
There is no cap on the monthly salary of 40,000 yuan, and you work 4 hours a day? Is it the work of the gods, or is it playing "edge ball"?


If there is such a job in front of you

It has a monthly salary of 40,000 yuan, and there is no upper limit

A day of work takes only 4 hours

There are no KPIs yet, and there are no food and shelters

Are you tempted?

There is no cap on the monthly salary of 40,000 yuan, and you work 4 hours a day? Is it the work of the gods, or is it playing "edge ball"?

This job is

"Child Growth Companion"

Recently, on major social media

Suddenly, a large number of "child growth companions" poured out

Recruitment posts and experience sharing posts

There is no cap on the monthly salary of 40,000 yuan, and you work 4 hours a day? Is it the work of the gods, or is it playing "edge ball"?
There is no cap on the monthly salary of 40,000 yuan, and you work 4 hours a day? Is it the work of the gods, or is it playing "edge ball"?

Some posts use the quiet work content of the years to attract job seekers with high-paying job search dreams, or popularize science as a person who has come before There are many holes behind this profession, but they hope that you will become the next "child growth companion". Similar posts have attracted the attention of many job seekers.

There is no cap on the monthly salary of 40,000 yuan, and you work 4 hours a day? Is it the work of the gods, or is it playing "edge ball"?

What exactly does a "child growth companion" do?

Sounds so good work

Does it really exist?

According to various sharing posts, the work content of the "Child Growth Companion" focuses on a "companionship", accompanying children to study, exercise, and play, observing children's habits and guiding adjustments in companionship. However, at present, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has not yet had a clear definition and classification of this profession.


The starting salary can be doubled at will

As a candidate, the reporter contacted a number of institutions that have a certain number of fans on social platforms. The staff of the first agency revealed that because the place of work is family, they cannot pay social security and do not have to pay taxes. At the beginning, the staff told reporters that the starting salary was only 8,000 yuan. However, when the reporter questioned whether the words "high education can earn tens of thousands of dollars a month" and "no cap" displayed on the Internet were gimmicks, the staff immediately changed their words, saying that the starting salary could be given to about 16,000 yuan.

There is no cap on the monthly salary of 40,000 yuan, and you work 4 hours a day? Is it the work of the gods, or is it playing "edge ball"?

Another agency told reporters that "intermediary commissions" are also common in this industry. According to the commission rule, the service fee is 20% of the first month's salary, and if it is not done for a full month, the service fee will be refunded in proportion to the actual working time for one month. Moreover, you can pay for one time and work for 3 months.

There is no cap on the monthly salary of 40,000 yuan, and you work 4 hours a day? Is it the work of the gods, or is it playing "edge ball"?

The reporter's investigation also found that a number of agencies require job seekers to provide English self-introduction videos, and one agency also bluntly said that academic qualifications are only one aspect, and the important thing is to look at spoken English and experience.

But it's exactly what it describes

Is it easy to have more money?

Xin Xin (pseudonym) from Shanghai, is a "child growth companion" with a monthly salary of 40,000 yuan, and before entering the industry, she was a "teacher and trainer" with more than ten years of work experience. So far, she has only served one family. She told reporters that the uncapped income on the Internet is too exaggerated, and the actual value of the "child growth companion" does not match the high salary. She said frankly that a college student who has just graduated from a prestigious school must not be able to talk about the concept of education, and the hard conditions are good, but the core is whether they can take care of their children.

Sinsin also pointed out that there is no virtuous circle between job seekers coming for high salaries and parents eager to find good "child companions", and that "there are too many people who don't know how to educate and do education".

Miao Miao, a post-00s returnee, has just entered the industry, and she told reporters that this job is more like a maid. Not only does she need to tutor her, but she also needs to be responsible for the children's daily life, and her employer's requirements for the family environment are almost strict: no water stains on the glass after bathing; There must not be a hair on the ground; Bed linen should be laid out without wrinkles...... For her, it already took a lot of effort to get it done.

Laura and several partners set up a related consulting service company in Shanghai, but it was not as easy to make money as they imagined. She bluntly said that the "child growth companion" earns 20% of people's money, in addition, most of the children faced by this profession are 2-10 years old, too young to need a sister-in-law, and more than 10 years old need single-subject tutoring.

There is no cap on the monthly salary of 40,000 yuan, and you work 4 hours a day? Is it the work of the gods, or is it playing "edge ball"?

Employers communicate with Laura about feedback from the Growth Companion

As for social security, Laura said that the reason why many institutions are unable to pay social security to job seekers at present is that the agency does not directly sign a labor contract with the job seeker, but builds a bridge of communication between the job seeker and the employer, and charges a certain intermediary fee. Although some employers will attach the social security of "child growth companions" to their own companies, they are also a minority.

But there are also netizens who are interested in

This form of work raises questions

"Child Development Companion" and "Tutor"

What's the difference?

Whether it's playing a sideshow

Is it actually doing subject education?

Xin Xin told reporters that in her work, she will not actually participate in children's homework tutoring, but more to teach some educational methods, "I think the 'child growth companion' is more about solving educational problems from the root and influencing children with positive language." Laura also said that they hope to weaken the role of chemistry education in children's growth companions, and advocate that companions can guide children's learning habits and behavioral habits, including the establishment of three views.

Laura also pointed out that many people are exposed to this industry because they have taken a fancy to the various propaganda of self-media on social media as a way to get rich. But graduates still have to think clearly about the purpose of entering this industry, although it can achieve the accumulation of wealth, but there is also an unimaginable bitterness behind the glamorous job.

Xiong Bingqi, president of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, pointed out that some institutions package subject training teachers as "child growth companions", which is actually playing a side game, and subject training for preschool children and primary school students is now clearly opposed by the education department. There should be no confusion between the duties of a domestic service, the duties of a school teacher and the duties of parents. ”

There is no cap on the monthly salary of 40,000 yuan, and you work 4 hours a day? Is it the work of the gods, or is it playing "edge ball"?

Shanghai News Broadcasting is synthesized from the Morning News

Editor: Wang Zheyan

Editor in charge: Yan Ping

There is no cap on the monthly salary of 40,000 yuan, and you work 4 hours a day? Is it the work of the gods, or is it playing "edge ball"?

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