
Taurus continued to polish the brand of "Wenbancheng", and the new book "Tianfu Phoenix Mountain" was released

author:Palm Taurus

On May 17, co-sponsored by the Organization Department of the Chengdu Jinniu District Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Propaganda Department of the Chengdu Jinniu District Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Bureau of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Chengdu Jinniu District, and the Fenghuangshan Sub-district Office of Jinniu District, Chengdu, the "Ancient Shu Myths and Legends" and the "Tianfu Phoenix Mountain" New Book Promotion Conference were successfully held in Jinquan Temple, Jinniu District, and undertaken by the Jinniu District Library and Jinniu District Cultural Relics Protection and Management Institute.

Taurus continued to polish the brand of "Wenbancheng", and the new book "Tianfu Phoenix Mountain" was released

Explore the ancient Shu civilization and take the road of cultural self-confidence

Chengdu, a thousand-year-old city with a history of 4,500 years of civilization and more than 2,300 years of urban construction, is an important birthplace of Bashu culture and an important part of China's excellent traditional culture. A city that has not lacked romanticism and tolerance since ancient times, in the long history of thousands of years, people have told myths and stories about ancient Shu and sang about the ancestors' pursuit of a better life.

This event specially invited Professor Li Cheng, Dean of the School of Literature and Literature of Sichuan Normal University, to focus on the three dimensions of "the region and time of the ancient Shu civilization", "the relationship between ancient Shu myths and legends and history" and "the significance of ancient Shu culture in the current era", through the extension of ancient Shu myths and legends such as "Wuding Kaishan" and "Cuckoo Crying Blood", highlighting the traditional charm and practical significance of ancient Shu culture.

Taurus continued to polish the brand of "Wenbancheng", and the new book "Tianfu Phoenix Mountain" was released

"My family is in Guanghan, Sichuan, and I am very interested in Sanxingdui culture, and this kind of lecture is very interesting." Zhang Xin, a staff member of the Political Engineering Department of the Jinniu District Judicial Bureau, said that Professor Li Cheng's sharing with the region as a clue and the context of time gave her a deeper understanding of the culture and history of Bashu.

Taurus continued to polish the brand of "Wenbancheng", and the new book "Tianfu Phoenix Mountain" was released

Continue the cultural context of the Golden Bull and innovate the expression of the era of cultural museums

Cultural relics, ink scrolls. The innovative development of Taurus cultural and museum resources, starting from distant historical memory, has launched a thousand-year roaming, witnessed the magnificent changes of the years, and treasured the crystallization of unique civilization. The book "Tianfu Phoenix Mountain" promoted in this event is a popular science book innovatively launched by the Jinniu District Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau and the Jinniu District Cultural Relics Protection and Management Institute. Based on the cultural relics and historical facts unearthed in the Phoenix Mountain area, the book extends the dense cultural veins of the Golden Bull, awakens the rich historical memory of the Phoenix Mountain, and helps to further preserve, protect and disseminate the excellent cultural heritage of the Golden Bull.

Taurus continued to polish the brand of "Wenbancheng", and the new book "Tianfu Phoenix Mountain" was released

From the depth of time, the book restores the historical picture of Phoenix Mountain and its surroundings in different periods: pre-Qin, Qin and Bashu took mountains and soil to build cities, and cultural integration began; The two Han Dynasty, the city of Shixing, the unearthed cultural relics of Phoenix Mountain reflect the busy traffic of Shudu; Three Kingdoms and Two Jins, the royal military equipment passed on "learning to shoot", and Taoist culture promoted "ascending to immortals"; In the five dynasties of the Sui and Tang dynasties, incense, fireworks and beacon fires lingered in the mountains and forests, and they have been seen in poems and texts; Two Song Dynasty, the Great War Dingfeng Yan, the people in the mountains to win; In the Ming Dynasty, "Weifeng" was solemn, and the royal family forbade the lineage of the King of Shu; In modern times, the ancient mountains have witnessed the change of eras, and the phoenix has spread its wings to match the glory of the times.

"This book is comprehensive, informative and interesting, and well worth reading." Li Dianyuan, a propaganda expert of the lecturer group of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, an editor of the Sichuan Provincial People's Government Research Center of Culture and History, and a reviewer of "Tianfu Phoenix Mountain", said that the Phoenix Mountain in history has a great influence, and readers can fully feel the weight and charm of ancient Shu culture through this book.

At the scene, the Taurus teenager also brought the children's recitation program "Hello, I am the Taurus District", the children's voice was loud, and everyone felt the bright history and dazzling present of Taurus.

Taurus continued to polish the brand of "Wenbancheng", and the new book "Tianfu Phoenix Mountain" was released

A book to see thousands of years of circulation, a book to see the history of the Taurus is far-reaching. Qin Kaishu Road placed the golden bull, and the Han water Yuan passed the star Han Flow. For thousands of years, the Taurus culture has been passed down from generation to generation. In the next step, Jinniu District will take the overall development idea of "1520" as the guide, the construction of "Wenbancheng" as the support, and the building of local cultural brands as the starting point, continue to excavate the historical and cultural relics of the district, strengthen the research and inheritance of traditional culture, continuously enrich the supply of high-quality culture, and strive to promote the high-quality development of Jinniu cultural and museum undertakings. (Shi Xiu, Tao Zhenghong, text/picture.)