
The restaurant's special flavor dishes are full of fragrance

author:Chinese kitchen

Big Buddha whole beef pot

The restaurant's special flavor dishes are full of fragrance

Raw material:

500 grams of beef tendon meat, 1 beef tripe, 1 beef tongue, 150 grams of yam, 200 grams of green bamboo shoots, 200 grams of cabbage heart, 5 grams of coriander, 10 grams of wolfberry, cooking wine, ginger slices, green onions, spices, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, and butter


1. Put the beef tendon meat under running water to flush away the blood, scrape the beef tongue and beef tripe respectively, add salt, cooking wine, ginger slices, and green onion to the pot to marinate, and then put it into a pot of boiling water, take it out and rinse it again. In addition, cut the yam into strips, cut the tips of the green bamboo shoots in half, cut the cabbage heart into four pieces, and put them on small plates for later use.

2. Mix water in the stainless steel bucket, put in ginger slices, green onions, spices, and good beef tendon meat, beef tripe and beef tongue, cook over low heat until soft and cooked, take out the beef tendon meat, beef tripe and beef tongue, after cooling, cut into thin slices respectively, and keep the original soup.

3. Heat the butter in the pot, take an appropriate amount of beef slices, tripe slices and beef tongue slices and stir-fry until fragrant, mix in the original soup, add salt, monosodium glutamate and pepper to taste, put it in a clay pot, sprinkle in wolfberry and coriander, and serve it with cut vegetables. After eating the beef in the pot, add the vegetables and cook them.

Tarpon in bean soup

The restaurant's special flavor dishes are full of fragrance

Raw material:

1 silver carp (about 600 grams), 300 grams of soaked fungus, 300 grams of alpine bamboo shoots, 500 ml of bean soup, 200 grams of green and red bell bell rings, 50 grams of dried chili peppers, 20 grams of soybean paste, 40 grams of bean paste, 30 grams of pickled Erjingtiao chili sauce, 10 grams of oyster sauce, 10 grams of spicy girl sauce, 2500 ml of bone broth, 25 grams of salt, 15 grams of corn starch, half an egg white, 5 grams of chicken essence, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 3 grams of pepper, 200 ml of rapeseed oil, 100 ml of salad oil, 50 grams of lard, ginger, green onion, garlic, coriander, onion, and butter


1. After slaughtering and cleaning the silver carp, remove the head and bones, and slice the fish into 1 cm thick slices. Then wash and control the moisture, add 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of pepper, egg white, corn starch and mix evenly for later use.

2. Boil water, add 20 grams of salt, soak fungus and alpine bamboo shoots after boiling, blanch and put into a bowl to the bottom.

3. Put rapeseed oil, salad oil, and lard in a clean pot and heat it, add ginger, green onions, garlic, coriander, and onion and fry until golden brown, then add dried chili peppers, soybean paste, bean paste, pickled Erjingtiao chili sauce, oyster sauce and spicy girl sauce, stir-fry until fragrant, add bone broth, boil for about 3 minutes, beat off the slag, add chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, 3 grams of salt, 2 grams of pepper, and then add the marinated fish fillet, mix with bean soup, and cook for about 1 minute to put on a plate. Put butter in a clean pot, fry the green and red bell bell rings until fragrant, and pour them into a plate to form a dish.

Original soft-shelled turtle chicken

The restaurant's special flavor dishes are full of fragrance

This is a home-cooked dish made by mixing soft-shelled turtle and chicken.


1. First, the soft-shelled turtle is slaughtered and chopped into pieces, and the pure land chicken is also chopped into pieces and set aside.

2. Heat the vegetable oil in a clean pot, add the soft-shelled turtle pieces and chicken pieces through the oil, pour them out and drain the oil. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add ginger and garlic, bean paste, spicy sauce, Sichuan pepper, pickled pepper powder and hot pot base and stir-fry until fragrant, add the oiled soft-shelled turtle pieces and chicken pieces and stir-fry, cook in the broth, put chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, spice powder and sesame paste (the taste will be better) Seasoning, burn until the chicken pieces and soft-shelled turtle pieces are cooked and flavorful, and then add gluten slices (potato slices can also be added), green and red pepper sections, pickled radish and green onions are burned together until they are flavorful, and then they can be put on the plate.

