
Your baby grows up and is not close to you, there are these 3 signs in childhood, don't take it seriously

author:Almighty hot mom plus

Author |Inspector (1532 words in total, about 4 minutes read)

When I see the child I have worked so hard to grow up and is not close to me, when the parents feel how disappointed they are.

Your baby grows up and is not close to you, there are these 3 signs in childhood, don't take it seriously

Many parents will find that their children will play or chat with them when they are young;

But when I grew up, I became less and less close to myself, and I don't know why.

In fact, children who are not close to their parents when they grow up often have some manifestations and omens when they are young, and there may be some reasons behind these performances that are worth pondering, but parents are not aware of them.

Your baby grows up and is not close to you, there is an omen in childhood, don't take it seriously

Your baby grows up and is not close to you, there are these 3 signs in childhood, don't take it seriously

I don't like to have physical contact with my parents

Some children are able to communicate and chat with their parents normally, but they just don't want to have physical contact with their parents, which may be due to their lack of intimate interaction and chat with their parents when they are young.

Physical contact between parents and children, such as hugging and holding hands, is one of the important ways to establish emotional connection.

Your baby grows up and is not close to you, there are these 3 signs in childhood, don't take it seriously

However, some children show a reluctance to be intimate with their parents from an early age, which may be due to several reasons:

1. Lack of parental affection.

Some children have grown up with the elderly since childhood, and naturally the relationship with their parents is not so deep.

And some parents may be too busy with work or other matters to find time to interact with their children intimately.

Then, if the child lacks the experience of being loved and concerned for a long time since childhood, he will naturally not and is unwilling to have physical contact and deeper communication with his parents.

Your baby grows up and is not close to you, there are these 3 signs in childhood, don't take it seriously

2. Parental discipline is too harsh.

Some parents may be too strict and cold, causing children to be afraid to take the initiative to get close and chat with their parents.

Even some children have been subjected to corporal punishment or scolding by their parents when they were young, thus forming a psychological shadow and fearing their parents, so when they grow up, they also resist physical contact with their parents, unwilling to have too much communication with their parents, and even their feelings become weaker and weaker.

Your baby grows up and is not close to you, there are these 3 signs in childhood, don't take it seriously

3. There is a problem with the family atmosphere.

If the family relationship is strained, the parents often quarrel, and only care about the child's grades, then the child will also instinctively feel alienated from the family, and will not feel the love of the parents, and will not want to have too much interaction with the parents.

Therefore, we need to cultivate a close relationship with our children from an early age, cuddle them more, talk to them, go out to play, etc.

Enhance parent-child bonding through physical contact and lay a positive foundation for children's healthy and happy growth.

Your baby grows up and is not close to you, there are these 3 signs in childhood, don't take it seriously

Do not ask for help if you are in difficulty

Children are supposed to be dependent on their parents when they are young, but if children are reluctant to ask their parents for help when they encounter problems, it may be because they do not usually feel valued or understood, and parents always treat their children from the perspective of adults.

So, some children don't take the initiative to ask their parents for help even when they are in trouble, and this may be due to the following reasons:

1. Parents neglect their children's needs too much.

Some parents may be too focused on their career or life to ignore their child's needs, which makes the child feel neglected.

Gradually, they learn to solve problems on their own and are reluctant to seek help from their parents.

Your baby grows up and is not close to you, there are these 3 signs in childhood, don't take it seriously

2. Parents are unable to provide effective support.

Sometimes, children turn to their parents for help, only to find that the parents don't really understand or help them solve their problems.

This leaves the child feeling disappointed and helpless, and gradually losing the confidence to seek help from the parents.

3. Parental discipline is too harsh.

Some parents may always shift the responsibility to their children and scold their children when they ask for help, and if children are always criticized or punished by their parents when they are young, they will lose trust in their parents and are not willing to ask their parents for help.

Therefore, parents should take the initiative to pay attention to their children's needs, listen patiently and give appropriate support, and gain the trust of their children, so that children can take the initiative to discuss and solve problems when they encounter problems in the future, and follow their parents' suggestions.

Your baby grows up and is not close to you, there are these 3 signs in childhood, don't take it seriously

Likes to talk back

A child's penchant for talking back may stem from a child's lack of good communication skills and parental guidance.

Some children often have a tendency to talk back or argue against their parents, which may be due to the following reasons:

Your baby grows up and is not close to you, there are these 3 signs in childhood, don't take it seriously

1. Lack of effective communication.

Some children lack good presentation and listening skills and find it difficult to communicate sincerely with their parents.

When they want to express their opinions, they will choose confrontational methods, such as talking back, quibbling, etc.

2. Improper parental discipline.

Some parents may be too authoritative, dignified, unwilling to listen to their children's ideas, and always on top, which makes children feel suppressed and not understood.

In order to express themselves, they can only take an adversarial approach.

Your baby grows up and is not close to you, there are these 3 signs in childhood, don't take it seriously

3. The family atmosphere is not harmonious.

If the family is often full of quarrels and confrontations, then the child is prone to learn this irritable way of communication and develop the habit of talking back.

Therefore, we need to learn to communicate with children in an equal and respectful manner, guide them to express their thoughts calmly, and develop good communication skills.

Only when parents have the patience to guide their children can children learn to communicate with their parents in a more rational and understanding way, and establish a closer parent-child relationship.

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Children who are not close to their parents when they grow up tend to have some common behaviors when they are young, and these manifestations often stem from the lack of good parent-child relationship and interaction in the child's growth process.

As parents, we should take the initiative to pay attention to our children, give them enough love and intimate interaction, cultivate their trust and closeness to their families, and let them feel the warmth and support of the family.

Only through long-term and sustained efforts can we help children solve the troubles and difficulties of growing up, establish a close relationship with their parents, and let them better integrate into society and live a happier life.

Parents, has your child ever behaved like this?

(Picture from the Internet)