
That's cool! Jointly recommended by a number of academicians!

author:China Petroleum News
That's cool! Jointly recommended by a number of academicians!

What is the origin of oil and the process of extraction

And how it formed in the ground

What kind of technology and equipment are needed to mine oil

People eat, wear, live, use, and travel

What does it have to do with oil

It is introduced in this book jointly recommended by many academicians

Come on, let's go find out together

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Chairman of the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

Dai Houliang

Where is the oil? It is closely related to everyone in the endless wasteland of the Gobi, in the unfathomable underwater world, and in everyone's clothing, food, housing, use, and transportation. "Exploring Oil: Black Treasure Hidden in the Ground" shows the whole process of oil exploration, development, storage and transportation, refining and application in an all-round way through intuitive and interesting cartoons from the perspective of a drop of oil, so that children can embark on a wonderful journey of oil exploration.

"Exploring Oil: Black Treasures Hidden Underground" is a picture book that is "informative", "interesting" and "hearty". "Material", the book contains a wealth of popular science knowledge points, so that children of different ages can "eat thoroughly"; "Interesting", easy-to-understand comics can stimulate children's interest in exploration; "Heart", the sense of companionship carefully created in the book, allows petroleum science popularization to enter the children's inner world, sow the seeds of scientific dreams, stimulate their curiosity, imagination, and desire to explore, and feel the beauty of oil, energy, and science and technology.

It is believed that after reading this book, the children can become "little experts" in the energy industry, better understand the status and role of oil, understand the finite and non-renewable nature of oil, and cherish and use petroleum resources more rationally. At the same time, it is hoped that the children will cultivate the potential of scientists, improve their scientific literacy, and contribute to the construction of a world science and technology power and an energy power in the future.

That's cool! Jointly recommended by a number of academicians!

This is an enlightenment book about petroleum knowledge, which is both easy to understand and has depth of knowledge, and has both knowledge learning and popular science education attributes, so it is recommended that children and parents read it together.

——Li Desheng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Curiosity is the driving force behind scientific exploration and the key to unraveling the mysteries of oil, and this book can open children's imagination about oil.

——Qiu Zhongjian, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

This is a fascinating oil science picture book, leading children through hundreds of millions of years, for children through the context of oil development, embark on a magical journey of oil exploration.

——Zou Cai, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

That's cool! Jointly recommended by a number of academicians!

Exploring Oil: Black Treasures Hidden Underground

Author: Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China, Petroleum Industry Press

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the equal importance of scientific popularization and scientific and technological innovation, and promote the public's scientific understanding of petroleum, China National Petroleum Corporation and the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China jointly planned and published the popular science book "Exploring Oil: Black Treasures Hidden in the Ground" (hereinafter referred to as "Exploring Oil").

This book is prefaced by Dai Houliang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and jointly recommended by Li Desheng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qiu Zhongjian, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Zou Cai, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

That's cool! Jointly recommended by a number of academicians!

The book starts with the content that children are interested in and close to their daily life, and takes children on a wonderful journey of oil exploration with intuitive and interesting comics. In the book, following the playful "little oil droplets", you can explore the origin and exploitation process of oil, you can understand how oil is formed underground, understand what kind of technology and equipment is needed to dig oil, and understand how oil profoundly affects people's eating, wearing, living, using and traveling, so that children can understand the status and role of oil, understand the finite and non-renewable nature of oil, and cherish and use petroleum resources more rationally.

That's cool! Jointly recommended by a number of academicians!

The book has developed an entertaining and educational puzzle assembly cultural and creative product - "kowtow machine". The children assemble it by themselves, understand the principle and performance of the "kowtow machine" in the construction, and finally realize the operation of the "kowtow machine" through their own efforts, which stimulates the children's spirit of exploration. This cultural and creative product can not only be assembled into a "kowtow machine", but also assembled into windmills, swings, etc., which can be both manual and electric, allowing children to explore unlimited assembly possibilities.

That's cool! Jointly recommended by a number of academicians!
That's cool! Jointly recommended by a number of academicians!
That's cool! Jointly recommended by a number of academicians!

Educational and assembled cultural and creative products supporting books.





Light up your child's scientific dreams

Author: Tan Hui

On a weekend afternoon, the peace at home is shattered by the cheers of children. He was bouncing excitedly around the living room, holding in his hands a model that had just been assembled — a pumping unit. This small achievement stems from a set of popular science books that he has recently indulged in - "Exploring Oil: Black Treasures Hidden Underground".

This set of books is not only a carrier of knowledge, but also a window for children to get a glimpse of the mysterious world of oil.

From the perspective of "small oil droplets", the book visualizes the whole process of oil exploration, development, storage and transportation, refining, and application as a wonderful journey—from the oil reservoirs deep underground, to the ubiquitous petroleum products such as clothes and toys in daily life. The book turns a seemingly distant subject into a fascinating scientific adventure, and the child is the brave "little explorer" who gradually delves into the wonderful world of oil, broadening his horizons in a light-hearted reading experience. As a parent, I am very pleased with my child's curiosity about science and desire to explore the unknown.