Red soup mustard duck paw

The restaurant's special flavor dishes are full of fragrance

Raw material:

150 grams of duck feet, 10 grams of green millet pepper rings, 10 grams of red millet pepper rings, 5 ml of Donggu soy sauce, 5 ml of light soy sauce, 5 ml of balsamic vinegar, 1 gram of chicken essence, 5 grams of sugar, 20 ml of red oil, 10 ml of mustard oil, ginger slices, green onions, cooking wine, salt, and toon seedlings


1. Remove the bones of the duck paws, put them into a pot of boiling water, add ginger slices, green onions, salt, cooking wine and cook, remove and rinse, change the knife into strips, and set aside.

2. Put the green millet pepper rings and red millet pepper rings in a pot, add Donggu soy sauce, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, chicken essence, sugar, red oil, mustard oil and an appropriate amount of purified water, mix thoroughly, put in the cooked duck palm strips and soak for 4 hours until the flavor is absorbed, and sprinkle with toon seedlings after serving.

Seaweed steamed blood clams

The restaurant's special flavor dishes are full of fragrance

Raw material:

600 grams of blood clams, 60 grams of seaweed, 100 ml of homemade soy sauce, 50 grams of homemade garlic sauce, 5 grams of red pepper grains, 10 grams of chopped green onions, and an appropriate amount of scallion oil


1. Blanch the blood clams in a pot of boiling water, then remove them and wash them. In addition, soak the seaweed in water and wash it.

2. Take the disc and spread the seaweed, neatly place the blood clams, scoop up the homemade garlic sauce respectively, garnish with red pepper grains, steam it in the cage over high heat for about 8 minutes, take it out and pour hot homemade soy sauce, sprinkle some green onions, and pour hot scallion oil to stimulate the fragrance.

Description: Homemade soy sauce is to boil shiitake mushrooms, fried fish bones, green onion knots, ginger slices, onion pieces, coriander and carrot slices into vegetable water with water, and then add salt, light soy sauce, steamed fish soy sauce, sugar, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, fish sauce and stir well, and filter it. Homemade garlic sauce is to chop garlic, take half of it and rinse off the mucus with water, put it in a hot oil pan and fry it until golden brown, take it out and drain the oil, and then fry it slightly with the other half of the raw garlic crush, add oyster sauce, steamed fish soy sauce, salt, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, pepper and mix well.

Pepper Blossom Ma Feng

The restaurant's special flavor dishes are full of fragrance

Raw material:

500 grams of eel, 50 grams of celery, 50 grams of garlic sprouts, 100 grams of green bamboo shoots, 20 grams of garlic, 50 grams of green peppercorns, 150 grams of homemade spicy sauce, 20 grams of pickled millet pepper sections, 20 grams of soaked turmeric, 5 grams of sugar, 2 grams of chicken essence, 20 ml of pepper oil, salt, fresh soup, lard, rapeseed oil


1. Slaughter the eel, remove the bones and wash it, change the knife to a length of about 5 cm, put it into a pot of boiling water, pour out and drain.

2. Bring water to a boil, add the celery segments, garlic sprouts, and green bamboo shoots until they are raw, and put them into the bottom of the plate.

3. Heat rapeseed oil and lard in a clean pot, add garlic and eel segments and stir-fry until the eel is dry, add soaked yellow ginger, soaked millet pepper section, homemade spicy sauce and stir-fry until fragrant, then mix in fresh soup, add salt, sugar, chicken essence, pour in pepper oil, and put it into a plate with vegetables.

4. Heat rapeseed oil in a clean pot, fry green peppercorns until fragrant, pour into a plate, and garnish slightly.

Eggs in a thick soup

The restaurant's special flavor dishes are full of fragrance

Raw material:

400 grams of homemade chaise eggs, 200 grams of loofah, 30 grams of small shiitake mushrooms, 30 grams of seafood mushrooms, 50 grams of fresh bean paste, ginger slices, green onions, salt, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, pepper, water starch, thick soup, and chicken fat


1. Peel the loofah and cut it into large strips, remove the stems of the small shiitake mushrooms and cut them into slices, and cut the seafood mushrooms into 5 cm long segments.

2. Heat the chicken fat in the pot, stir-fry the ginger slices and green onions, add the thick soup to boil, put in the loofah strips, small mushroom slices, seafood mushroom segments, fresh bean paste and cook, make homemade concubine eggs, add salt, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, pepper and burn into the flavor, hook the thin thickener with water starch, and put it in the pot.

Description: Homemade chaise eggs are made by adding egg liquid with soy milk and chopped bean paste, pouring it into a flat plate and steaming it into a cake-like shape, taking it out and changing the knife into strips, and then going into a hot oil pan to fry until the surface is golden and foamy, and then take it out and drain the oil.