
Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?

author:Is the willow fluttering?

One word to evaluate the finale of "New Life":

Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?

The first episode is "a good scam drama", and the last episode is "a good scam drama".

The broadcast relied on the wonderful portrayal of rare elements of domestic entertainment such as "pig killing plate" and "homosexuality", and earned a wave of popularity, and as a result, it was cut in the middle, telling you that it was all bubbles, and it was a flash of fireworks.

Everyone's story is fake, self-interested, and splashes dirty water on Fei Ke.

It's normal to say that suspense dramas come like this, but the most taboo thing about reversing is that it's better not to turn around.

"New Life" is such a typical example, Fei Ke in the "fake story" is much more exciting than the reversed version.

It can even be said that after the reversal, Fei Ke does not have any charm that can support the protagonist.

We have always believed that Fei Ke is a gifted criminal genius.

And (in the early plot) his familiarity with human nature just makes this drama a little ruthless in dissecting reality.

He grasped several points of fraud very accurately, such as designing two sets of progressive family backgrounds for Jiajia and his father:

For Jiajia, he is "a young talent who has a little money but not as much as you, but has a full range of character and education".

Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?

When I first saw this setting, I slapped my thigh twice, and I felt that God, I finally saw the shaping of the real mate selection concept that conforms to the real concept of "the little daughter of the nouveau riche family who has read books".

Rich girls love to drive drivers, and I don't dare to say that there is no such thing, but most of the time it should be in the driver's mind.

In the real world, the choice of this kind of "knowledgeable but inexperienced" girl is actually very difficult.

Compared with uneducated parents, they who have read books often look at the dimensions of people, character, literacy, and education are all within the scope of consideration, and when these parts are satisfied, they will be compatible with each other's current financial situation to a certain extent, not to do charity, but based on realistic considerations.

Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?

After all, boys who are evenly matched with themselves in all aspects tend to have the upper hand in intimate relationships, because of the natural gender advantage, the man's family will naturally feel that they can make a request to let the woman marry and teach their children, this kind of disrespect is generally unacceptable to the woman who has read the book, so it is better to make a certain compromise on money to achieve a kind of superficial equality.

However, the family background with assets of more than 100 million yuan is difficult to be compatible with a driving driver with a monthly salary of 8,000.

The myth of drinking white porridge can only happen in the minds of men.

Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?

In short, Fei Ke's combination of "caring for autistic children, talking about the background of Columbia, and living together to show that he is renting a house" is very beautiful for a girl like Jiajia, and it belongs to the granularity of the other party's mate selection needs.

Not to mention his father, the original family of the management personnel of the Ministry of Soil and Mining + college teachers is simply the dream family of the mine bosses.

The former grasps reality, and the latter grasps vanity.

Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?

What else is there to pretend to be an "embarrassed man" to seduce a middle-aged child, and he is at home every day with white socks and shorts;

Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?

and the lack of love for the sister to retreat into advance:

took my sister to see the art exhibition, first pretending to be forced with the quick guide knowledge of the day before, and admitting that she was pretending to be forced after the date.

Sincerity is deduced by admitting insincerity.

I know that women in their thirties are not interested in "I will test you", but they have no resistance to the sincerity of "I am clumsy and pay for you".

Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?

With this level of psychological control, a class can monopolize the "pig killing plate" market.

However, under He Shan's pen, the play turned.

Everything in front was overturned, Fei Ke had no scheming, even if the fishing was Jiang Taigong's straight hook, and sometimes he might not even be fishing, it belonged to pushing the boat down the river to engage in fraud, and "reluctantly" rolled up the money.

The rich girl still loves the driver, and Cheng Hao has no signs of fraud in that paragraph, which is more like the social news of "a simple man who was confined to a middle-aged child and forced to build a rat barn and then became greedy".

So may I ask, where is the charm of Fei Ke without scheming?

His cleverness is only very instrumental, "good memory" (can use what he has heard) and "reading finance", which is no different from a model student, and he has no deep charm of speculating about human nature, and in the end he was kidnapped.

It is estimated that the screenwriter also felt that there was no sense of coolness, so he wanted to give Fei Ke something else sexy, so he added a sad life experience of "his parents' divorce led to a mistake in the thought of going to the exam".

Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?

But on the premise of completely overturning the image of a high-IQ crime, this plot plays a role in the three-dimensionality of Fei Ke.

After all, there is nothing in his character, and there is neither black nor white, which only adds to the suffering.

In fact, it's good to bring out this scene, many people don't understand this point, and think that he gave his younger brother a substitute exam and then blacked out the test paper to kill the enemy 1000 and self-damage 1200, but I can quite understand this hatred, Fei doesn't know that this will self-destruct, but the general hatred for the enemy is a little different from the hatred of children for their parents.

After all, children and parents are common interests at the root, so when children's hatred for their parents reaches its peak, they often have the idea of destroying their parents in the form of self-destruction.

Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?

