
Today, Changning's Chongjun preferential red line officially departed!

author:Shanghai Changning
Today, Changning's Chongjun preferential red line officially departed!

This year is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Shanghai. Today (May 17), the District Veterans Affairs Bureau held a series of activities to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Shanghai and the departure ceremony of the red special line for the preferential treatment of the army.

Today, Changning's Chongjun preferential red line officially departed!

With a loud whistle, the first train of the red line officially departed. During the drive, the narrator used vivid and interesting stories to introduce the real historical events and vivid party history stories behind the red landmarks on the special line, such as the first camp of the liberation of Shanghai, the friendship building of St. John's University (now the Changning Campus of East China University of Political Science and Law), the red culture double-hugging street on Yuyuan Road, the former site of the Shanghai Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Sichuan Road and Bridge, Waibaidu Bridge, Qiyun Pavilion (now Yongan Department Store Tower), the first red flag raised during the liberation of Shanghai, and other red landmarks on the special line, and trace the glorious road walked by the ancestors. The representative of the veteran heroes who participated in the Shanghai Liberation War said: "On May 27, 1949, I will never forget that this was the most glorious page of this city, and I feel extremely honored to join the revolution. ”

Today, Changning's Chongjun preferential red line officially departed!

At Shanghai Radio, everyone listened to the "First Voice of Shanghai's Liberation" and relived this exciting historical moment. When "in the early hours of this morning, the Chinese People's Liberation Army invaded downtown Shanghai, and Greater Shanghai was liberated. After the original sound of this 23-character press release was played, many veteran comrades could not help but shed tears. Zhu Zaiwang, a retired soldier, who has worked for the Shanghai People's Radio for many years, said excitedly: "This short press release announces that the city of Shanghai has ended its drift and returned to the hands of the people. ”

Today, Changning's Chongjun preferential red line officially departed!

It is reported that the Chongjun preferential treatment red research line was jointly developed by the District Veterans Affairs Bureau and the Spring and Autumn Travel Company, aiming to highlight the Changning double-support characteristics of "Rong Changning" and interpret the meaning of "Rong, Rong and Rong". The special line vividly demonstrates the historical achievements and major contributions of the older generation of revolutionary soldiers by integrating many representative red landmarks in the Shanghai Liberation Campaign with the red revolution sites and the red culture double-hugging street in the jurisdiction of Changning.

Today, Changning's Chongjun preferential red line officially departed!
Today, Changning's Chongjun preferential red line officially departed!

In the next step, the District Veterans Affairs Bureau will continue to deepen the development of double-support red cultural tourism, so that red culture can be rooted in the hearts of the masses, especially young people. After the launch of this special line, Changning District will combine important nodes such as August 1st Army Day and 930 Martyrs' Memorial Day to successively launch special buses for retired soldiers and key preferential care objects, widely publicize the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Shanghai, and create a good atmosphere of supporting the army and giving preferential treatment to family members in the whole society.

Today, Changning's Chongjun preferential red line officially departed!

Chen Ying, deputy head of the district, leaders of the District Veterans Affairs Bureau, Jiangsu Road Sub-district Office, Shanghai Spring and Autumn Travel Service Co., Ltd., troops stationed in the district and other units, representatives of veteran heroes who participated in the liberation of Shanghai, survivors of revolutionary martyrs who died in the liberation of Shanghai, representatives of retired military cadres, representatives of revolutionary heroes, representatives of active soldiers, and representatives of students of the Eighth Primary Company attended the event.

Today, Changning's Chongjun preferential red line officially departed!
Today, Changning's Chongjun preferential red line officially departed!

Photo courtesy of the District Veterans Affairs Bureau

Written by: Wu Jiaqian

Editor: Cheng Qian

Editor-in-charge: Yan Wenbin

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

Today, Changning's Chongjun preferential red line officially departed!

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