
Putin's visit to China has been fruitful, and China and Russia have provided mutual guarantees and promoted international stability

author:Song Zhongping

Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to China can be said to have been fruitful. First of all, the two countries issued a joint statement, which stated that the two sides will carry out mutually beneficial cooperation in more fields, including Russian experts who spoke highly of Putin's visit to China, which is one of the main supporting structures for international stability, and also pointed out that the trade volume between Russia and China is expected to exceed 300 billion US dollars by 2030.

Putin's visit to China has been fruitful, and China and Russia have provided mutual guarantees and promoted international stability

Dear friends, it will not take 2030 to exceed $300 billion in trade. Putin stressed that Russia is a reliable energy guarantor for China's economic growth. We are an energy-consuming country, with Russia as a guarantee, as China's economic development will have a more sustainable and stable energy output, which is also a win-win situation for both sides. Russia's agricultural and animal husbandry products are also very good, and Russia has set up a Russian product promotion point in Harbin, hoping to promote Russian agricultural products and animal husbandry products in various provinces and cities in China.

Putin's visit to China has been fruitful, and China and Russia have provided mutual guarantees and promoted international stability

On international issues, Russia and China issued a joint statement pointing out that Russia positively evaluates China's objective position on the Ukraine issue, that is, we have put forward a 12-point peace proposal, which is equal and open, and this is the international law on which real peace in Ukraine should be based.

Russia and China have also strongly condemned the deployment of missiles by the United States in the Asia-Pacific region and Europe. Putin also stressed that the establishment of a closed military in the Asia-Pacific region is harmful, and this is a point that we need to emphasize with everyone.

Putin's visit to China has been fruitful, and China and Russia have provided mutual guarantees and promoted international stability

Then we need to talk to you again, Russian experts pointed out that the Russian-Chinese lunar exploration will also become an important part of the cooperation between the two sides. Not only in lunar exploration, including the willingness to provide China with aero engines, but also in the development of heavy helicopters between Russia and China will also have more cooperation. It can be seen that Putin's visit to China this time is really fruitful, and this is indeed very rare!


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