
Before Liu Bang died, why did he get rid of Fan Xu?

author:A pot of sake in the mountains

Let's talk about Fan Hao first, he is Liu Bang's confidant, a fierce general in the Chu and Han dynasties, and has rescued Liu Bang in danger many times.

Before Liu Bang died, why did he get rid of Fan Xu?

Fan Hao and Liu Bang met very early, supported Liu Bang's Mangdangshan Uprising together, followed Liu Bang to fight in the south and the north early, and made many military exploits.

Later, Liu Bang led the army into the customs and persuaded Liu Bang not to covet power and wealth, return to the army hegemony, and avoid the edge for the time being.

Xiang Yu held a Hongmen banquet and wanted to kill Liu Bang, Fan Hao rushed in to protect Liu Bang, and was appreciated by Xiang Yu, and Xiang Yu felt ashamed of Liu Bang in a few words, and he never meant to kill Liu Bang again.

After that, Liu Bang entered the Hanzhong and has been fighting in all directions, the Chu-Han War, the courage is unparalleled, and the military achievements are outstanding.

Before Liu Bang died, why did he get rid of Fan Xu?
Before Liu Bang died, why did he get rid of Fan Xu?
Before Liu Bang died, why did he get rid of Fan Xu?

After Liu Bang became emperor, Fan Xu served as the main general to conquer the rebels, which can be said to be the stability of the Han Dynasty. has been following Liu Bang since the beginning, he is his beloved general and a brother who was born and died.

The Western Han Dynasty was stable, Fan Xu paid homage to the prime minister, married Lu Hou's sister Lu Xiao as his wife, and Liu Bang was also a relative, but because of this, Fan Xu was almost killed.

Before Liu Bang died, why did he get rid of Fan Xu?

Liu Bang defeated Yingbu and was seriously ill and bedridden, and it happened that the king of Chu was in turmoil, and sent Fan Xu to lead the army to crusade as Xiangguo.

After Fan Hao set out on the expedition, someone said to Liu Bang that Fan Hao and Empress Lu were ready to plot against Liu Bang a hundred years later, and Liu Bang was furious when he heard it. Immediately dispatched Chen Ping to kill Fan Xu, and beheaded him on the spot.

Unexpectedly, Liu Bang died, and Empress Lu's son succeeded to the throne, Chen Ping did not dare to offend Empress Lu, and Fan Hao also escaped.

(The picture comes from the Internet)