It is worth mentioning that this book not only tells the story of oil, but also cleverly implants the concept of environmental protection in the hearts of children. The finite nature of petroleum resources and environmental protection are the themes that are repeatedly emphasized throughout the book. After learning this knowledge, children begin to think about how to use resources wisely and how to protect our planet. This kind of thinking is different from passive acceptance in the classroom, but comes from the conscious reflection of the heart - children begin to save water and electricity in their daily lives, start to insist on using eco-friendly bags in supermarkets, start to care about environmental issues in the news, and even start to imagine themselves as little guardians of the earth. I was amazed and delighted to see such a change. Thanks to this book, it fosters a sense of responsibility in children.

The puzzle assembly model, which complements the picture book, perfectly combines learning and entertainment, allowing children to learn in the game, both hands-on and brain-moving. In the process of assembling models such as pumping units, windmills, and swings, the children not only exercised their hands-on ability, but also understood the scientific principles of these devices. This three-dimensional learning method makes knowledge accessible and greatly enhances children's fun and sense of accomplishment in learning.

The picture book "Exploring Oil: Black Treasure Hidden in the Ground" and its puzzle assembly model not only enrich the child's extracurricular life and increase his knowledge reserve, but more importantly, it sows the seeds of science in the children's hearts and lights up the children's scientific dreams. I am confident that this book will be a beacon of light on the child's journey to the world of science. As a parent, I am proud to provide such learning resources to my children, and I hope that my children can continue to move forward on the road of scientific exploration and bravely pursue their dreams.

Petroleum science is interesting and not boring at all

This book is so cool! It's also super fun to assemble the model! In the past, I only knew that oil was used to refuel, but through this book, I learned about the discovery of oil from thousands of meters deep underground to the various uses in our lives, like following the adventure of a drop of oil. The comics were fun, they didn't look boring at all, and they also taught a lot of new things, such as how oil is formed and why there are so many different oils. There are also many stories about scientists and environmental protection in the book, which made me feel that studying petroleum science is not only useful, but also protects the planet!

——The fifth grade of Hepingli No. 1 Primary School, Dongcheng District, Beijing

Cho Kyung-hyuk

It is my right-hand man and enriches my teaching content

When teaching a natural science course, finding the right teaching materials is always a challenge. This picture book has become my right-hand man. The book simplifies the complex knowledge of petroleum science and technology in the form of comics, so that students can easily understand not only the formation and extraction process of oil, but also the application of technology in modern society. It not only enriches my teaching content, but also allows students to be more actively involved in learning in class.

——Mr. Hu, Huajiadi Experimental Primary School, Chaoyang District, Beijing

It turns out that oil affects every aspect of our lives

Reading "Exploring Oil: Black Treasures Hidden Underground" was a new learning experience for me. The book uses comics to tell the story of oil, which made me learn a lot unconsciously. I particularly enjoyed the part of the book about how oil affects our daily lives, it made me realize the importance of oil, and it also made me think about our dependence on energy and the sustainability of the future. As a student with a passion for science, this book made me interested in petroleum science, and I look forward to delving deeper into this field in the future.

——Li Hongze, fourth grade of Tianjin Wanquan Primary School

It presents petroleum science in a very engaging way

In the course of teaching, I found this to be a very valuable book! It introduces petroleum science in a very engaging way, which is very helpful in stimulating students' interest and understanding complex concepts. I often use this book in class as a starting point for discussions, guiding students to explore the scientific principles of petroleum and its role in modern society. This book not only enriches students' knowledge but also develops their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

——Teacher Zhang, Beijing Yucai School

My child developed a keen interest in oil

As a mom of two, I am very happy with this book. It not only introduces the relevant knowledge of petroleum in the form of cartoons that children love, but also the content is very simple and very suitable for children to read. My children showed a strong interest in the process of reading, and developed a strong curiosity about the formation and exploitation of petroleum and other scientific knowledge, especially the puzzle assembly model, and I can't put it down every day!

——Ms. Wang, parent of a fifth-grade child at Beijing Guangming Primary School

It was like watching a wonderful adventure movie

This book is truly an eye-opener! I've always been curious about how oil is found in the ground and how it becomes a product of our daily lives. The comics and stories in the book made me feel like I was watching a wonderful adventure movie, and every aspect was so engaging. Especially when I saw the environmental part, I realized that we have a responsibility to protect our planet. In addition, the matching model is super rewarding after being assembled!

——Ji Wenhao, third grade of Jianguo Primary School, Linjiang City, Jilin Province

Manuscript Coordinator: Cao Minrui

Editor: Yang Ziyi

Editor-in-charge: He Li

Review: Xiang Aijing