cut short because of what it said was "being tracked by Chinese vessels." At present, this organization, called "This Is Ours," has abandoned its plan to continue to approach Scarborough Shoal and has sailed away from the waters adjacent to Scarborough Shoal.

China has indisputable sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao and its adjacent waters

The Philippine side illegally gathered ships to rush into Scarborough Shoal, and China refused to give up an inch of land!

China has indisputable sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao, including Scarborough Shoal, and its adjacent waters, and has sovereign rights and jurisdiction over the relevant waters. These sovereignty and rights and interests have been formed in the course of long-term historical practice and have a sufficient historical and legal basis. China has continuously and peacefully exercised sovereignty and jurisdiction over Scarborough Shoal, including in 1947, when the then Chinese government approved and published the comparative table of the old and new names of Nanhai Zhudao, and in 1983, when the People's Republic of China announced the "Names of Some Places in the South China Sea Zhudao", the standard name of Scarborough Shoal was set to Huangyan Dao.

Scarborough Shoal has never been within Philippine territory

The Philippine side illegally gathered ships to rush into Scarborough Shoal, and China refused to give up an inch of land!

The territorial extent of the Philippines was determined by a series of international treaties, including the 1898 Spanish-American Peace Treaty, the 1900 Spanish-American Treaty on the Cession of the Outer Islands of the Philippines, and the 1930 Treaty on the Delimitation of the Boundary between British North Borneo and the American Philippines. Before 1997, the Philippines never disputed that Scarborough Shoal belonged to China, nor did it make any territorial claim to Scarborough Shoal. The Philippines' claim of sovereignty over Scarborough Shoal on the grounds that it is close to the Philippines, or its sovereign rights and jurisdiction on the grounds that Scarborough Shoal is located in the Philippines' exclusive economic zone, is inconsistent with international law.

The China Coast Guard conducts rights protection and law enforcement activities in the waters adjacent to Scarborough Shoal

The Philippine side illegally gathered ships to rush into Scarborough Shoal, and China refused to give up an inch of land!

In the past few days, the 3502 Formation of the China Coast Guard has carried out rights protection and law enforcement activities in the waters adjacent to Huangyan Dao, aiming to maintain the order of production and life, make every effort to ensure the safety of fishermen's lives and property, and vigorously safeguard the safety of sea operations.

The Philippine side illegally gathered ships to rush into Scarborough Shoal, and China refused to give up an inch of land!

Haijing 3502 ship law enforcement officer Ai Hao

I am the China Coast Guard 3502 ship, which is cruising in the waters of Huangyan Island in the People's Republic of China in accordance with the law.

The coast guard squadron has effectively maintained the safety of sea operations and strengthened the control of the advantages of the waters adjacent to Huangyan Island by carrying out formation patrols, identification and verification, shouting reminders, route control, boarding inspections and other measures under complex sea conditions.

The Philippine side illegally gathered ships to rush into Scarborough Shoal, and China refused to give up an inch of land!

Fisherman Luo Guobin

When we saw our coast guard coming, we were very relieved, very happy, and happy, and we could rest assured that we could do our work.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: If the Philippines abuses China's goodwill, China will defend its rights and take countermeasures in accordance with the law

The Philippine side illegally gathered ships to rush into Scarborough Shoal, and China refused to give up an inch of land!

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin

Scarborough Shoal is China's inherent territory, and China has indisputable sovereignty over Scarborough Shoal and its adjacent waters. In 2016, China made goodwill arrangements for a small number of Philippine small fishing vessels to carry out normal fishing activities in the waters near Scarborough Shoal, and at the same time managed and supervised the relevant activities of Philippine fishermen in accordance with the law. If the Philippine side abuses China's goodwill, China will defend its rights and take countermeasures in accordance with the law, and the relevant responsibilities and consequences will be borne by the Philippine side.

Ministry of National Defense: We are telling the Philippine side to stop all acts of infringement and provocation

In response to the recent tensions in the South China Sea, at a press conference held by the Chinese Ministry of National Defense on the 17th, Zhang Xiaogang, spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense, warned the Philippine side not to act rashly and stop all infringing and provocative acts. China will continue to take resolute and resolute measures to resolutely defend its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.

The Philippine side illegally gathered ships to rush into Scarborough Shoal, and China refused to give up an inch of land!

Zhang Xiaogang, spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense of China

On the South China Sea issue, who is saying one thing and doing another? Who is taking the initiative to provoke and create incidents? Who is engaged in bloc confrontation and aggravated tensions in the South China Sea? The world can see it clearly. As for the relevant subjects of the US-Philippine joint exercise, it is a typical method of Ah Q's spiritual victory. The Chinese armed forces have always been untroubled and fearless, and if some people want to pull the banner of the tiger and form gangs to coerce and pressure the Chinese side, it is a complete miscalculation. We are urging the Philippine side not to act rashly and stop all acts of infringement and provocation. China will continue to take resolute and resolute measures to resolutely defend its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.

Source: CCTV4 "Asia Today"

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