
"Red-eyed" Sino-Russian relations? Someone couldn't sit still

author:There is reason and face

Love that goes both ways is meaningful, and so is friendship, and even more so is the relationship between countries.

On 16 May, as soon as Putin settled his domestic affairs, he immediately began his visit to China without stopping, and he did not hide his eagerness.

Putin's visit to China has attracted great attention from the media around the world. Russia attaches great importance to this visit, which can also be seen from the lineup of follow-up personnel.

Putin's follow-up delegation was large and luxurious, including five deputy prime ministers of the Russian government, who were responsible for the economic, social, energy, resource development, and tourism and cultural fields.

In addition, the newly appointed Minister of Defense Belousov, the newly appointed Secretary of the Federal Security Council, former Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov are also key figures in the Russian government.

"Red-eyed" Sino-Russian relations? Someone couldn't sit still

In addition, a number of key departments have also come, including the Federal Financial Testing Service, the Military-Technical Cooperation Service, the State Space Agency, the railway company, the State Atomic Energy Agency and many others.

Looking at Russia's posture, it is eager to call all important functional departments, what is all-round cooperation? Just look at the lineup of Russia's visit to China.

Moreover, on May 7, Putin was just sworn in as a new president in Russia, starting his fifth presidential term.

You must know that the choice of the country to visit for the first time after the leader of a country takes office is very particular, and it represents the direction of the country's foreign policy during the leader's term of office, so Putin's visit to China is of great significance to both China and Russia.

"Red-eyed" Sino-Russian relations? Someone couldn't sit still

There are friends from afar, and they are happy.

At four o'clock in the morning, Putin's special plane arrived in Beijing, and it can be seen from the live broadcast that we not only laid out the red carpet at the airport to welcome guests, but also dispatched a guard of honor and a state guest escort to greet us, which can be said to be the highest standard reception.

Speaking of this, it can't help but remind people of the shabby scene of Blinken's visit to China, which really responds to the lyrics of a song: "When a friend comes, there is good wine, if the jackal comes, there is a shotgun to greet it."

Seeing the rapid warming of relations between China and Russia, I don't know if I am jealous, and the United States and the West seem to be unable to sit still. Just before and after Putin's visit to China, he made another small move in an attempt to stir up relations between China and Russia by creating public opinion.

"Red-eyed" Sino-Russian relations? Someone couldn't sit still

French Radio and Television said in an article that although Putin's visit to China this time shows the "unity" between China and Russia, this "unity" relationship has been reversed in terms of power, and Russia, the former "big brother", has now become a "little brother".

He also said that the relationship between China and Russia is not equal now, and Russia's dependence on China has become more and more serious, so China is dominating Sino-Russian relations, and Russia has lost its pricing power in trade with China.

In addition, the US "Newsweek" also published an article falsely claiming that the economic and trade relations between China and Russia are developing in an increasingly unfair direction, and that China is showing an increasingly tough posture in Sino-Russian trade, so that Russia has to sell its goods at a lower price.

The United States and the West have used this unique "narrative" technique very skillfully, but they seem to have forgotten who has been doing the thing of sanctioning Russia. Nowadays, the US and Western media seem to be thinking about Russia's interests and fearing that Russia will suffer losses.

"Red-eyed" Sino-Russian relations? Someone couldn't sit still

How can this kind of "divisive strategy" that people can see through at a glance shake the long and solid diplomatic relations between China and Russia?

In addition to stirring up momentum through public opinion, the United States also sent Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Treasury Secretary Yellen to visit China one after another before Putin's visit to China, with the main purpose of putting pressure on China on the issue of Sino-Russian cooperation. In addition, the United States has also imposed sanctions on Chinese companies on the grounds that they support Russia's revival of its military industry.

The series of actions taken by the United States and the West before and after Putin's visit to China have only one purpose, that is, to try to create a gap between China and Russia. Because the United States and Western countries are very worried that the deepening cooperation between China and Russia will greatly reduce the effect of their sanctions against Russia.

This will further dismantle the so-called "international order" established by the United States and Western countries, and show the world the decline of its hegemony.

"Red-eyed" Sino-Russian relations? Someone couldn't sit still

In fact, the worries of the United States and Western countries are not unreasonable. Due to the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the United States and the West wanted to use the war to drag Russia down, so the United States and Western countries imposed extensive sanctions on Russia, which really put Russia's economy in trouble for a period of time.

Now that the road to the West is blocked, Russia has turned its attention to China in the East. According to the data, the trade volume between China and Russia in 2019 was more than 110 billion US dollars, and in 2023, the trade volume between the two countries increased to an all-time high of 240 billion US dollars, more than doubling directly, and Russia's GDP in 2023 also maintained a growth rate of 3.6%, which is even higher than the United States and Western countries that imposed sanctions on it.

"Red-eyed" Sino-Russian relations? Someone couldn't sit still

This has created an interesting fact, in the face of comprehensive sanctions from the United States and the West, Russia has not only defused the crisis by strengthening cooperation with China, but has even become the largest economy in Europe because of the sanctions imposed by the United States and the West.

"Red-eyed" Sino-Russian relations? Someone couldn't sit still

Russia's economic growth against the trend reflects the need for deeper cooperation in trade between China and Russia amid tensions, as the various suppressive and containment policies of the United States against China and Russia are bound to promote closer cooperation between China and Russia in various fields.

There is an old Chinese saying, "Vote for me with a peach, repay it with Qiong Yao", Russia sent a luxury team to visit China, showing enough sincerity, and we will never treat our friends badly.

It is believed that through Putin's visit to China, China and Russia will further deepen the relationship between the two countries as a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership and continue to lead the world in the direction of multipolarization.

As stated in the Sino-Russian joint statement, China and Russia have always adhered to the principle of non-alignment, non-confrontation and non-targeting of any third party in developing bilateral relations, setting an example of peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation among major countries.

"Red-eyed" Sino-Russian relations? Someone couldn't sit still

This not only conforms to the fundamental interests of the two countries and two peoples, but is also conducive to peace, stability, and prosperity in the region and the world at large.