
Break a million! "The best is yet to come"

author:Youth Shanghai
Break a million! "The best is yet to come"

Li Xing, a young man from Heilongjiang who came to Shanghai to work

I've always wanted to see the East Pavilion of the Shanghai Museum

After many reservations, he finally made an appointment for the afternoon session on May 16, which he didn't expect in any case, that he would become the 1,000,000th audience since the opening of the Shanghai Expo East Pavilion, "I am really lucky!" I've always been interested in Chinese history and culture, and when I wanted to see the East Building, I was blown away by the architecture and exhibitions as soon as I entered the museum, and it was worth it."

Break a million! "The best is yet to come"
Break a million! "The best is yet to come"

Chu Xiaobo, director of the Shanghai Museum, took a group photo with Li Xing, the 1,000,000th visitor of the Shanghai Expo East Pavilion. Photo by Youth Daily Youth Shanghai reporter Chang Xin

In fact, a few days ago at the CPPCC held a "construction of major public cultural facilities in the city" inspection forum, the director of the Shanghai Museum Chu Xiaobo predicted the arrival of this day, he said, according to the current flow, the Shanghai Expo East Museum will usher in the middle of this month 1 million visitors. It would have been hard to imagine that this number would have come so quickly in the past. In the past, some major museums didn't reach a million visitors until a few years after they opened.

Break a million! "The best is yet to come"

East Building of Shanghai Museum. Photo by Youth Daily Youth Shanghai reporter Chang Xin

With the help of online celebrity exhibitions such as "Star Shine China: Sanxingdui Jinsha Ancient Shu Civilization Exhibition", Shanghai Expo East Pavilion has undoubtedly been the most popular museum in Shanghai in the past three months. According to the relevant data of the East Pavilion, among the 1 million visitors, more than 60% are from other places, and nearly 10% are from abroad. The East Pavilion has undoubtedly become an important window for Shanghai to present its own culture to the outside world.

Break a million! "The best is yet to come"

The special exhibition of "Star China - Sanxingdui Jinsha Ancient Shu Civilization Exhibition" was exhibited in the East Hall of Shanghai Expo. Photo by Chang Xin, a reporter from Youth Daily in Shanghai, is currently only partially open in the East Pavilion, and a large number of exhibition halls are to be opened, "the excitement is still to come". Youth Daily Shanghai reporter learned that after the end of the "Star China: Sanxingdui Jinsha Ancient Shu Civilization Exhibition" on May 20, from May 21 to the end of June, the East Pavilion of Shanghai Expo will enter a state of closure for more than a month. At that time, the relevant exhibition halls will enter the sprint stage of decoration construction, equipment commissioning and cultural relics exhibition.

After the reopening of the museum at the end of June, the open space of the Shanghai Expo East Pavilion will be further expanded to about 80%, and there will be permanent exhibition halls such as the Ceramics Museum, the Seal Pavilion, the Jade Pavilion and the Currency Pavilion, special exhibition halls such as Archaeology Shanghai, Ceramics and Sino-foreign exchanges, interactive experience spaces such as the Digital Pavilion and the Ancient Civilization Exploration Palace, as well as special exhibitions with different themes to meet the audience.

Break a million! "The best is yet to come"

The special exhibition of "Star China - Sanxingdui Jinsha Ancient Shu Civilization Exhibition" was exhibited in the East Hall of Shanghai Expo. Photo by Chang Xin, a reporter from Youth Daily in Shanghai, the popularity of the Bodong Pavilion is a microcosm of the current "museum fever", and in recent years, people's enthusiasm for inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture has increased day by day, and visiting museums has become a part of the cultural life of many people

And the museums in Shanghai

They are also discovering their own potential

Strive to provide high-quality services to more audiences

Integration of culture, business, tourism and sports

Explore the N ways to open the museum

For some viewers

They may not be able to make an appointment

Exhibitions in the museum's interior

But on the "square" of the museum

They may find new pleasures again

Recently, the 3rd Square Coffee Carnival

In the open courtyard of the Shanghai History Museum

In full swing

42 exhibitors brought coffee drinks with different characteristics, as well as cultural and creative, handicraft, and cultural performances, which filled the cultural and artistic atmosphere

