
Do you always feel dry and sore during intimacy? Ignite the Fast and Furious quickly, all it takes is a vial of it...

author:Sichuan Famous Physician

It's weekend again

The "Gender Classroom" started on time!

I don't know if you have any "activities" tonight

Let's start with a no-prize quiz: What should you prepare before rolling the sheets with your beloved TA?

Do you always feel dry and sore during intimacy? Ignite the Fast and Furious quickly, all it takes is a vial of it...

Condoms, contraceptive pills, and even all kinds of gadgets that add spice, xx, xxxx (automatically harmonized by the system)...

All of the above answers are correct! But there is one thing that can immediately improve your intimate quality of life, and enjoy the speed and passion to the fullest, which is often overlooked or even misunderstood.

Let's talk about this aggrieved prop today - lubricating fluid.

Do you always feel dry and sore during intimacy? Ignite the Fast and Furious quickly, all it takes is a vial of it...

Seeing the lubricating fluid, many people may think:

- I don't need this thing, and I'm not cold to the Sahara Desert...

- My daughter-in-law can bring this thing by herself, and if she moistens it, it will be slippery...

Don't worry, Kang Xiaomei specially invited Professor "Gan Xiaoqin", the chief physician of the gynecology department of "Chengdu Women and Children's Central Hospital", to give you a good science popularization.

Do you always feel dry and sore during intimacy? Ignite the Fast and Furious quickly, all it takes is a vial of it...
Do you always feel dry and sore during intimacy? Ignite the Fast and Furious quickly, all it takes is a vial of it...

with lubricating fluid

Does that mean I can't do it?

Kang Xiaomei thinks that there may be two kinds of people who never use lubricating fluid, one is that they don't know what lubricating fluid is for, which accounts for a large proportion of people, and the other is prejudiced against lubricating fluid and refuses to use it.

Some people will always feel that their partner uses lubricant because they don't have enough "feelings" for themselves, and even give birth to "Does she not love me anymore?" "Am I no longer good?" Such a ridiculous idea.

Do you always feel dry and sore during intimacy? Ignite the Fast and Furious quickly, all it takes is a vial of it...

In fact, it is normal to be "not wet enough", and the girl's body is not a water dispenser that can automatically dispense water with a press of the water dispenser.

Just as boys sometimes have "more than enough heart but not enough power" for various reasons, girls will also have sexual interest but the "water valve" is not opened immediately, or it is not opened enough.

Let's look at a set of data:

According to the analysis results of the "Chinese Female Sex Survey Data" jointly carried out by the Sexual Medicine Committee of the Chinese Society of Sexology and the Menopause Group of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, 78.5% of the women who participated in the survey admitted that they had insufficient vaginal lubrication during sex.

It is clear from the survey data that most people are not "lubricated" enough during sex.

Insufficient lubrication during sex

The consequences are severe!

It may be that it is so common that many people think that it is normal for women to have some pain and discomfort during intimate acts.....

But it shouldn't be like this!!

When the vagina is dry and painful during sex, it is simply a sin, which leads to the psychology of resisting sexual life.

According to Professor Gan Xiaoqin, the woman's body fluid secretion is insufficient or the man forcibly inserts it when it is not secreted, which will cause pain and discomfort, lumbosacral swelling or dyspareunia, so the fear of sexual life will cause frigidity, which will affect the relationship between the husband and wife and the quality of marriage over time;

In addition, in severe cases, it can also cause damage to the genitals of both men and women, and there are clinical cases of women who have perineal tears or vaginal tears during sex, causing heavy bleeding and urgently seeking medical attention.

Do you always feel dry and sore during intimacy? Ignite the Fast and Furious quickly, all it takes is a vial of it...

At this time, the importance of lubricating fluid is reflected: it can be used as an auxiliary lubrication in the event of vaginal dryness during sex, which can reduce the pain and discomfort caused by direct friction between the male and female genitals during sex, or dyspareunia, and enhance the sense of pleasure. (Secretly tell you that the use of lubricant will also reduce friction, thereby reducing the sensitivity of the man's private parts, making the interaction more durable!) )

Is the lubricant safe?