So if the drama can fully interpret the point of "self-destruction to the end" in order to retaliate against his father, it is also the unique personality charm of internal entertainment, and there is no result.

You think that he is going to make a big move when he says "I will be very rich, and I will never ask you" to his father, but in the end, he went to the university to take a class, and I was the father who would cry and sigh "sensible".

Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?

What's left with that fee?

Compared with his peers, kindness is no match for Jiang Yang, evil is no match for Zhu Chaoyang, and three-dimensional is no match for silence.

Just pity the foot that is giving.

But a pitiful one alone can't achieve the character charm that the protagonist needs.

I know that Jing Boran performed well, and I also know that the part of stealing steak is moving.

But the audience's empathy is hierarchical, a bad drama may make people cry because of a clip that portrays relatives, but that tear is only shed for the broad concept of "family affection", not for the specific fate of this specific character.

Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?

And the screenwriter is obviously just shaping Fei Ke around the word "pitiful", and does not give him any other character arcs.

The whole person is sticky and wet, inexplicable.

When you go through his story along the timeline, you will find that this is a very cliché story of "the mother maliciously causes the child to be unhealthy after the parents divorce".

But the cliché story mold can also be filmed very well, which requires a large number of accurate details to give the audience a sense of reality like carving a sculpture, or a good telling angle, such as "We Are Not Kind Enough" some time ago, which is a drama with a large framework and cliché but the angle and details are extreme.

But none of these "New Students" are there, it really just relies on flashbacks to some vicious clips of the stepmother, outlining the most vulgar side in a very general way.

Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?

In the final analysis, all the charm of this story is given in the form of "suspense", and it is necessary to engage in a "all the staff lie and then reverse" mode.

When there is only suspense left in the suspense drama, it is over.

As a result, the character of Fei Ke is not completely black, white and clean, gray and thick, and even pure love can't do it.

To put it mildly, Chen Shufa is the protagonist, and he is a little better than him.

The logic of the whole story is like a navigation in Chongqing, pointing to the destination and messing around.

What is the destination? It is the "big truth" that can be explained in two episodes, "people only say things that are beneficial to themselves".

For this reason, I finally tried to do it again:

"Oh Mo, it turns out that everything was written by He Shan!"

Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?

Really let me hold my forehead.

As you know, the "last stroke is still turning" model is based on the fact that your previous story is exciting enough and has foreshadowing, so that it can make people creepy.

Instead of writing a shit and then smiling evilly at the audience and saying, "Haha, you were fooled, in fact, the front is all bullshit." ”

Thanks, I've always known that.

It is also in the empty reasoning that the fraudster is pitiful in the end that there is no case, and I don't even bother to talk about how misogynistic the reversal of this story is under the deep logic.

I thought it was a drama that alerted the sisters by the way after watching the script and killing, but in the end, the barrage was full of insulting words.

Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?
Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?
Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?

And the result of "unfinished" is also closely bound to "the ending is told by He Shan".

Because women tell stories, they can only tell "The Black Scholar Falls in Love with Me" and "The Blackened Little Driver of Miss Tsundere"?

Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?

Writing such a story doesn't know whose barren imagination is being exposed.

But then again, it's not without merit that these creators create things.

Although they can't be small and fine, they love to be big and complete.

So a very new "new life" was written:

In the front, you are engaged in ontological reasoning, and in the middle you are told that it is a narrative trickery, and in the end, it becomes a social reasoning.

The first five episodes and the last five episodes seem to be on two layers, but how can it not be said that this is a masterpiece of speculative literature?

I suddenly remembered Spielberg's "Cat and Mouse Game", which also depicts a genius liar.

One of the most exciting episodes must be how Xiao Lizi used a bunch of rags to forge checks, and then used beauty to cash out in major banks.

Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?
Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?

The second wonderful episode must be that he fought wits and courage with the police for many years, and after he was imprisoned, he turned into a criminal identification expert of the FBI.

Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?

Yes, showing off skills and reversing are the two major killer moves in the history of crime movies.

But the less exciting, but most important, part of "Cat and Mouse Game" is the uneasiness, pain and anxiety of this criminal genius after being recruited.

This position seems to us to be the best place for him, but for a free man, this kind of security of being raised and imprisoned is an unbearable weight of life.

Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?

He even repeated his old tricks and escaped as a pilot again.

It's just that everyone knows that this is a gambling-style resistance.

He had to return to this position, because this was the last reversal, and if he dared to make another attempt, it would be a dead end.

Unveil the face of domestic drama "misogyny"! Chinese-style ending dumps women, netizens: In order to pass the trial?

It was at this moment that this movie, which seemed to be a crime carnival, finally revealed its lament for human nature.

At this point, the classics have taken hold.

Let's go back to dramas like "New Life".

It's like listening to a whole paragraph of "You have such a high-speed machine entering China".

People have said so much, how can it not be a paragraph?

Lack of profundity, more than enough humor.

It can be regarded as the life of chasing dramas in the past two weeks has not been wasted.


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