Break a million! "The best is yet to come"

The scene of the 3rd Square Coffee Carnival. Source: "Shanghai History Museum" WeChat public account

The "'Fun' Stamp Collection" activity is part of this carnival

A hidden clue

The previous calendar is combined with the current stamp collection craze

A limited edition stamp has been specially designed

Through the collection of stamps

Visitors can be in the museum exhibition halls

Interpret the 6,000-year-old history and culture of Shanghai

and in the marketplace

Feel the trendy casual life scene

Break a million! "The best is yet to come"

The 3rd Square Coffee Carnival set up the "'Fun' Stamp Collection" activity. Source: "Shanghai History Museum" WeChat public account

Shanghai Urban Art Fair was unveiled

The hotel is transformed into a "temporary museum"

The concept of a museum is actually quite broad

After injecting connotation

Many venues may be turned into museums

And provide cultural popularization and aesthetic guidance to the audience

The Shanghai Urban Art Fair was recently unveiled


Hualuxe Hotel, No. 12 Hengshan Road, Shanghai

Held this year's City Art Fair

Turning the entire hotel into a "temporary museum"

Artists put their works

Placed in one room after another

The organizer told reporters

This is to give the audience a kind of

"Life-oriented, scene-based" exhibition experience

Break a million! "The best is yet to come"
Break a million! "The best is yet to come"

Exhibitors used all kinds of small ideas to decorate the exhibition room with new ideas and ideas. Source: "Shanghai City Art Fair" WeChat public account

In addition, this year's Shanghai Urban Art Fair

There will also be an exit from the pavilion

At the "Centennial of Wukang Building" event

The audience can choose the Hengfu style area by themselves

"Citywalk" route

Experience the Shanghainese style while visiting the exhibition

Break a million! "The best is yet to come"

Schematic diagram of the "Citywalk" route. Source: "Shanghai City Art Fair" WeChat public account

Break a million! "The best is yet to come"

Youth Review

From walking into the museum to enjoying it

What else needs to be done?

On May 16, the East Pavilion of the Shanghai Museum welcomed its 1,000,000th visitor. This museum only opened on February 2 this year, and the audience exceeded one million in just over three months, and its popularity can be imagined. Real-time data shows that the next week is fully booked. Now, many museums and galleries are hard to find. "Museum fever" has undoubtedly become a social landscape.

Today is International Museum Day. The original intention of this anniversary is to let more people know about the museum and enter the museum, which is the museum's annual "self-marketing". But now for a lot of museums, it's not so easy. They began to worry that they would not be able to provide a perfect service in the face of the influx of viewers. Over the past few years, China's museums and galleries have undergone an astonishing metamorphosis, from being crowded to crowded. In many places, museums are the focal point of cultural tourism.

Break a million! "The best is yet to come"

Back in 2007, 17 years ago, a survey of primary and secondary school students launched by Youth Daily, Shanghai Art Museum and Academy of Fine Arts of Shanghai Normal University showed that 76% of primary and secondary school students in Shanghai had never visited museums and art galleries. This data was shocking at the time, but the current situation is another kind of amazement, because today, museums and galleries have become an important teaching site for young people.

Break a million! "The best is yet to come"

In April, the Shanghai Taxation Department and the Shanghai History Museum held a special activity of "Learning Tax Law with Cultural Relics" for teenagers. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

In the current "museum fever", young people and children undoubtedly play a key role. According to a survey by the National Museum, more than 50 percent of its visitors are under the age of 35. Another survey of college students from 154 colleges and universities across the country showed that 89.72% of the respondents had visited museums, and 42.04% of the respondents visited museums 1 to 2 times a year.

Undoubtedly, this wave of "museum fever" is full of youth. Many young people linger in the palace of art, feel the temperature of ancient culture, and start a dialogue with their ancestors. It should be said that this is inseparable from the popularization and promotion of the excellent traditional Chinese culture that the country has continued to promote in recent years. If in the past a visit to a museum was the "icing on the cake", now it is a necessity for "lifelong learning". "A museum is a big school". Young people enter the museum to explore the charm of history and culture, and to add a spiritual "nutritious meal" to themselves.

