
Guo Bingsheng, the most trusted division commander of General Peng, if he does not defect with his troops, what rank will he be awarded after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

author:Rain field view of the sea of history

Anyone who has watched the TV series "Marshal Peng Dehuai" knows that there was a general named Guo Bingsheng under President Peng at that time, who had been with him since the beginning of the revolution.

But during the anti-encirclement and suppression, he fell for the enemy's beauty scheme, betrayed the revolution, and led the team to defect to Lao Jiang, which made people angry and angry. Many people were even angry, and of course there were some people who regretted that if this person did not defect to Lao Chiang and continue to devote himself to the revolution, he would definitely be named a general after the founding of the People's Republic of China, after all, he was the commander of the main division of the Red Army at that time.

But Yutian-kun has a contrary attitude towards this point of view, and uses 4 words to describe it - "absolute nonsense".

Comparing it with the generals of our army is definitely the greatest insult to the martyrs.


Guo Bingsheng, the most trusted division commander of General Peng, if he does not defect with his troops, what rank will he be awarded after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

Guo Bingsheng stills

took refuge in Lao Jiang and was killed before the battle

In "Marshal Peng Dehuai", Guo Bingsheng is indeed a historical prototype.

When Mr. Peng was still a soldier in the Xiangxiang army, his squad leader Guo Deyun took great care of him in the barracks, and Mr. Peng also recognized him as his brother, after the start of the Great Revolution, the two also joined the revolution together, but Guo Deyun because of the perennial travel, his health deteriorated, in 1922, he learned that he had little time because of lung disease, he handed over his son, that is, the 15-year-old Guo Bingsheng, to Mr. Peng, and raised him to continue to participate in the revolution.

In the face of the old squad leader's orphan, Mr. Peng also tearfully promised that he would treat him like a parent.

Guo Bingsheng, the most trusted division commander of General Peng, if he does not defect with his troops, what rank will he be awarded after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

Guo Bingsheng and Mr. Peng (stills)

In 1923, Mr. Peng, who graduated from the Hunan Army Officers' Lecture Hall, once again entered the Hunan Army as an officer, successively serving as a platoon commander, company commander and battalion commander.

After Guo Bingsheng graduated from middle school, he has been serving as a service soldier by Mr. Peng's side, and Mr. Peng does treat him as well as his own children and nephews. In 1928, Mr. Peng and Teng Daiyuan, Huang Gonglue and others formed the Red Fifth Army to carry out the Pingjiang Uprising in Pingjiang, and in the Hunan-Jiangxi-Hubei border area and the national army has been fighting in a round-the-clock manner.

Guo Bingsheng, who was born in Hunan, dared to fight in battle, commanded combat tactfully and decisively, and his vigorous and resolute combat style won the love of President Peng, who also liked to open and close, and served as the captain of the 8th Brigade and the commander of the column during the Red Fifth Army. After General Peng and Chairman Huishi were combined to form the First Army, Guo Bingsheng served as the commander of the 2nd Division in the Red Third Army Corps where General Peng was located (the political commissar was General Peng Xuefeng).

Guo Bingsheng, the most trusted division commander of General Peng, if he does not defect with his troops, what rank will he be awarded after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

General Peng Xuefeng (stills)

However, the ambition of the young man also gave Guo Bingsheng a proud and domineering character, and he often kept the captured spoils of war for himself in battle, and many times, as a military commander, he did not listen to the advice of his colleagues around him at all, and he often insisted on going his own way in battle.

In the early stage, Peng often won the sports war, and this problem was not taken seriously.

However, with the deepening of the anti-encirclement and suppression, the troops are becoming more and more difficult to fight, and the warlord style and the bad habit of harshly criticizing subordinates have gradually been revealed.

Especially after entering 1932, due to the impact of personnel changes and the defeat of the Red Army in the process of the fourth anti-encirclement and suppression, under the difficult environment, a few people with weak revolutionary will within the Red Army were shaken, and under all kinds of pressure, Guo Bingsheng, who had always been arrogant, suddenly came up with the idea of defecting to Lao Chiang.

