
How much money do I need to invest to open and operate a Douyin store? Detailed analysis!

author:E-commerce small V

Hello everyone, I am an e-commerce V

The popularity of the Douyin store project is still the same as it was back then, the main reason is his traffic play, as well as the traffic resources that come with the project, Douyin store is backed by the platform of Douyin, it can be said that the traffic is very large, and the traffic play of Douyin store is mainly to connect with talents, and the live broadcast of talents converts orders into orders, this kind of traffic play is not outdated,

So how much money do we need to invest to open a Douyin store and operate it? Let's talk about it in detail:

How much money do I need to invest to open and operate a Douyin store? Detailed analysis!

(1) Business license fee

We need a business license to open a store, and we can go to the local industrial and commercial bureau to handle the business license for free, or you can go directly to the agency, which is charged, and the price can be done within 300 yuan.

When we apply for a business license, we don't need to apply for a business license, and we can just use an individual license to open a store.

(2) Category deposit

The last step in opening a store is to pay the category deposit, and only after the category deposit is paid can the store be considered successful.

Generally speaking, it is enough to pay 2000-5000 category deposit when we operate the store, which can basically operate about 80% of the commodity category.

(3) Software fees

When we do the store goods on the shelves in the later stage, we need software assistance, generally speaking, the software cost can be done for dozens of yuan.

How much money do I need to invest to open and operate a Douyin store? Detailed analysis!

(4) Sample cost

If you want to convert your own store into a single order, you need to connect with the talent, and the talent will live broadcast the goods to convert the order, and when you cooperate with the talent, you first need to mail a sample to the talent, so the cost of the sample is determined according to the situation.

For example, if the principal of the product is 8 yuan, we need to mail it to 20 talents, then the cost of mailing the product is 160 yuan.

(5) Hardware equipment

We need to use a computer to do a store, it doesn't need to be very good, as long as it can open the computer normally without getting stuck.

(6) Delivery funds

After the store is issued, we need to advance funds to dock with the manufacturer directly by the manufacturer to order the delivery, and wait until the customer confirms the receipt, our delivery funds and the difference between the price of the goods will return to their own accounts, in the early stage, we need to prepare about 5000-10000 delivery funds.

How much money do I need to invest to open and operate a Douyin store? Detailed analysis!

I am Xiao V, a post-90s generation who has been doing e-commerce for 7 years I currently focus on Douyin small store or video number small store, obsessed with e-commerce and silent experience, proficient in product selection logic and platform rules, familiar with e-commerce team management, and now has a team of 70+ people!

There is a specialization in the art industry, and if you have questions, you should ask experienced people for advice, and you will quickly rise yourself without shame in asking.

Official account: E-commerce small V

How much money do I need to invest to open and operate a Douyin store? Detailed analysis!