
Thousands of missiles pressed the formation! The Eagle Strike 21 was aimed, and 11 Chinese warships were stationed in the South China Sea

author:Scientific knowledge points

Recently, the United States and the Philippines have openly played demons in the South China Sea, conducting exercises on how to sink warships and seize islands, and the number of people participating in the military exercises by the United States and the Philippines is as high as 17,000.

Thousands of missiles pressed the formation! The Eagle Strike 21 was aimed, and 11 Chinese warships were stationed in the South China Sea

Our People's Liberation Army (PLA) has shown its sword, and now it is under pressure with thousands of missiles in formation, its defense capability has been improved, the mainland's YJ-21 anti-ship missiles are aiming, and 11 Chinese warships are sitting in the South China Sea region, and their strength is in control of the whole field.

The mainland drove 0.55 million tons to lead the fleet to attack, and a number of warships formed at the same time to conduct actual combat exercises and training.

The mainland navy has carried out practical exercises and control of various types of warships, and has realized practical training close to the combat application of warships. The set combat simulation objectives and tasks are actually achieved through drills and training. The measures taken by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) are also aimed at the malice of the United States and the Philippines in the joint military exercises on the periphery, and the United States and the Philippines have sunk a target ship in one of the contents, and they have actually chosen a Chinese-made transport ship as the target ship, which shows that this kind of behavior has obvious malicious intent.

Thousands of missiles pressed the formation! The Eagle Strike 21 was aimed, and 11 Chinese warships were stationed in the South China Sea

Although neither side of the exercise has publicly stated that the other side is a country listed as an imaginary enemy, the United States, the Philippines, and the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) have naturally been very clear about their intentions in the simulated military exercises.

The mainland is mainly defensive and countermeasured, and there is no subjective malice towards any country, but the United States and its allies are always full of covetousness and containment for the mainland's development and territory. Judging from the external statement, although it does not point to the other party, it unabashedly means something in action.

Since the enemy has not ceremoniously come to the mainland's doorstep to act as a demon, the mainland's People's Liberation Army (PLA) has also shown its strength, sitting in the South China Sea region, guarding the gate of the motherland, and at the same time displaying the YJ-21 anti-ship missile to defend all the areas covered by the range.

Thousands of missiles pressed the formation! The Eagle Strike 21 was aimed, and 11 Chinese warships were stationed in the South China Sea

More importantly, the South China Sea area is escorted by the task force of the mainland navy, which is a special operations fleet outside the three major fleets, consisting of 11 ships, including 1 0.55 million ton drive, 4 052D destroyers, 4 054A frigates, and two comprehensive supply ships. Send a malicious signal.

In addition, the United States and the Philippines frequently conduct chaos in the South China Sea region, plus other allies of the United States, France, and Australia have also come over, netizens are also very indignant when they see such news. Moreover, he vowed to get less involved in the affairs of the United States, but as a result, he was still closely following the United States and playing a dishonorable role.

Thousands of missiles pressed the formation! The Eagle Strike 21 was aimed, and 11 Chinese warships were stationed in the South China Sea

In fact, in the face of the enemy's imminent move, the mainland navy is also taking action to warn the enemy that there is no need to find out the enemy's ambitions and schemes, because the United States has been deploying encirclement around the mainland for so many years, and naturally knows what it is trying to do.

The reason why China has been calm and restrained until now is that it is creating strong R&D strength and opportunities, accumulating stronger forces to resist and resist the enemy's unscrupulous movements.

China's dispatch of 11 warships, although the number is small, but the significance of sitting in the South China Sea is extraordinary, proving that China has the strength and deployment to protect the maritime frontier, and can also have good measures to deal with various emergencies. In particular, with the blessing of the YJ-21 anti-ship missile, it can achieve more powerful defense and countermeasure capabilities.

Thousands of missiles pressed the formation! The Eagle Strike 21 was aimed, and 11 Chinese warships were stationed in the South China Sea

As a missile that really has the strength to strike and destroy the giant fleet, the YJ-21 can achieve 6 times the speed of sound throughout the whole process, and the terminal speed reaches Mach 10, which is also the most powerful missile with mysterious power that China is currently unveiling, and can strike the enemy's ships at a distance of 1500 kilometers when attacking surface ships. I shuddered to hear the name of Eagle Strike 21.

Thousands of missiles pressed the formation! The Eagle Strike 21 was aimed, and 11 Chinese warships were stationed in the South China Sea

At present, the task force in the South China Sea is like the mainland's naval special forces, which can achieve more powerful countermeasures with efficient response capabilities and maneuver and change capabilities, and can counteract with thunderous strikes at any time in the face of any enemy, so as to achieve powerful deterrence and vigilance.

The Chinese Navy has become an excellent, intelligent, information-based, and highly advanced team.

The combat strength of the Chinese Navy also has the confidence and strength to control the situation in the whole field, whether in the South China Sea or in the Taiwan Strait, as long as it belongs to China's territorial waters and territory, the PLA has firm confidence in defending the security of the country and the people.

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