However, unlike Lao Jiang in the TV series, who used beauty tricks to make him angry, Lao Jiang not only used beauty tricks, but also used high-ranking officials and a large number of silver dollars to constantly do his work.

Guo Bingsheng, the most trusted division commander of General Peng, if he does not defect with his troops, what rank will he be awarded after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

Guo Bingsheng, who was dealt with by Lao Jiang with a beauty trick

Finally, in August 1932, Guo Bingsheng, who was used to staying in the county and did not want to go back to the mountains to fight guerrillas, was very dissatisfied with the retreat order, and openly expressed his dissatisfaction with Peng Xuefeng, who did his ideological work out of the need for unity.

Although Guo Bingsheng expressed his willingness to accept the leadership on the surface, in fact he really wanted to take advantage of the fact that the Red 2nd Division was resting in Yihuang and Le'an, and took the Red Army commanders and fighters who did not know why to defect to Lao Chiang.

In the process, when he learned that Peng Xuefeng led a regiment and a division directly under the division to block the national army, he took a main regiment to Fuzhou in the north, and directly penetrated into the encirclement of the national army, trying to coerce everyone. During the march, he also weaved the lie that Peng Xuefeng had died, but he didn't expect Peng to lead people to complete the blocking task in advance, and turned around to find him.

Knowing that he was unable to pull away the troops after the matter was revealed, he could only flee to Fuzhou alone and become a traitor to the revolution.

Guo Bingsheng, the most trusted division commander of General Peng, if he does not defect with his troops, what rank will he be awarded after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

Guo Bingsheng defected (stills)

After arriving in Fuzhou, in order to disgust and divide the Red Army, Lao Chiang also wrote a special article in the newspaper about Guo Bingsheng's defection, and also airdropped Guo Bingsheng's so-called "letter of persuasion" directly into the Soviet area, in an attempt to break the revolutionary will of our army.

So much so that many wavering speculators deserted under Guo's persuasion and defected to Lao Jiang, including Chen Zongshi, the chief of the Third Army Warfare Section and the Minister of Supply, who also won the trust of President Peng. After defecting, Lao Chiang not only rewarded Guo Bingsheng with a large amount of silver dollars, but also appointed him as the commander of the provisional 37th Division to lead the troops to counterattack our base area.

For the son of this life-saving benefactor, Mr. Peng has always regarded him as a nephew, and he also patiently taught him, wanting to train him to become a real revolutionary soldier, but he didn't expect it to be such an ending, Mr. Peng, who blamed himself, directly smashed the cup of the command headquarters with a punch, and roared angrily

"Shame on the Son for not being as good as the Father."

He also warned the Third Army Corps that once they encountered Guo Bingsheng on the battlefield, they must kill him.

Guo Bingsheng, the most trusted division commander of General Peng, if he does not defect with his troops, what rank will he be awarded after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

Mr. Peng was very angry and targeted the defection of his subordinates (stills)

In July 1933, less than a year later, the Third Army Corps encountered the provisional 37th Division in the Battle of Ningdu. In the face of Guo Bingsheng's troops, the soldiers were all filled with righteous indignation, and they all wanted to get rid of them as soon as possible.

However, the funny thing is that in the face of the siege of the Red Army, Guo Bingsheng was still shamelessly in front of the position, trying to use his "successful experience" after defecting to Lao Chiang to fool the front-line soldiers, but he did not know that what he had done in the past one year had already made him the object of everyone in the three army corps.

When Guo Bingsheng swore out of the position, holding a loudspeaker and shouting the so-called "good life, the golden ticket has a big ......", he had already been arranged by General Peng to have dozens of soldiers with the best marksmanship in the whole army to aim at a distance, just as his spit flew sideways to perform on his own, President Peng gave an order, the soldiers jumped out of the trench, and dozens of rifles fired bullets in an instant.

