
China Securities Museum: Witness the development of China's capital market


"The establishment of the China Securities Museum is not only to reflect the achievements of China's reform and opening up and capital market construction, but also to record, inherit and popularize the knowledge and culture of financial securities, which is the social responsibility of the museum." In the first open class held by the China Securities Museum, Jiang Yang, a member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, former vice chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and head of the leading group for the preparation of the China Securities Museum, said.

On December 22, 2018, the China Securities Museum, located at No. 15 Huangpu Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai, was officially opened to the public, and its original site was the Pujiang Hotel (formerly known as Licha Hotel), which was founded in the 26th year of Daoguang (1846) of the Qing Dynasty, with a total construction area of 16,563 square meters. The building is like a window into the intersection of history and modernity, where the Shanghai Stock Exchange officially opened on December 19, 1990 at the Pujiang Hotel. It not only carries the history of the reform and opening up of China's capital market, but also the historical witness of the changes in the capital market. However, in just a few years, the China Securities Museum has collected 9,441 pieces of relevant collections and 6,886 pieces of materials, systematically preserving important witnesses of the development of the capital market in mainland China since the late Qing Dynasty.

Documenting the Red Story

China Securities Museum: Witness the development of China's capital market
China Securities Museum: Witness the development of China's capital market

The first red stock was born 100 years ago. In 1922, the Communist Party of China (CPC) led the Anyuan Road miners' strike in Anyuan and won the victory, opening a new era of the party's leadership of the workers' movement. The following year, the Anyuan Road Miners' Consumer Cooperative raised funds through the issuance of shares, and the first red stock came into being. The Anyuan Road miners' strike cultivated important cadres for the early workers' movement led by the party, and also provided valuable practical experience and economic support for the development of the workers' movement in Shanghai and even the whole country. The first red stock represents the early and magnificent workers' movement in Shanghai. This story is clearly displayed in the exhibition "Red Finance, Sparks in the Prairie - The First Red Stock and the Story of the Early Workers' Movement in Shanghai" curated by the China Securities Museum.

"Strength - The Practice and Development of the Capital Market under the Leadership of the Communist Party of China in the Past Century" shows the glorious course of the mainland's capital market to achieve leapfrog development under the leadership of the Party since 1921, and has been selected by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Through 43 sets of important tickets during the period of the New Democratic Revolution, the Socialist Revolution and the Construction Period, the "Paper Torch Ticket Carries the Original Heart-Red Securities Relics Exhibition" tells the red story behind the historical witnesses. During the Agrarian Revolution, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, stocks and bonds played an important role in supporting the Revolutionary War, consolidating the Red regime, resisting foreign invasions, and serving the economic construction of base areas and liberated areas. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Communist Party of China (CPC) continued to explore ways to give play to the positive role of the securities market, and through the issuance of various types of stocks and bonds, it consolidated the nascent people's political power, raised funds for socialist construction, and promoted the country's economic and social construction. These 43 sets of precious tickets lead the audience to trace the marks of the past, stop at the years when the paper bears the torch and the ticket carries the original intention.

As Jiang Yang said, "Shouldering the responsibility of spreading Chinese culture and taking the mission of serving the audience to heart is the principle that we should adhere to to to run the China Securities Museum." Since its opening, the China Securities Museum has launched a series of exhibitions that record the ups and downs of the development of China's capital market, and present the moving experience of New China's financial industry from scratch and from weak to strong.

Reproducing the course of reform

"Sunrise River Flowers and Red Flames - Exhibition of the Reform and Opening-up of China's Capital Market" shows the extraordinary process of China's capital market reform and opening up in the form of scene restoration, physical display and multimedia display, from three parts: "Coming into being", "gradual growth" and "important achievements".

The "Backbone - Red Gene of Listed Companies" exhibition selected 43 listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen, with a total of 73 exhibits/groups, to explore the red stories and touching deeds behind listed companies, and further highlight the leapfrog development of listed companies under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

The relevant person in charge of the China Securities Museum told reporters that up to now, the China Securities Museum has completed 29 oral history interviews and carried out 10 academic research projects, including 8 joint research projects on the history of China's capital market and 2 projects commissioned by external units. published 10 volumes of the series of books "China Securities Museum"; A total of 41 exhibitions have been launched, including 6 permanent exhibitions and 35 temporary exhibitions. A total of about 204,000 group visitors from inside and outside the system such as the National People's Congress, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission have been received, and a total of 1,426 exchange and co-construction activities have been organized by units inside and outside the system.

When the invitation letters, guest certificates, work cards, and market opening hammers of the Beijing Stock Exchange were presented in front of you one by one, the "flowers" moment a few years ago seemed to reappear - at 9 a.m. on November 15, 2021, the Beijing Stock Exchange unveiling and opening ceremony was held in Beijing. At 9:30 a.m., with the ringing of the bell at the opening ceremony, 81 listed companies on the Beijing Stock Exchange appeared in the multi-level capital market with a new attitude, and these innovative small and medium-sized enterprises represented 25 sub-sectors of the national economy, injecting new vitality into the capital market. This history is reproduced in the exhibition "From 'Experimental Field' to 'Whole Market': Retrospect and Prospect of the Reform of the Registration System".

At present, "'From Experimental Field' to 'Whole Market' - Review and Prospect of Registration-based Reform" is focusing on the four major sectors of the Science and Technology Innovation Board, the Growth Enterprise Market, the Beijing Stock Exchange and the Main Board, with graphics, video images and a number of interactive exhibits, showing the Chinese people the reform process and extraordinary achievements of the registration-based system from "experimental field" to "whole market". "Our mission is to continue to tell the story of capital market reform in the new era." The head of the museum told the Financial Times.

China Securities Museum: Witness the development of China's capital market

Source: Financial Times client

Reporter: Li Danlin

Editor: Yu Siqing

Email: [email protected]

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