
Familiar taste, NetEase launched the "Octagon Traveler" mobile game national server, a contradictory stand-alone networked game

author:Play the egg watch game

NetEase's "Octopath Traveler: Overlord of the Continent" is the mobile version of the Japanese SE series of games "Octopath Traveler". While retaining the core content of the game, it also stuffs a set of game routines that players are familiar with. It's just that NetEase didn't grasp the scale well and forcibly split the game into a contradictory combination.

Familiar taste, NetEase launched the "Octagon Traveler" mobile game national server, a contradictory stand-alone networked game

None of the games that enter the national server can be complete

The contradictions of Octopath Traveler: Overlord of the Continent

The biggest feature of the Octopath Traveler series of games is to maintain the traditional JRPG trend while integrating the ultimate audio-visual experience, allowing players to have an immersive game adventure. Among them, traditional JRPGs refer to Japanese-style role-playing games; A game that focuses on the story and mostly uses turn-based strategy combat.

Familiar taste, NetEase launched the "Octagon Traveler" mobile game national server, a contradictory stand-alone networked game

Push the character + push the plot + brush the level/props

Octopath Traveler: Overlord of the Continent perfectly retains the characteristics of Octopath Traveler, and at the same time, it is also stuffed with commercial content commonly used in domestic mobile games. For example, the characters are divided into grades, which can be obtained through card gacha or quest activities; Monthly card buff effect, krypton gold to get various blessings, etc.

Familiar taste, NetEase launched the "Octagon Traveler" mobile game national server, a contradictory stand-alone networked game

Gacha game

The contradiction of the game comes from the element of card gacha, combined with the content that favors the single-player plot. Yes, Octopath Traveler: Continent Overlord is a single-player game with no multiplayer gameplay. It just so happens that the plot positioning of "Octopath Traveler" is 16+ age group, which is destined to be unable to escape the fate of harmonious deletion.

Familiar taste, NetEase launched the "Octagon Traveler" mobile game national server, a contradictory stand-alone networked game

Stand-alone machines should be networked

The difficulty comes to NetEase, which must not only maintain a harmonious output of content, but also ensure commercial content. So what to do? Don't do it directly, the plot content is rewritten according to the younger age, and none of the commercial content can be left behind. As a result, a game that focuses on the plot has changed beyond recognition; Even to watch the plot, you have to get stuck in the gears, and there are no characters that match the grade, so you can only repeatedly brush resources to make characters first.

Familiar taste, NetEase launched the "Octagon Traveler" mobile game national server, a contradictory stand-alone networked game

I want to be cool, but I can't do it

How do you evaluate Octopath Traveler: Overlord of the Continent?

As a single-player mobile game, Octopath Traveler: Overlord of the Continent has a clear player base. First of all, you should be interested in the plot of the game; The second is players who like to delve into the character's backstory and finally enjoy the game's soundtrack. In layman's terms, if you have an impatient personality and hate Rory's rambling plot, and only like to pursue numerical pleasure, then this game must not be for you.

Familiar taste, NetEase launched the "Octagon Traveler" mobile game national server, a contradictory stand-alone networked game

Acute Ziyi Road

Friends who are familiar with NetEase games know that its biggest feature is to make you feel like there is no krypton, as if there will always be endless content in the back. If you want to be a big guy in NetEase games, the difficulty is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Octopath Traveler: Overlord of the Continent is an exception, with no leaderboards, no stamina system, and no player battles.

Familiar taste, NetEase launched the "Octagon Traveler" mobile game national server, a contradictory stand-alone networked game

Lonely traveler

Say it at the end

A game like Octopath Traveler: Overlord of the Continent, which is obviously single-player, does not engage in a one-time buyout but is free to experience, and it is also forced into the kryptonite routine of common mobile games, which really makes people feel confused. Playing eggs even wickedly guessed that NetEase was doing this to explore a way to facilitate the integration of those game studios that it bought in the future into a mature kryptonite system.

Familiar taste, NetEase launched the "Octagon Traveler" mobile game national server, a contradictory stand-alone networked game

I'm going to explore the front

Love life love game, I'm playing eggs to watch the game, thank you for your likes and attention, we'll see you next time.

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