
Business: Multiple positive factors promote the price of antimony ingots to rise by more than 27% in a single month

{"info":{"title":{"content":"生意社:多重利好推动 锑锭价格单月涨超27%","en":"Business: Multiple positive factors promote the price of antimony ingots to rise by more than 27% in a single month"},"description":{"content":"生意社生意社商品行情分析系统,助您掌握大宗原材料行情,欢迎订阅!国内市场据生意社商品行情分析系统,2024年4月中旬以来...","en":"Business Club Business Commodity Market Analysis System, to help you grasp the bulk raw material market, welcome to subscribe! According to the commodity market analysis system of the business community, since mid-April 2024..."}},"items":[]}