
The top ten saints of ancient times, the tea saint, the martial saint, the painting saint, the poetry saint, and the most holy, how many do you know?

author:History Book Lingxuan Pavilion

10, Tea Saint - Lu Yu

Lu Yu, a famous tea ceremony expert in the Tang Dynasty.

Lu Yu became an outcast because of his ugly appearance, and was later adopted by monks. In the pure land of Buddhism with green lights and yellow scrolls, Lu Yu heard the sound of Zhong Fan, learned to read and write, and also learned the way to make tea. One day, he used the "Book of Changes" to predict his future, and obtained the "Gradually" hexagram, the hexagram shows the scenery of the wild goose soaring in the sky, the road in all directions is unimpeded, the double feathers are moving, harmonious and orderly, which is a good omen. Deeply touched, Lu Yu took this surname as "Lu", took the name "Yu", and even took the word "Hongji". Although he was immersed in the sound of Buddha every day, Lu Yu had no intention of taking refuge and did not want to cut his hair to become a monk, he had a wider sky waiting to soar.

Lu Yu made great contributions to the ancient study of tea and the tea ceremony, and wrote the world's first book on tea, the Book of Tea. Lu Yu's "Book of Tea" is the symbol of mainland tea culture, "Book of Tea" has a total of ten chapters, more than 7,000 words, describing the origin, production, boiling, tasting, etc. of tea.

The top ten saints of ancient times, the tea saint, the martial saint, the painting saint, the poetry saint, and the most holy, how many do you know?

9, the word saint - Su Shi

In the field of Song poetry, Su Shi is definitely an insurmountable peak and a well-known bold lyricist. Not only in poetry, Su Shi is also highly accomplished in prose, calligraphy, and painting.

Su Shi, a literati with ups and downs in the sea, has profound experience and unique vision, and can always find deep meaning in life and nature. In his poems, ordinary scenes are full of profound philosophies, such as poems such as "Title of the Western Forest Wall", which are both beautiful and full of reason, and are deeply loved by the world.

Su Shi's spiritual insight allowed him to remain calm and open in the ups and downs of honor and disgrace. His poetic art was at its peak, and he could write almost anything. In the Northern Song Dynasty poetry circle, although each style is unique, when it comes to creative achievements, Su Shi undoubtedly dominates, and his artistic inclusiveness is also very strong, and he does not advocate the same style. Su Shi left us many masterpieces that have been passed down through the ages, and died in Jiangsu at the age of 65, nicknamed Wenzhong.

The top ten saints of ancient times, the tea saint, the martial saint, the painting saint, the poetry saint, and the most holy, how many do you know?

8, poetry saint - Du Fu

Du Fu, together with Li Bai, is called "Li Du". Du Fu's works have had a great influence on the development of Tang poetry and Chinese poetry, and more than 1,500 of his classic poems have been preserved. Du Fu's masterpieces are "Three Officials" and "Three Farewells", with a rigorous and heavy style, which is in stark contrast to Li Bai's unrestrained and uninhibited imagination.

Du Fu's poems are a fusion of various styles, from Gu Sai Qiuyun to ordinary people, reflecting his deep emotions and concern for social reality. His poems are not only emotional, but also have unique imagery, and the multiple meanings contained in a single sentence show his outstanding literary talent. Du Fu's poetic style is both deep and varied, expressing both pride and delicacy.

Du Fu's creative pursuit is amazing, and every sentence has been carefully crafted, making his poetry language concise and vivid, which deeply touches the hearts of readers.

The top ten saints of ancient times, the tea saint, the martial saint, the painting saint, the poetry saint, and the most holy, how many do you know?

7, painting saint - Wu Daozi

Wu Daozi, a famous painter of the Tang Dynasty, came from a poor family when he was young, but he showed an amazing talent in the field of painting. At the beginning, he entered the public service as a county lieutenant, but soon resigned to concentrate on painting. Wu Daozi is good at painting people, birds and beasts, landscapes, and turtles, and his classic works include "Confucian Statue", "Huaqing Palace", "River and Sea Galloping Map" and so on.

Wu Daozi is very famous in the painting world because of his outstanding Danqing skills. In 713 AD, Wu Daozi was summoned to Chang'an by Tang Xuanzong, entered the palace to worship, served as a doctor of internal teaching, and needed to paint according to the order. After entering the palace, Wu Daozi often waved in the palace and traveled with Xuanzong. Once, in Luoyang, Wu Daozi and the general Pei Min and the calligrapher Zhang Xu got together, and the three of them showed their strengths: Pei Min danced the sword like flying, Zhang Xu cursive like a dragon and snake swimming, and Wu Daozi also became a painting in an instant, as if a stroke of genius.

The top ten saints of ancient times, the tea saint, the martial saint, the painting saint, the poetry saint, and the most holy, how many do you know?

6, the sage of books - Wang Xizhi

Wang Xizhi was a famous calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Wang Xizhi was born in a famous family in the Wei and Jin dynasties, and studied calligraphy when he was young, and devoted great efforts to it.

Wang Xizhi, who was already good at writing at the age of seven, not only absorbed nutrients from Wang's calligraphy family, but also read the previous generation's "Pen Theory" at the age of twelve, deepening his understanding of calligraphy. In his early years, he learned from his aunt Wei Shuo, and later learned from others, finding inspiration from the works of masters such as Li Si, Cao Xi, Zhong Jue, and Cai Yong. He did not imitate stereotypes, but skillfully integrated the strengths of each family to form his own unique style, integrating the brushwork of the Qin and Han dynasties into the Zhenxing cursive style, thus opening up a new world of calligraphy.

Wang Xizhi was proficient in subordination, grass, Kai, and line, and got rid of the style of writing in the Han and Wei dynasties. His pinnacle work "Orchid Pavilion Preface" is known as the first book in the world.

