
Bring a "generous gift"! The wanderer of Jing Cheng recognized his ancestors and returned to his ancestors

author:Windows online

Zhang Milan, Dongjianshan Village, Nanwangzhuang Township, Jingcheng County, never dreamed that she had dealt with Tukela all her life, but in her old age, she became a "full-time worker" who earned wages at the door of her home.

Bring a "generous gift"! The wanderer of Jing Cheng recognized his ancestors and returned to his ancestors

The transformation of Zhang Milan's "identity" benefited from the "birth" of Mazha Factory in Dongjianshan Village. Dongjianshan Village is a remote mountain village with only 128 registered households, more than 430 people, and a permanent population of less than 100, and more than 95% of the people in the village are surnamed Ma. This village is also a "traditional Chinese village" with red stone building materials as the main style, and during the Anti-Japanese War, the seven founding generals of the Republic lived and fought here.

Bring a "generous gift"! The wanderer of Jing Cheng recognized his ancestors and returned to his ancestors

"This factory was built thanks to Mr. Ma." Luan Ruihua, secretary of the village party branch, said that Ma was always the wanderer who was "found" by the Ma family in their village when they were revising the "Ma Family Tree Data". The name of Mr. Ma in Luan Ruihua's mouth is Ma Yongjian. In July 2021, with the support of the two village committees, the revision of the Ma family was officially launched. Ma Yongjian, who co-founded a training and league building company in Beijing, only learned that his ancestral home was Dongjianshan Village, and that his great-grandfather's generation had moved out when the score revisers came to his door. After learning about it, he made a special trip from Beijing to Dongjianshan Village to find his family's ancestral grave, and was warmly received by the two village committees and the clansmen. During this period, when he learned that the two village committees were worried about not being able to find a project to strengthen the collective economy and increase the income of the villagers, he immediately proposed to build a Mazha factory, and he was responsible for the underwriting of products.

Bring a "generous gift"! The wanderer of Jing Cheng recognized his ancestors and returned to his ancestors

"At that time, I felt that the project was feasible." Luan Ruihua said that the biggest advantage of their team is that they have strong execution and do what they recognize. What should I do if I lack start-up capital? The packaging project is striving upward, and the village cadres take the lead in taking the lead. With the efforts of the two village committees, a total of more than 70 yuan was raised to build factories and buy equipment...... At the beginning of April this year, the Mazha plant in Dongjianshan Village was officially put into operation, and nine villagers, including Zhang Milan, became the first employees here, with an average age of more than 55 years old. "I don't get tired of work, I don't delay my family's affairs, and I can earn a small thousand yuan a month." Zhang said that her job is to put on a strap for the pony.

"We are responsible for production, and Mr. Ma is responsible for sales." Luan Ruihua said that now more than 500 can be processed a day, and sold to all parts of the country through the e-commerce platform of the Ma head office, with an average net profit of nearly 2 yuan per Mazha. Next, they will mobilize more villagers to join the company and further expand the scale of production. She is confident that Xiaomazha will become a pillar industry for strengthening the village and enriching the people.

"You must focus on Mr. Tima." At the end of the interview, Luan Ruihua repeatedly told the reporter of the county financial media center that Mr. Ma was very concerned about the development of their village, and now the agricultural products such as vermicelli, honey, and mountain leek flowers in the village were also sold by Mr. Ma, and the whole village was very moved and grateful.

Author | Sail