
More than 120 yuan were involved! Sihong Dai was sentenced!

author:Wei Sihong

More than 120 yuan were involved! Sihong Dai was sentenced!
More than 120 yuan were involved! Sihong Dai was sentenced!


来源 | 泗洪检察 编辑 | 张新月 审核 | 张希刚

He was suspected of fraud

Delusional Spending Money to "Eliminate Disasters"

Spend more than a million to buy through the "relationship"

But they were all lost


More than 120 yuan were involved! Sihong Dai was sentenced!

In April 2024, after the Sihong County Procuratorate filed a public prosecution, the Sihong County Court sentenced Dai to ten years and six months in prison and a fine of 100,000 yuan for fraud, and the 50,000 yuan that Li transferred to Dai to find a relationship was an illegal act used to interfere with justice and was confiscated by the court.

He violated the criminal law and tried in vain to spend money to "eliminate disasters"

In September 2022, Li was released on bail pending trial on suspicion of fraud by the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau for selling fake health care products. is about to be imprisoned, but Li is unwilling to accept the punishment of the law, and vainly wants to settle the judicial organ by finding a relationship. It is this kind of wrong cognition that makes Li, a fraudster, fall for others.

In February 2023, under the introduction of a friend, Li met Dai, who had lived in Shanghai for many years. Perhaps, Dai has connections to settle the relationship? With unrealistic fantasies, Li told Dai about his needs: he wanted to trust the relationship, let the judicial authorities be accommodating, and erase his criminal behavior.

Dai agreed, he said that he had not been in Shanghai for so many years, and the relationship was that he promised Li that as long as the money was in place, nothing would be a problem.

What Li didn't know was that Dai, who was glamorous on the surface, was riddled with debts behind his back, and he was still a person who had been released from prison. He opened his mouth and promised Li's request, but it was just for money.

More than 120 yuan were involved! Sihong Dai was sentenced!

Thinking that he has grasped a life-saving straw, it is actually a fraud trap

Finally found someone to spend money to eliminate the disaster, Li felt that he had put down a big stone in his heart, and he also lost his rational judgment, but he didn't expect that Dai was using his psychology of eagerness to get rid of the crime to wantonly cheat money.

At the beginning, Dai asked for 200,000 yuan as the cost of the relationship, of which 50,000 yuan was used to find a relationship, and the rest was used to return the stolen goods. Li transferred 50,000 and 70,000 yuan to Dai respectively. Li was also skeptical in his heart, and promised to pay the remaining 80,000 yuan as agreed after the matter was completed.

However, after a period of time, Li could not receive news of the progress for a long time, and in order to urge Dai to do something, he eagerly went to Shanghai to find Dai to inquire about the progress of the case. In the face of the gold owner who was sent to the door, Dai took Li to find a "relationship", showed Li his connections, and patted his chest to ensure that things could be done; On the other hand, Dai repeatedly told Li that the amount of the previous return of stolen goods was not enough, and he needed to continue to return the stolen goods in order to ensure that Li was okay and let Li continue to pay the money and return the stolen goods. In this way, Li fell into the lies woven by Dai, thinking that as long as he paid another amount of stolen money, he could be released on bail pending trial, and he would not have to go to prison.

Li was convinced of Dai's ability, so he mortgaged his real estate, borrowed more than 200 yuan from the bank, and transferred it to Dai for "returning the stolen goods" according to Dai's instructions. From February to July 2023, Li successively transferred more than 20 times to Dai's account, totaling more than 120 yuan. Every time Dai received the money, he quickly withdrew the funds and spent them.

The return of stolen money turned into loans, and the recording revealed the truth

During the period when Li sent money to Dai, the process of his personal suspected criminal case continued to continue. Finally in August 2023, Li received a call from the Shanghai procuratorate, asking him to go to the procuratorate for interrogation. However, Li was deeply involved in the scam and could not wake up, so he continued to find Dai to inquire about the progress of the entrusted matter. Dai claimed that he had found a good relationship, and that the procuratorate was just a routine procedure, after which the case would be returned to the public security organ and the case could be closed. Until Li was prosecuted by the procuratorate, Dai still said that he could find a relationship in the court to help Li strive for a slowdown, as long as Li took out another 1 million yuan to return the stolen goods, and gave another 300,000 yuan for activities.

At this time, Li had gradually become suspicious and did not dare to continue to transfer money to Dai. It was not until Li was notified by the court that he reported to the Sihong County Public Security Bureau that he had been defrauded, and in January 2024, the case was transferred to the Sihong County Procuratorate.

In the process of handling the case, Dai proposed that the transfer record between him and Li was actually a loan. The prosecutor showed a recording of the call between Li and Dai, which showed that Dai clearly said that he had found the head of the public security bureau, and that the procuratorate would return the case to the public security organ, and the public security organ would no longer transfer the case for prosecution, and as long as Li returned the money, he could be released on bail pending trial.

Dai still defended that he was only borrowing money and there was no fraud, but he looked pale in front of the recording. After that, the Sihong County Procuratorate prosecuted Dai in accordance with the law. During the trial, Dai also proposed that there were witnesses who could confirm that there was a loan between him and Li, but he could not tell the true identity and contact information of the witnesses. The procurator sorted out the contradictions between Dai's confession and defense to the collegial panel in court, and pointed out that Dai's defense was a ghost defense, and recommended that it not be adopted. Later, seeing that he could not escape legal sanctions, Dai pleaded guilty in court, expressing his willingness to admit guilt and accept punishment, and the court made the above judgment.