The top ten saints of ancient times, the tea saint, the martial saint, the painting saint, the poetry saint, and the most holy, how many do you know?

5, Martial Saint - Guan Yu

Guan Yu, a famous general in the late Han Dynasty, was praised as "Megatron China" in Chen Shou's Three Kingdoms. Guan Yu was the first general of Shu Han, and killed Yan Liang in the crowd of ten thousand troops on the White Horse Slope; After the Battle of Chibi, in order to attack Nanjun, Guan Yu's troops cut off the north road and blocked a large number of Cao Wei reinforcements; In the twenty-fourth year of Jian'an, Guan Yu led the army to attack Xiangfan, flooded the Seventh Army, captured Pang De, and forced Cao Cao to move the capital to avoid Guan Yu's edge.

The Martial Saint has actually undergone changes in ancient times. At the beginning, Jiang Taigong, the martial saint, was Jiang Ziya. Later, the title of Martial Saint became Yue Fei. Later, the title of Martial Saint gradually became Guan Yu.

The top ten saints of ancient times, the tea saint, the martial saint, the painting saint, the poetry saint, and the most holy, how many do you know?

4, medical saint - Zhang Zhongjing

Zhang Zhongjing, a famous medical scientist in the Eastern Han Dynasty, was a pioneer and founder of the field of medicine in mainland China. In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, when the war was raging, Zhang Zhongjing was benevolent, ran around to practice medicine, hung pots to help the world, and wrote the book "Treatise on Typhoid Fever and Miscellaneous Diseases", in which the medical theory expounded is the soul of Chinese medicine.

Deeply inspired by ancient medical books such as Su Wen, Zhang Zhongjing defined typhoid fever as a general term for all external diseases, and then innovatively developed the insight of "Six Classics on Typhoid Fever". He is not only diligent in ancient teachings, but also devoted himself to collecting various effective prescriptions and folk prescriptions, and conducting in-depth research on a variety of treatment techniques. After decades of hard work, he gathered a wealth of clinical practice and materials to create "Treatise on Typhoid Fever and Miscellaneous Diseases". This book was widely respected in later generations, and after being sorted out and passed down by famous doctors in the past dynasties, it eventually evolved into two medical classics, "Treatise on Typhoid Fever" and "Jin Kui Yaolu".

The top ten saints of ancient times, the tea saint, the martial saint, the painting saint, the poetry saint, and the most holy, how many do you know?

3, Shi Sheng - Sima Qian

Sima Qian, a great historian and writer of the Western Han Dynasty. Sima Qian's justification for Li Ling's surrender to the Xiongnu angered Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and was sentenced to palace punishment. However, Sima Qian did not sink negatively, he compiled the first general history of Chinese history "Historical Records", which is the first of the "Twenty-five History", and was called by Lu Xun "the swan song of the historian, the rhyme of the separation".

Sima Qian inherited his father's ambition and devoted himself to exploring the connection between ancient and modern changes and heaven and man. He was deeply engaged in the study of astrology, and in the historical changes from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Qin and Han dynasties, he had insight into the periodic changes of the heavenly fortunes, and proposed the law of small changes in 30 years, medium changes in 100 years, and great changes in 500 years, so as to interpret the mystery of "the occasion of heaven and man". In addition, Sima Qian also revealed the basic principles of astronomy, the regular movement of the sun and the moon, and the periodic looming of unchanging stars and planets in the starry sky, all of which can provide clues for people to predict the changes of everything in the world. All this reflects Sima Qian's deep understanding and application of astronomy.

The top ten saints of ancient times, the tea saint, the martial saint, the painting saint, the poetry saint, and the most holy, how many do you know?

2. Yasheng - Mencius

Mencius, a great thinker during the Warring States Period and a representative of Confucianism, is also known as "Confucius and Mencius" together with Confucius, and his classic work "Mencius" is an important academic work of Confucianism. Mencius's masterpieces such as "Fish I Want" and "Many Helpers for the Righteous, Little Help for the Unjust" have been compiled into high school Chinese textbooks.

Mencius lost his father at an early age and spent difficult times with his mother. For his growth, Meng's mother moved to her home three times, and it became a good story. Mencius later traveled to many countries, and although he was not reused, he accumulated profound life experience. In his later years, he returned to his hometown to impart his ideas with his disciples and wrote the book Mencius. Mencius's ideas were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and had a profound impact on later generations, especially in the development of Confucianism. His concept of "people-oriented" and his emphasis on "power" have injected new vitality into Confucianism.

The top ten saints of ancient times, the tea saint, the martial saint, the painting saint, the poetry saint, and the most holy, how many do you know?

1. The Most Holy - Confucius

Confucius, the founder of Confucianism, was named the first of the "Top Ten Cultural Celebrities in the World" by UNESCO. Confucius led some of his disciples to travel around the world for 14 years, and in his later years revised the Six Classics, namely "Poems", "Books", "Rites", "Music", "Yi", and "Spring and Autumn". After Confucius's death, his disciples compiled Confucius's words, deeds, and thoughts into the Confucian classic Analects.

Confucius witnessed the chaotic era of the Warring States period in name only, and wars and chaos were frequent. The intensification of contradictions has hindered the development of productive forces, and people's spirit and conviction have also been destroyed. In this context, Confucius put forward the ideas of "benevolence" and "propriety" with a desire for ideals.

He dreamed that people would be like a family, with the old to rely on, the young to raise, and to live in harmony. In reality, he hopes to establish a prosperous world of order, courtesy, benevolence, and faithfulness.

The top ten saints of ancient times, the tea saint, the martial saint, the painting saint, the poetry saint, and the most holy, how many do you know?