How to choose

Professor Gan reminds everyone that there are many such products sold on the market, and when buying, you must buy them from pharmacies or regular merchants to ensure safety, after all, it is something that is in direct contact with private parts or even into the body.

It is safer to make sure that the lubricant you buy is a regular brand, fully qualified, and sure that it is genuine.

How do I choose the right topical lubricant?

Kang Xiaomei knows that many friends are still ashamed when they buy sex products in the store, and they often want to take one from the shelf and leave, and many people are even embarrassed to buy condoms in the store.

It doesn't matter, I'm sorry you can still shop online, so how to choose the right lubricant for yourself in a treasure? Don't worry, listen to Professor Gan's advice:

Do you always feel dry and sore during intimacy? Ignite the Fast and Furious quickly, all it takes is a vial of it...

According to the composition, lubricants can be divided into three types: water-based, oil-based and silicone-based:


Water-based lubricants

Of course, the most recommended thing in sex life is water-based lubricating fluid, and the human lubrication sold on the market is basically water-based lubricating fluid.

It has the advantage of being soluble, receptive to the body, and easy to clean. In addition, it also has a unique advantage - it does not dissolve latex, so it can be used with latex condoms.

So how do you identify water-based lubricants? When buying, make sure that the packaging is marked with the word "water-soluble".

Do you always feel dry and sore during intimacy? Ignite the Fast and Furious quickly, all it takes is a vial of it...

Image source: Taobao screenshot

The only thing to note is that because it is "water", it is relatively easy to be absorbed by the human body and volatile, and the effect is not very "long-lasting".

PS: Some people like to wipe some saliva instead of lubrication, but this is not good. The water in saliva accounts for 99%, and it is easy to volatilize together with the moisture on the surface of the skin, and the more you wipe it, the drier it becomes, just like the lips will be richer and drier the more you lick them, and the bacteria in the saliva are also easy to cause vaginal infections.

Do you always feel dry and sore during intimacy? Ignite the Fast and Furious quickly, all it takes is a vial of it...


Oil-based lubricants

Oil-based lubes are not recommended for sex because they dissolve condoms, making them ineffective (not only making you "happy to be a daddy", but also defeating the important task of "preventing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases"), and difficult to clean.

However, due to its small amount and long-lasting lubrication, it is still widely used in medical and nursing applications (e.g. petroleum jelly, baby oil).

Do you always feel dry and sore during intimacy? Ignite the Fast and Furious quickly, all it takes is a vial of it...


Silicone-based lubricants

In contrast to the other two, silicone-based lubricants have the long-lasting benefits of oil-based lubricants without dissolving condoms, but can be difficult to wash off if not rinsed immediately afterwards.

Silicone-based lubricants are generally more expensive than water-based lubricating fluids, and in addition, silicone-based lubricants cannot be used with some silicone grease toys, which will damage the silicone resin of the toys.

Do you always feel dry and sore during intimacy? Ignite the Fast and Furious quickly, all it takes is a vial of it...

As for what Max said in "Bankrupt Sisters", "I can't afford lubricant, I only use my own tears"... Forehead... It's good to laugh~


Let the professionals come!

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that you must not grab any slippery things as soon as passion comes in life, such as shampoo, body lotion, olive oil, etc., which is not small!

Because, you don't know the specific composition of those things, not only do condoms not "insure" the problem, but the chemicals in them may also cause irritation or damage to the fragile female mucosa, affect the pH value of the female vagina, and may also cause vaginitis, allergies and other problems.

It's the same with male compatriots!

Whether it's between couples or entertaining themselves, sex should be a beautiful and enjoyable experience, and with a little assistance can greatly improve the quality of this precious experience, so why not~

If you eat Kang Xiaomei, this Amway

Remember to come back and leave a message to tell me how you feel about using it!