Break a million! "The best is yet to come"

From April 18th to April 26th, the Shanghai Natural History Museum and the Shanghai Science Writers Association jointly held a special event of "9th Anniversary of the Expo: Joy Reading Museum". Photo by Youth Daily Youth Shanghai reporter Liu Jingjing

At the same time, compared to watching performances and concerts, visiting museums is really "inexpensive". Many young people use the museum as a place to travel on weekends and holidays, not only to gain knowledge, but also to discuss and communicate with like-minded friends, and to share beautiful photos of cultural relics on social media and bring back special cultural and creative products. "Exhibition-style socializing" has become the first choice among young people at present.

From the fact that 76% of primary and secondary school students have never visited a museum, to now not only everyone participates, but also visits several times a year, this earth-shaking change reflects a change in perception. This is mainly reflected in the perception of excellent traditional culture. Excellent traditional culture is a "necessity" today, a "compulsory course" for everyone, and a need for daily life. This change is gratifying, and it also gives hope for enhancing national and cultural self-confidence.

Break a million! "The best is yet to come"

During the special exhibition of "Mei Blooming in the East - Mei Lanfang in Shanghai" at the Shanghai History Museum, young people lined up to stamp their stamps. Photo by Youth Daily Youth Shanghai reporter Liu Qinchun

Of course, there is still a contradiction between the increasing enthusiasm of the audience and the inability of museums and galleries to provide perfect services. For example, although the number of daily reservations has increased from 8,000 to 20,000, it is still difficult to find a ticket. Popular museums across the country, such as the Palace Museum and Sanxingdui Museum, are actually facing the same situation. The "anxiety of grabbing tickets" made many visitors feel exhausted, which poured cold water on their enthusiasm and greatly reduced their viewing experience.

It is the responsibility of every museum to provide the best possible service to the audience. In the case that the existing resources cannot achieve this, it is a solution to step up the construction of more museums and art galleries and provide supporting high-quality services. At the same time, it is also a way for museums to continuously explore their own potential and truly make full use of cultural resources. After years of hard work, now that the audience's enthusiasm for visiting has finally been mobilized, museums should take advantage of the trend and strive to achieve a relative balance between supply and demand for museums. Only in this way will it be possible to make the "museum fever" sustainable.

For in-depth study and implementation

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions

and the spirit of the National Conference on Propaganda, Ideological and Cultural Work

Leading the majority of young people

Strengthen cultural self-confidence and take on cultural mission

Youth Daily Youth Shanghai was launched

"UP Main Dialogue Museum" column

United popular UP master

IP resources with well-known museums in Shanghai

Use a discourse system that is close to Gen Z

Tell Chinese stories vividly

Further carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture

As a trial opening, the East Pavilion of the Shanghai Museum opened to the grand exhibition

"Star China: Sanxingdui Jinsha Ancient Shu Civilization Exhibition"

It has been very popular since its debut

Spectators grabbing tickets on time and waiting in line have become the norm

It is reported that the special exhibition will close on May 20 (Monday).

The East Pavilion will also run from May 21 to the end of June

Temporarily closed to the public

After the reopening of the museum at the end of June

The open space of the Shanghai Expo East Pavilion

It will be further expanded to about 80%.

There will also be a variety of special exhibitions

Meet the audience

"Star China: Sanxingdui Jinsha Ancient Shu Civilization Exhibition"

Enter the countdown to the rollover

What is the appeal of these exhibits?

What is behind the restoration of the exhibits?

An interesting story that no one knows?

Today at 17:30

Lock in "Youth Shanghai" station B

Let's go with UP Lord @ I'm Superman cr

Through the millennium, skillfully painted Sanxingdui

Break a million! "The best is yet to come"

Author: Youth Daily Shanghai reporter Li Liang

Poster drawing: Zi Mu Chaochao

Editor in charge: Hertz

Reviewer: Shen Xiaodi

Final review: Wenxin

Break a million! "The best is yet to come"
