
A mountain miracle created by the Chinese ancestors in the southern mountains

author:Jiangxi city scene

Source: CCTV 1

China was one of the first countries in the world to build terraces

As early as the pre-Qin period

In northern China, there are "slope terraces"

As the population of the north continues to move south

The terraces began to show their strength in the mountainous regions of the south

A mountain miracle created by the Chinese ancestors in the southern mountains

The size of the terraces

Depends on the slope and the thickness of the soil

Start by digging a flat field

Then build stones on top of it

Attach a layer of dirt and pound tightly

And so on two or three times

In order to prevent water leakage in the terraces

A mountain miracle created by the Chinese ancestors in the southern mountains

The Chinese ancestors adapted measures to local conditions

Local materials


Insert the mountain

Each water source irrigates 20 terraces

Between the fields, they rely on bamboo pipes to transport water

Simple engineering facilities

Effective artesian irrigation is realized

A mountain miracle created by the Chinese ancestors in the southern mountains


It not only solves people's food and clothing

It also provides living space for animals

Spring ploughing

Herons eat pests in rice paddies

It has built a good living environment for the seedlings

A mountain miracle created by the Chinese ancestors in the southern mountains

After the autumn harvest

The Hakka people will raise chickens and ducks to the fields

Forage for scattered grains and weeds

Manure produced by animals in the field

It also increases the fertility of the soil

The sustainable development of agriculture is ensured

A mountain miracle created by the Chinese ancestors in the southern mountains

Rice is ground into rice milk

with fruits of different colors or other plants


Mix with rice milk


Repeat this 9 times

A mountain miracle created by the Chinese ancestors in the southern mountains

There are four colors: green, red, yellow, and white

They represent the four seasons of "spring, summer, autumn and winter".

Layered clearly

"The seedlings are green in spring

Autumn rice is golden

Beat the rice snow white

Live a prosperous life"

In the long river of time with the mountains as its companion

People will have a reverence for nature

Hope for a good harvest

It's all blended into this little cube

A mountain miracle created by the Chinese ancestors in the southern mountains

Southern Mountains

There is a lack of arable land

Soybeans are grown using terraced ridges

The water in the paddy fields can meet the water needs of soybeans

The root system of soybeans strengthens the ridges

Nitrogen-fixing properties of legume crops

It can also improve the fertility of rice fields

Through such a pattern of intercropping

People can rely on rice for food and clothing

It can also obtain vegetable protein from soybeans

This is the experience that human beings have summed up in natural production

It is mutually beneficial

Sustainable agriculture that follows the laws of nature

A mountain miracle created by the Chinese ancestors in the southern mountains

The solar terms depict the four seasons

It also guides the farming and harvest of farmers

Make the best use of local materials

It is the wisdom of agricultural civilization

The soil in the field turned into a mud cow in the hands of the farmer

Eggs are made into eye-eyed horns for garnishment

A mud cow lies prone in the field, lifelike

A mountain miracle created by the Chinese ancestors in the southern mountains

"The child whips the earthy oxen

Learn to hit the spring first

Cattle yellow hooves white double horns

Shepherd Boy Fate Lady Basket

A "whip cow spring" activity

It means that a new round of cultivation is about to begin

A mountain miracle created by the Chinese ancestors in the southern mountains

Rice terrace system in mountainous areas of southern China

It was the ancestors of China who used nature to transform nature

A testimony to living in harmony with nature

Time passes, and the seasons reincarnate

The terraces continue to tell the story of farming and harvesting

A mountain miracle created by the Chinese ancestors in the southern mountains

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A mountain miracle created by the Chinese ancestors in the southern mountains