
【Health Knowledge】Xia Guo Medical Language

author:Healthy Shenyang
【Health Knowledge】Xia Guo Medical Language
【Health Knowledge】Xia Guo Medical Language
【Health Knowledge】Xia Guo Medical Language

Spring is born and summer is long, and summer fruits are beautiful and delicate. All herbs are medicines, and fruits also have medicinal value, so I choose some summer fruits to remember.


"Orange pomelo in the early cold, loquat is recommended in summer". The taste is sweet, moistens the lungs, and has the function of cleansing heat and generating Jin. Eating too much may help dampness and phlegm, and people with spleen deficiency and diarrhea should not use it. Loquat leaves are mostly used to suppress coughs. The ancient method of using loquat to collect ointment can be stored for a long time, such as adding a little loquat leaves to boil together, which is more beneficial to the homology of medicine and food.

【Health Knowledge】Xia Guo Medical Language


"The streamer is easy to throw people, red cherries, green plantains." The delicate cherries at the beginning of summer were called "plum peach" and "nai peach" in ancient times, and the name of Sichuan was "en' peach". Its nature is sweet and hot, and it has the function of tonifying and invigorating qi and stopping diarrhea. However, eating more is easy to move the dark wind, and it is not advisable to eat more and all diseases are taboo, children are far away, especially those who are sour. Green cane pulp can relieve its heat, so sick people and children should not eat more.


"Lang rode a bamboo horse and went around the bed to make green plums." Most of the plums are green plums before the small man, which can be eaten raw, soaked in wine or made into candied fruit. After that, "the rain of the family in the Huangmei season" can be concocted as traditional Chinese medicine black plum, and black plum pills are commonly used for syncope and yin disease. Plum has a sour and warm taste, strong astringency, more food damage to teeth, phlegm and heat, so there are phlegm drinking, cough, accumulation, bloating, ruffian, accumulation, external fever, young girls, women before and after menstruation, postpartum, and acne are all taboo.


"When the concubine smiles on the red dust, no one knows that it is lychee", it is the lychee season, some people love the fragrance of cinnamon, some people love the soft glutinous rice, some people love the sweetness of white sugar poppy, and some people love the moisture of the lychee king. Su Shi said, "I eat 300 lychees a day, and I don't want to be a Lingnan person", if it is really "300 lychees a day", what might happen?

【Health Knowledge】Xia Guo Medical Language

Wang Mengying described lychee in "Suixingju Diet Recipe" as "sweet and fragrant, invigorating and intellectual, filling semen and liquid, dispelling odor and relieving pain, nourishing the heart, nourishing the liver and blood, beautiful in the fruit, the fresh one is especially good, and the one with small core meat and pure sweetness wins", which shows that lychee mainly has the effect of nourishing the blood. However, due to its sweet and warm nature, "eating too much heat, moving blood, damaging teeth, and those who have fire on it should not be avoided", eating more may have the disadvantages of fire and blood, and may also harm tooth enamel. It is also recorded that "those who eat and get drunk will decoction with their shells, or solve them with honey soup", which is the manifestation of "lychee disease", and the ancients mentioned rehydration and drinking honey water to deal with it, which is similar to the clinical treatment of today's people


"Recall the three-year dream of Tianzhu, and see through the clouds and Zen". In the Hemudu Museum, the ancestors of 7,000 years ago began to eat bayberry. Mr. Yu Qiuyu's bayberry "will not touch the bright red fruits, only pick those red and black but still hard fruits, sweet and slightly sour, very tough and chewy", all of which are homesickness. Bayberry is sweet and sour and warm, and "Wu salt wins snow, slender hands break new oranges", it is also suitable to be dipped in salt and eaten. It has the ability to quench hangover, quench thirst, invigorate blood, eliminate phlegm, cleanse the stomach and intestines, and remove annoyance and evil qi. Nearly made bayberry perilla water, relieves heat and dampness and has a good flavor. However, the immature sour bayberry eats more blood, and patients with heat and evil should not eat it.

【Health Knowledge】Xia Guo Medical Language


"The yellow chestnut is beautiful and the mulberry is beautiful, and the purple cherry is ripe and the wheat is cool." Mulberry flavor Ganping, is an important medicine for tonifying the yin of the liver and kidney. The ancients said that it "nourishes the liver and kidneys, congests blood, quenches thirst, improves joints, detoxifies alcohol and poison, dispels rheumatism, brightens ears and eyes, and calms the soul." The mulberries that are ripe, dark and sweet before the small manchu are better used in medicine. Mulberries can be eaten raw, filtered with gauze to drink juice, or boiled dry to collect ointment. For the elderly, it is a good thing with the same origin of medicine and food, and long-term use can make the hair not white, and has the effect of increasing spirit, vigorous walking, and relieving deficiency and wind.

【Health Knowledge】Xia Guo Medical Language


"Swallow and remove the smoke and fire, and make the sound of ice and snow when you enter your teeth." In thermopathology, watermelon has the reputation of "natural white tiger soup", that is, it is sweet and cold, can clear the lungs and stomach heat and nourish the cool camp, and can be used to treat the symptoms caused by summer heat. In addition to raw food, there is also a method of simmering pork with watermelon, which makes the meat taste beautiful and not greasy. The Shandong people recorded in "A Bite of China" make watermelon paste, which can be used to treat eye redness and mouth sores. Watermelon cuiyi is the green skin of the melon pulp, which is used in the medicine of warm disease and is used to cool the heat and cleanse the heat.

【Health Knowledge】Xia Guo Medical Language


"Longan and lychee are different from the same father. If you are sweet and orange, it is not easy to get along. Su Shi believes that the comparison between lychee and longan, just like the comparison between citrus and orange, has no distinction between high and low taste. Longan enters the heart, spleen meridian, sweet and warm, can replenish the heart qi to calm the mind, benefit the spleen and yin, nourish the camp and fill the liquid, such as returning to the spleen soup. Wang Mengying recommended it as the "holy product in the fruit", and used it as the main medicine to make jade spirit ointment, and the effect was comparable to ginseng. However, the external feeling is not clear, there is a depressed fire inside, drinking and stagnation, fullness and hunger are all taboos.

【Health Knowledge】Xia Guo Medical Language

Author: Li Han

Source: Shenyang Health Service Center

Editor: Chen Yameng

Proofreading: Chen Zeming

Preliminary review: Tong Xia

Review: Xu Jiang