
When a rich second generation becomes an older leftover man

When a rich second generation becomes an older leftover man

Every once in a while, the "5000w asset blind date bureau" will attract a wave of traffic, and many of these single and wealthy groups are rich second generations, they are rich, but they still can't find a suitable other half.

We contacted @Ms. Good Night (Xiaohongshu), the founder of a high-end marriage and love intermediary service agency, and asked her to share her observation of the rich second generation's marriage and love anxiety:

Even if you have assets of hundreds of millions, you will start to be anxious when you are 30 years old

My members are basically the second generation of business families or executives in enterprises, and 95% of the family net assets are more than 50 million, with no upper limit. The ratio of men to women is close to 1:1, and the area is dominated by Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

They are well-educated, with an average age of 30 years old, and a very small number of members are unmarried and single between the ages of 35 and 40.

Generally speaking, people with a relatively high social class, if they don't trust you after investigation, they will not easily find an intermediary to do marriage and love consultation, and there are many risks. For many 30+ older second generations, their time is running out. Many members have deadlines at home, and if they can't do it, they have to meet with someone arranged by their parents. Although it is now a society under the rule of law, forcing marriage is unrealistic, but there are still certain consequences for provoking parents.

At the same time, the rich second generation is very proud, and when they are frequently rejected during the blind date, their self-esteem must be more easily frustrated. Some people are rejected once, and their confidence is gone.

"Door-to-door" and "look at the feeling"

What are their criteria for choosing a mate? If I had to answer, I would just say "look at the feeling".

The reason why they are looking for a marriage agency is to find a person who feels and likes on the basis of being the right person. It's just that if you want the right door, just listen to the arrangement at home.

To put it bluntly, male members are just looking at faces. For them, appearance is indeed very important, even more important than "the right match".

Many people's perception of "door-to-door" is still in the financial aspect, but in fact, this is not the case, the focus of "door-to-door match" is not necessarily at the economic level, but on the family structure: some people require the other party to be the original family, that is, the parents are the original partner and not divorced. There are some people who demand that the other person be an only child, an only daughter.

The economic match is not a complete match, not "my family has 50 million, and your family also needs 50 million", the usual description is that the family background is "not too bad". Basically, boys A10, A9, and A8 (i.e., with total assets of 1 billion, 100 million, and 50 million yuan or more, respectively) have similar requirements for the woman's family assets, that is, "to be able to live a decent life in the city where they live". In first-tier cities, this basically means that the total household assets are 10 million or more.

There are also special cases. I have a second-generation client here, his father is a first-generation client, and their family's requirement for the woman is that if the girl has strong personal ability, even if the family background is not good. This is a parent's recognition of an individual who has a similar growth path to their own.

For the other half's education and job, many people's requirements are to be "decent", the public perception of decency, this is the best word to describe their requirements.

When a rich second generation becomes an older leftover man

The concept of mate selection of Bai Fumei's group is strongly related to their own growth background, and Bai Fumei is basically divided into three types: elite women who have been raised by elite education since childhood, gentle and kind little princesses who conform to stereotypes, and more free-spirited party girl types.

The first type of Bai Fumei has very standard elitist values, they don't look down on the children who don't learn and don't know how to work in the family business, but they don't actually work; The second type of Bai Fumei is generally not in the blind date market, and you can find a very compatible man in free love; The third type of Bai Fumei prefers to find a strong and powerful pioneer or a rich handsome guy, and they can't look down on the ordinary second generation.

The rich second generation is also a human being, and the fundamental logic of everyone choosing a marriage partner is to have a guarantee. Whether it is the economy or life, these indicators will not be looked at alone, but a comprehensive consideration. has rich emotional experience, but is still late in the face of marriage

Many people think that the rich second generation with particularly good conditions should not be over 30 years old alone, because you have good conditions, so you have many choices. In fact, on the contrary, because you are in good condition, you have fewer options.

A very important reason is that the life circle of the second generation is very closed, and the people they come into contact with most of the time are older elders.

The resources introduced by his parents must also be limited, a second generation who has grown up with top resources from childhood to adulthood, how many people in this society can match him? How could they possibly screen out the already limited group of people to marry?

Although men are willing to do the so-called "backward compatibility" in resources, "looking at faces" is a difficult thing to grasp, which requires them to meet more people through continuous blind dates.

Due to the pressure exerted by society on women, it is difficult for Bai Fumei to let go of their attachment to conditions, and the matching of economic conditions is the most basic condition for them.

When a rich second generation becomes an older leftover man

Another very important reason is that many second generations are not married because they are not ready at all. Their understanding of marriage is immature, and they don't understand what kind of life partner they want.

There is little pressure to survive, which also means a longer growth cycle. Maybe in terms of financial quotient and IQ, they are more precocious, but in terms of feelings, they usually mature late, and many second generations will not start to think about marriage until they are 30 years old. There is a 35+ male member, because he has a family wealth background, his fault tolerance rate and freedom in life are much higher than ordinary people, if he wants to get a certificate, he can find someone tomorrow. But he hasn't gotten married yet, because he doesn't want to, not because he can't. Judging from my many conversations with him, he is not particularly mature, and his natural personality is more romantic, and he cares more about emotional resonance.

Many second-generation people have rich experience in love, but love and marriage are fundamentally different things. I know a rich second generation from an A10 family, and his ex-girlfriends are all Internet celebrity beauties with average family backgrounds, and his parents will clearly tell him that if he marries this kind of girl into the family, the family company will have nothing to do with him.

Many rich second generations are pure love warriors

Many clients want the other person to "really like themselves", even if they met on a blind date. Isn't there a classic question, "choose what you love or love you", many second generations want it.

This kind of "pure love" is not to abandon everything for love, but after starting to enter a relationship, they don't pay much attention to the material conditions of the other party, but they have high internal requirements for the other half.

For example, male members often say "cognition". This can be roughly interpreted as the woman should have a similar growth background, educational background, and similar work with him, so there is a high probability that the cognitive level of both parties is the same.

Some needs are more difficult to grasp, such as asking the other half to "understand him and support him emotionally". A very obvious type of "son-in-law" in the rich second-generation male group requires a higher degree of cooperation from the woman, but generally speaking, these girls get married early, and they are no longer circulating in the second-generation blind date market.

When a rich second generation becomes an older leftover man

Many people will think that the marriage of the second generation is a strong combination, but in reality, strong alliances are not common, if it is not a related industry, then the so-called strong alliance is actually two rich people come together and have more money.

Therefore, for many second generations, rather than resource integration, everyone wants to find a life partner who really makes you feel happy. Money serves your goal of a happy life, and marriage is no different.

Source: Visual China, the copyright belongs to the original author, the interviewee is a pseudonym, and some of the personal information in the article is blurred

Interview, Editor: DDD