
What is the impact of intensive adjustment and optimization of real estate policies in various places? The inventory is →

author:CCTV Finance


In 2024, the mainland's real estate policy and market trend will attract much attention. From the Central Economic Work Conference to the Government Work Report, it is emphasized that real estate risks should be actively and prudently resolved, the stable and healthy development of the real estate market should be promoted, and it was proposed to accelerate the construction of a new model of real estate development. In this regard, all localities have intensively adjusted and optimized real estate policies.

What is the impact of intensive adjustment and optimization of real estate policies in various places? The inventory is →

CCTV reporter Zhang Weijie: Digesting the stock of real estate is an important goal to prevent and resolve risks. In the case of major changes in the relationship between real estate supply and demand, cities have taken advantage of the autonomy of real estate regulation and control to adjust the housing purchase restriction policy and fully release the demand for housing purchases. Since late April, Changsha, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Xi'an and other hot cities have completely canceled housing purchase restrictions, no longer limit the number of housing units, and no longer require buyers to pay social security records, so far, the country has 23 key cities no longer restrict purchases, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenzhen this year has also further optimized the purchase restriction policy, the implementation of 13 years of Beijing housing purchase policy has also been adjusted for the first time, and the earlier cancellation of the purchase restrictions in the city to further relax the settlement policy, Nanjing, Wuhan proposed to buy a house to settle downIn Shenyang, you can settle down by renting a house.

What is the impact of intensive adjustment and optimization of real estate policies in various places? The inventory is →

Many cities have also further optimized housing credit and provident fund policies to reduce the cost of home purchases. In some cities, the interest rate on the first home has been reduced to below 3.5%, and in Wuhan and Hangzhou, as long as the only house under the name is listed, you can also enjoy the interest rate on the first home when you buy a second house for a loan, and some cities have also launched a housing provident fund policy of "recognizing the house but not recognizing the first loan".

What is the impact of intensive adjustment and optimization of real estate policies in various places? The inventory is →

The old house can't be sold temporarily, and the new house can't be bought, what should I do? Many cities have launched "trade-in" housing to open up the circulation cycle of new and second-hand housing markets. So far, 50 cities across the country have expressed their support or launched specific measures, developers, intermediaries and local governments have joined forces to provide more preferential conditions and policies for "selling the old and buying the new".

What is the impact of intensive adjustment and optimization of real estate policies in various places? The inventory is →

There are also some places that propose to renovate or acquire stock housing to raise affordable housing, and use the method of "stock transformation" to "optimize the increment". For example, Hangzhou announced that it would acquire a number of commercial houses for public rental housing, and rationally use the stock of housing in a new way.

What is the impact of intensive adjustment and optimization of real estate policies in various places? The inventory is →

In the future, each city will also determine the housing demand according to the demographic changes, so as to arrange land supply and allocate financial resources, so that the four key elements of "people, housing, land and money" can be linked, promote the balance between supply and demand in the real estate market, and prevent big ups and downs.

Please indicate CCTV Finance and Economics for reprinting

Editor: Pan Xu