
Depart at 7 o'clock丨AI writing papers? Many colleges and universities have made it clear: strict investigation!

Depart at 7 o'clock丨AI writing papers? Many colleges and universities have made it clear: strict investigation!
Depart at 7 o'clock丨AI writing papers? Many colleges and universities have made it clear: strict investigation!
Depart at 7 o'clock丨AI writing papers? Many colleges and universities have made it clear: strict investigation!

• The People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Financial Supervision issued a notice on the 17th that for resident families who take out loans to purchase commercial housing, the minimum down payment ratio of commercial personal housing loans for the first house will be adjusted to not less than 15%, and the minimum down payment ratio for commercial personal housing loans for second housing will be adjusted to no less than 25%. At the same time, the lower limit of the interest rate policy for commercial personal housing loans for the first and second houses at the national level will be abolished.

• 30-year ultra-long-term special treasury bonds were issued on the 17th, with a total amount of 40 billion yuan!

• On the 17th, at the regular briefing on the State Council's policies held by the Information Office of the State Council, the People's Bank of China said that it would set up a 300 billion yuan re-loan for affordable housing, encourage and guide financial institutions to follow the principles of marketization and rule of law, and support local state-owned enterprises to purchase completed and unsold commercial housing at a reasonable price for placement or rental type affordable housing, which is expected to drive bank loans of 500 billion yuan.


Depart at 7 o'clock丨AI writing papers? Many colleges and universities have made it clear: strict investigation!

• On the morning of May 17, the Intermediate People's Court of Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, upheld the original verdict in the second-instance trial of the case of an 11-year-old boy in Jiangxi Province who jumped off a building with a suicide note.

Depart at 7 o'clock丨AI writing papers? Many colleges and universities have made it clear: strict investigation!

• On May 17, "Haizhou Today" reported the "Lianyungang Seafood Market Incident". It was preliminarily ascertained that the merchant involved Xu had two behaviors. The district market supervision department has filed a case for investigation into the illegal acts of the merchants involved and the market organizer in accordance with the law, and the district public security organ has investigated the relevant behavior of Cao, a staff member of the market organizer. At present, the market organizer has cleaned up the merchants involved and dismissed the staff member Cao.

Depart at 7 o'clock丨AI writing papers? Many colleges and universities have made it clear: strict investigation!

• At present, the 2024 college graduates are entering the thesis defense stage one after another, and many universities have issued statements clarifying that they will introduce thesis detection tools to strictly investigate the behavior of AI writing papers.

Depart at 7 o'clock丨AI writing papers? Many colleges and universities have made it clear: strict investigation!

• On May 17, at the 2024 World Telecommunication and Information Society Day Conference held in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Radio and Television jointly announced the launch of 5G cross-network roaming commercial promotion. 5G cross-network roaming means that when the operator does not have 5G network coverage, users can access the 5G network of other operators and continue to use 5G services.

• Affected by the heavy good news such as the reduction of the down payment ratio to 15%, the reduction of the interest rate on provident fund loans, the cancellation of the lower limit of the mortgage interest rate, and the acquisition of inventory housing as affordable housing, the A-share real estate index rose sharply in the afternoon of the 17th. By the end of the day, the A-share Wind Real Estate Index was up 7.31%. At the same time, there are more than 20 real estate stocks with daily limits. Experts say this is the most lenient property market policy in 40 years.

• A few days ago, a mainland research team found the most well-preserved fossil of the Graceful Flyflies in Ningcheng, Inner Mongolia, which is about 165 million years old. After discussion, it was determined to name: Ningcheng Khitan beautiful fly.

Depart at 7 o'clock丨AI writing papers? Many colleges and universities have made it clear: strict investigation!

• Japan's Tokyo Electric Power Company said on the 17th that the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the sea began at noon on the same day. It is reported that this is the sixth discharge into the sea.

Depart at 7 o'clock丨AI writing papers? Many colleges and universities have made it clear: strict investigation!

• The 74th FIFA Congress held in Bangkok, Thailand, on the 17th, decided that Brazil won the right to host the 2027 Women's World Cup.

Depart at 7 o'clock丨AI writing papers? Many colleges and universities have made it clear: strict investigation!

• On the afternoon of May 16 local time, Slovakia's newly elected president, Pyotr Pellegrini, visited Slovak Prime Minister Fizo at the hospital in Banska Bystrica, after which he held a media press conference and said that because Fizzo was not in a good condition and needed a quiet rest, doctors only allowed them to have a few minutes of private conversation. Pellegrini said that given the current situation, a deputy prime minister in the ruling coalition could temporarily take over from Fizo.

Depart at 7 o'clock丨AI writing papers? Many colleges and universities have made it clear: strict investigation!

Slovak President-designate Manuel Pellegrini (left) speaks to the media at a hospital in Banska-Bystrica, Slovakia, on May 16. (Xinhua News Agency)

Depart at 7 o'clock丨AI writing papers? Many colleges and universities have made it clear: strict investigation!

Recently, the world's largest forest area of the Wenguan fruit base has entered the full flowering period, looking white as snow from afar, and brilliant as the sun up close. The 28,000 acres of Wenguanguo base in Wengniute Banner, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia has attracted a large number of tourists to come to watch and become a new local Internet celebrity check-in place. Poke video ↓


Depart at 7 o'clock丨AI writing papers? Many colleges and universities have made it clear: strict investigation!

What will you do #买东西遇到 the "ghost scales". #

On May 17, the topic # Market Supervision Bureau responded to the Lianyungang seafood market incident # appeared on the hot search list. What will you do when you encounter a "ghost scale" when you buy something?

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Depart at 7 o'clock丨AI writing papers? Many colleges and universities have made it clear: strict investigation!

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Depart at 7 o'clock丨AI writing papers? Many colleges and universities have made it clear: strict investigation!

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