
Regardless of whether you have money or not, remember to "eat 3 things and avoid 3 things" to help your family enter the summer healthily

author:Brief Food

Xiaoman is one of the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms, usually between May 20 and 22 every year, when the sun reaches 60 degrees of yellow longitude. This solar term marks the second solar term of summer, and its name "Xiaoman" comes from the ancient farming culture, implying that the grains of summer crops such as wheat begin to become full, but they are not yet fully ripe, and are in a state of "small and full", hence the name Xiaoman. This solar term reflects the ancient Chinese people's deep understanding and observation of the agricultural production cycle and the laws of nature.

Regardless of whether you have money or not, remember to "eat 3 things and avoid 3 things" to help your family enter the summer healthily

In some rural areas, there is a custom of worshipping the god of the car during the Xiaoman season, especially the water wheel water drainage and irrigation is very important for agriculture. Offerings such as fish and incense sticks are placed on the base of the watermill, and a glass of white water is poured into the fields to pray for sufficient water and smooth irrigation.

Xiaoman is also said to be the birthday of the silkworm god, especially in the south of the Yangtze River, because of the development of the silk industry, silkworm farmers will hold a ceremony on this day to thank and pray for a good harvest of silkworm cocoons, symbolizing the respect and inheritance of silkworm culture.

Regardless of whether you have money or not, remember to "eat 3 things and avoid 3 things" to help your family enter the summer healthily

In ancient times, water was the lifeline of agriculture, and in order to ensure the irrigation of farmland, some places would have the custom of "grabbing water", and stimulate everyone's attention and rational use of water resources through competition.

In terms of food, Xiaoman also has specific customs, such as eating seasonal fruits such as cherries, and making and eating cherry-related foods such as cherry jam, reflecting the concept of conforming to nature and eating in season.

Regardless of whether you have money or not, remember to "eat 3 things and avoid 3 things" to help your family enter the summer healthily

In other places, there are customs such as circumambulating the three spirits and busy harvesting, which revolve around celebrating the growth of crops and praying for a good harvest, reflecting the farmers' reverence for nature and their desire for a good harvest.

The Xiaoman solar term is not only a guide for agricultural activities, but also an important part of traditional culture and folk customs. Regardless of whether you have money or not, remember to "eat 3 things and avoid 3 things" to help your family enter the summer healthily!

"Eat 3 Things"

Regardless of whether you have money or not, remember to "eat 3 things and avoid 3 things" to help your family enter the summer healthily

1. Bitter vegetables.

Scrambled eggs with bitter gourd: Chop the bitter gourd, stir-fry it quickly with the beaten eggs, and add a small amount of salt to taste, which not only neutralizes the bitter taste of bitter gourd, but also adds protein nutrition.

Cold bitter herbs: Wash and blanch the fresh bitter herbs in cold water, drain and cut into sections, add minced garlic, chili oil, vinegar, salt, sugar, sesame oil and mix well, which is simple and refreshing, and retains the original flavor and nutritional value of bitter herbs.

Regardless of whether you have money or not, remember to "eat 3 things and avoid 3 things" to help your family enter the summer healthily

2. Wheat foods. Mix wheat flour with water (or milk), add an appropriate amount of sugar and baking powder, knead into a dough and ferment, and then make it into a cake shape, which can be steamed or fried, with a soft taste and the natural aroma of wheat.

Wheat flour and water are kneaded into a dough, rolled out and cut into strips or slices, and boiled into a soup with vegetables and meat (such as chicken and pork).

Regardless of whether you have money or not, remember to "eat 3 things and avoid 3 things" to help your family enter the summer healthily

3. Heat-clearing and detoxifying wild vegetables and fruits. You can make dandelion tea or cold dandelion salad. The method of cold dandelion salad is similar to cold salad bitter vegetables, blanched and mixed with seasonings to clear heat and remove fire.

Goji berry sprouts omelette, wash and chop the wolfberry sprouts, mix them with the egg mixture, add salt to taste and fry until golden brown on both sides, which is both delicious and healthy.

"Don't do 3 things"

Regardless of whether you have money or not, remember to "eat 3 things and avoid 3 things" to help your family enter the summer healthily

1. Long-term exposure to the sun: The temperature gradually rises during the small full season, and direct exposure to the scorching sun for a long time can easily lead to heat stroke, sunburn or aggravate the dampness and heat in the body.

2. Eating too greasy and spicy food: As the weather gets hotter, the body's digestive function is relatively weak, and too much greasy and spicy food will increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, which may cause symptoms such as indigestion and irritation. Choose light and easy-to-digest foods, such as bitter herbs, melons and fruits, etc., to clear away heat and quench thirst.

3. Use the air conditioner for a long time and the temperature setting is too low: Although the air conditioner can help cool down and avoid the heat, over-reliance or too low temperature setting can easily reduce the body's ability to adapt to the outside temperature, and it is easy to catch a cold when entering and exiting the air-conditioned room, and may also cause air-conditioning diseases, such as joint pain and muscle aches. It is recommended to use air conditioning moderately, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor should not be too large, and pay attention to indoor ventilation.

Regardless of whether you have money or not, remember to "eat 3 things and avoid 3 things" to help your family enter the summer healthily

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