
Ma Zhenfu Town, Tanghe County: Actively carry out food safety supervision

author:Karakawa Fusions
{"info":{"title":{"content":"唐河县马振抚镇:积极开展食品安全监管工作","en":"Ma Zhenfu Town, Tanghe County: Actively carry out food safety supervision"},"description":{"content":"为切实加强马振抚镇食品安全保障工作,防止重大食品安全事故的发生,镇政府将食品安全工作纳入马振抚镇重要议事日程,由镇食安办...","en":"In order to effectively strengthen the food safety guarantee work of Ma Zhenfu Town and prevent the occurrence of major food safety accidents, the town government has included food safety work in the important agenda of Ma Zhenfu Town, and the town food safety office will ..."}},"items":[]}