And Mr. Peng breathed a sigh of relief, which was not only a pleasure in killing a traitor, but also a sigh of shame for the old squad leader for his orphanage and failure to educate Guo Bingsheng.

Guo Bingsheng, the most trusted division commander of General Peng, if he does not defect with his troops, what rank will he be awarded after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

Mr. Peng

Ability and character, difficult to appoint

To this day, many people feel that Guo Bingsheng is a pity, if he had not defected to Lao Chiang, according to his qualifications as a division commander in the Red Army, he would definitely have become the founding general.

Although this is an assumption of Guan Gong vs. Qin Qiong,

But in Yuda-kun's opinion, this assumption is not valid at all, or the possibility that he can become a general is infinitely close to 0.


Guo Bingsheng, the most trusted division commander of General Peng, if he does not defect with his troops, what rank will he be awarded after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

Guo Bingsheng, who became the commander of the enemy's division, did not have the qualifications of a general at all

First of all, there is the issue of position.

The reason why many people think that he can be a general is that, on the one hand, in addition to the relationship between Mr. Peng and this person, more is that he was also the Red 6 in the Red Army, which was reorganized as the commander of the Red 2nd Division. After all, many of the generals who have been opened are from division-level commanders.

For example, also during the period from 1931 to 1932, General Chen Geng was the commander of the 12th Division of the Red Fourth Front Army, and Su Yu was the political commissar of the Red 1st Army Instructor Division, and General Xu Haidong was the commander of the 27th Division of the Red 9th Army (commander of the 4th Independent Division), and General Wang Shusheng was the commander of the 11th Division of the Red 4th Army and the commander of the 73rd Division of the 25th Army.

It can be said that during this period of time, the 10 generals of our army are basically in the position of division-level commanders, and some may be army commanders or army chiefs of staff, such as Xiao Jinguang, Tan Zheng and General Huang Kecheng.

Guo Bingsheng, the most trusted division commander of General Peng, if he does not defect with his troops, what rank will he be awarded after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

General Huang Kecheng and Xiao Jinguang

And those who hold this view also take Guo Bingsheng's partner General Peng Xuefeng as a reference basis, generally speaking, the ranking of the 36 founding army divisions of our army who can be selected means that the treatment is guaranteed by the general, and Peng Xuefeng is also one of them, and these people will naturally distribute Guo Bingsheng in parallel.

So does it mean that if Guo Bingsheng's qualifications do not defect to Lao Chiang, he is also qualified to compete as a veteran division commander of the Red Army?

From the end of 1931 to the first half of 1932, Guo Bingsheng's Red Army was an example.

At that time, the front army had 2 corps and 8 armies, of which the Red 1st Army had 3 armies (Red 3rd, 4th and 12th Armies), the Red Third Army Corps had 4 armies (5th, 7th, 8th and 16th armies), and the Front Army had 35 armies under its direct jurisdiction, and these 8 armies had a total of 22 divisions (including independent divisions and instructors), so only around 1932, the Red 1st Front Army had less than 100,000 troops, but there were 22 divisions, Guo Bingsheng was only the commander of a Red 6th Division, and these division commanders did not include Huang Kecheng, Tan Zheng and other generals, Wang Shusheng and other generals of the Fourth Front Army.

Among the more than 20 division commanders, how strong should Guo Bingsheng's ability be?

Therefore, Guo Bingsheng was the division commander in 1932, but there were only 10 generals, how could he squeeze in?

Guo Bingsheng, the most trusted division commander of General Peng, if he does not defect with his troops, what rank will he be awarded after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

In a group photo of the leaders of our Red Army division and above, I asked him who Guo Bingsheng was better than

Secondly, there is the problem of character.

As for the issue of ability and character, Guo Bingsheng can't compare with the later 10 generals at all.

