
Tanghe: The homestay economy has become a new engine for rural revitalization

author:Karakawa Fusions
{"info":{"title":{"content":"唐河:民宿经济成为乡村振兴新引擎","en":"Tanghe: The homestay economy has become a new engine for rural revitalization"},"description":{"content":"游乡村,住民宿,已经成为很多人出游的首选。眼下,在唐河县国家级传统村落马振抚镇前庄村,依托当地旅游优势和文化资源,民宿产...","en":"Traveling to the countryside and staying in homestays has become the first choice for many people to travel. At present, in Qianzhuang Village, Ma Zhenfu Town, a national-level traditional village in Tanghe County, relying on local tourism advantages and cultural resources, homestay production..."}},"items":[]}