In terms of qualifications, it is not as good as Zhang Yunyi and Huang Kecheng (he was Guo Bingsheng's boss back then, and Huang was the director of the Political Department of the Red Third Army). In terms of achievements, they are not as good as Su Yu, Chen Geng, Xiao Jinguang and others, and in terms of contributions, they are not as good as Xu Haidong, Wang Shusheng and others.

Don't talk about the 10 generals, even the division commanders of the same period, Guo Bingsheng can't necessarily be compared.

Guo Bingsheng, the most trusted division commander of General Peng, if he does not defect with his troops, what rank will he be awarded after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

General Xu Haidong, who has made meritorious contributions to the revolution

Li Jukui, commander of the 1st Red Division, was known for his courage to fight during the Red Army period, and he was also a capable person who made a revolution with his bare feet.

Similarly, although He Changgong, the commander of the Red 8th Army, was not awarded the title, he was also a leader at the level of lieutenant general, Zhan Caifang was at the level of army commander at that time, and later he was awarded the title of lieutenant general, and even Xiao Ke, who was at the level of corps commander at that time, was awarded the rank of general.

Does it mean that Guo Bingsheng is better than General Xiao Ke, who is the commander of the corps?

Guo Bingsheng, the most trusted division commander of General Peng, if he does not defect with his troops, what rank will he be awarded after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

Admiral Shaw

If he did not defect, according to the reorganization of the Red Army at that time, Guo Bingsheng's 2nd Division would most likely be reorganized into a regimental-level unit (at that time, the Red Army decided to reorganize the corps-army-division, unified into the corps-division-regiment), so Guo Bingsheng was at most a regiment-level cadre after 1933. In the Red Army, there were not only handsome talents, but also countless generals.

Li Tianyou, Liu Yalou, and others were all able to fight among the Red Army's later divisional and regiment-level cadres, and although Guo Bingsheng also had the courage to be a tiger general and bold and careful, in fact, Li Tianyou's achievements during the Red Army were even more dazzling than Guo Bingsheng's.

You must know that Li Yunlong in "Bright Sword" was also a regiment commander during the Long March, and he was awarded a major general later, so Guo Bingsheng's thorny character will be a general?

Guo Bingsheng, the most trusted division commander of General Peng, if he does not defect with his troops, what rank will he be awarded after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

Shanxi Northwest Iron Triangle (stills)

Finally, there is the issue of personality and character characteristics.

From the point of view of character and character, even if Guo Bingsheng did not defect in the fourth anti-encirclement and suppression, he would not be able to resist the temptation to take refuge in Lao Jiang in the later period of the Long March and the Anti-Japanese War, you must know that the hardships experienced by our army in the process of the Long March are beyond the reach of the conventional army, 25,000 miles of long-distance transfer, in several desperate situations, our army crossed the Chishui four times, climbed the snow-capped mountains and crossed the grassland, which made it difficult for Guo Bingsheng, who was accustomed to a comfortable life and was not firm in his revolutionary will, to persevere, especially in Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia, which were far away from Hunan and Jiangxi.

During the Anti-Japanese War, Zhou Kun, the former commander of the Red 4th Army and chief of staff of the 115th Division, could not stand the temptation to run away with money, as the chairman said, "the will of the revolution must be firm", but this was beyond the reach of Guo Bingsheng, who had a warlord style.

So putting aside these assumptions, Guo Bingsheng's character weaknesses and personality also make him doomed to be incompetent as a general.

Guo Bingsheng, the most trusted division commander of General Peng, if he does not defect with his troops, what rank will he be awarded after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

Zhou Kun, chief of staff of the 115th Division, who disappeared during the Anti-Japanese War

In our army, some people rose to the top in the early stage but sank in the later stage, while some people made progress step by step from soldiers like General Su Yu, and in addition to their excellent military quality, there was also their revolutionary belief, and only by persevering and withstanding the test could they become real revolutionary fighters, not speculators who went with the flow......