
Zhou Hongyi just realized his dream of becoming an Internet celebrity? It's actually saving 360

author:Everyday car

How to get traffic? Come and see Zhou Hongyi, you don't need to look at others, create topics and events, he can teach you alone.

When the Beijing Auto Show is the "most popular" car model, selling his Maybach for domestic new energy, and going crazy in the live broadcast if he wants to fly or not, I believe that no matter what industry people are engaged in in the past month, they will definitely learn more or less about one or two of these things, yes, the protagonist in the incident is Zhou Hongyi.

Zhou Hongyi just realized his dream of becoming an Internet celebrity? It's actually saving 360

His fame was great before, but he didn't expect to jump to the top position in the short term, and a pattern can be found through the recent hot spots, and its events are all around the car, does he just want to be a popular traffic Internet celebrity in the car circle? Maybe it's not that simple.

The sweetness of traffic has to rely on new energy vehicles

Internet, antivirus software, short video platforms, AI, these can be said to be the fields that Zhou Hongyi has always wanted to do before, but in the end it did not make it the top stream, but now, he has found that new energy vehicles can set off a high heat circle on a global scale, and the results are in line with expectations, just as he climbed to the roof of the car, and now he has also climbed to the top position.

It seems that when entering the new energy and new cars, traffic is the fundamental, and everything else is an accessory.

Thinking that Accountant Jia was able to raise $5 billion without a single car, and then went public on the US stock market, until now, the empty factories and the so-called production cars from those small workshops are still the capital for his storytelling, as well as the source of all the content of the story.

Zhou Hongyi just realized his dream of becoming an Internet celebrity? It's actually saving 360

The same is true for Xiaomi Auto, which has grabbed 100,000 orders from the market, from the announcement of the car to the listing, is there a lack of excessive heat in the middle? It can even be said that relying on Lei Jun's personal traffic, he helped Xiaomi grab a lot of orders from friends, and this series of operations has also made many traditional car companies realize the importance of traffic.

This time, Zhou Hongyi, who has seized the flow of new energy vehicles, has really found a way to become a top stream, and the effect is getting better and better in terms of personal and event marketing in recent years, with tens of millions of views enough to satisfy him, and its traffic value is constantly amplified at present and in the future.

From an investor to an Internet celebrity, a part-time strategist for Nezha

Although Zhou Hongyi does not have a driver's license, he has money, so he became the investor behind the new energy vehicle company.

When the tide of the Internet slowly recedes, it is inevitable to find new business growth points, and now looking back from God's perspective, many previous Internet manufacturers actually have the idea of devoting themselves to the automobile business, after all, this is an industry with a total output value of 11 trillion yuan, which is the first pillar of China's economy.

Zhou Hongyi just realized his dream of becoming an Internet celebrity? It's actually saving 360

Now Huawei has the momentum to become Bosch in the new energy era, Lei Jun's Xiaomi has used up the annual production capacity in a short period of time, Baidu's investment in the field of autonomous driving is now on the car, and the products created by car companies have also entered the market.

In 2021, it invested 2.9 billion yuan in Nezha Automobile and became the second largest shareholder of Nezha Automobile.

Zhou Hongyi just realized his dream of becoming an Internet celebrity? It's actually saving 360

In this regard, as an investor, Zhou Hongyi once said that Nezha Automobile would not engage in marketing, so at the beginning of this year, Nezha CEO Daniel Zhang showed a photo with Zhou Hongyi on Weibo, and said that he wanted to learn marketing from him, but the learning process was not smooth, and the results were also shocking.

His posture of stilting Erlang's legs in the live broadcast was compared with Lei Jun by netizens, and some people said that "Lei Jun is really humble in his bones, and Daniel Zhang is still a condescending posture." In the face of such a voice, Daniel Zhang's subsequent statement was even more unexpected, directly "angry", and said that netizens licked dogs.

Although he deleted this Weibo in a short time, the negative impact is being amplified, which shows that Daniel Zhang may really not do good marketing from the bones, in the face of such a situation, Zhou Hongyi personally went down to tell everyone what is the "real Internet celebrity" that can exchange traffic in the car circle.

Zhou Hongyi just realized his dream of becoming an Internet celebrity? It's actually saving 360

In the Beijing Auto Show, he put down his body and climbed on the roof, and then shouted to the car company to ask for a car, and then built a live broadcast to auction off his own Maybach, not to mention whether he was messing with the water and doing things, at least in front of the public, he made enough to overflow the splashing traffic, in the face of such a high traffic, many car companies also took advantage of the trend, such as looking up to the U8 arranged for it, the 009 brilliance of the extreme krypton to send the car to the door, the Hui gold version of AVATR 12, the G318 provided by Deep Blue, etc.

At this time, it can be called a grand occasion in the car circle, and no matter whether everyone eats melons and watches the play, or calls it a "clown", the popularity is at least brought up, and it also makes its personal IP have an obvious correlation with the car circle.

Zhou Hongyi just realized his dream of becoming an Internet celebrity? It's actually saving 360

You see, such an outsider who can't drive in the car circle has brought marketing up in a few months, and some people have said that Zhou Hongyi has his own set of means for Internet marketing, plus he said that he and Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui learned live broadcast, it seems that he has really learned some real skills.

What Zhou Hongyi did was even more concise than the previous traffic in the automobile circle, there was no press conference, no official activities, omitting all links, directly using himself as a person to create topics, with rhythm, personally going on the field as a car model, selling Maybach for domestic new energy, and inviting Xiaopeng Huitian to 360 headquarters to do live broadcasts, this series of event marketing can be regarded as making him understand.

Why did he fight so hard?

Negative rumors are rife, coupled with the performance of 360, Zhou Hongyi can not be satisfied, and the new energy vehicle Nezha invested in has not brought it performance growth.

In 2022, 360's revenue will be 9.521 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 12.54%; net profit loss was 2.204 billion yuan, down 344.23% year-on-year; In 2023, 360's revenue will be 9.055 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 4.89%; In the first quarter of 2024, 360's revenue was 1.719 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 12.53%.

Zhou Hongyi just realized his dream of becoming an Internet celebrity? It's actually saving 360

At the same time, Nezha Automobile, as the brand that once ranked first on the sales list, sold only 24,000 units in the first quarter of this year, a year-on-year decrease of 6.9%, and the trend of declining sales has been showing since 2023.

Coupled with the current environment of the domestic automobile market, how many people who have invested in new energy vehicles can put their hearts in their stomachs? Especially now, the impact of the personal influence of car companies on the purchasing power of consumers, empathizing with users and establishing emotional links to the extreme, if you don't do it yourself, there will naturally be others to do it, so the final sales to others will only be your greed.

Through traffic and personal IP, it drives the conversion of sales and benefits, which is a new era of communication.

Traditional car companies now do not dare to underestimate Internet marketing, the bigwigs began to come to the forefront, perhaps this is the time for this industry to open a new era of marketing, so in this case, the demise of the old communication is only a matter of time, so if you don't fight, who dares to say that you have enough confidence in your future?

Entering the new energy vehicle circle to create personal IP is just a springboard

Do you remember about three years ago, when new energy and intelligence first began to become the main development path in the automotive field? Zhou Hongyi vigorously called for attention to the cyber security of smart cars during the two sessions.

That's right, back to the software field, this is his old business, this is what he wants to gain a higher share in the new energy vehicle market, the left hand AI model, the right hand new energy vehicle, Zhou Hongyi or set his sights on the field of automotive intelligent software.

This year, a development theme at the national level is to rely on "artificial intelligence +" to improve the consumption of intelligent networked vehicles, and at the same time, the popularity of artificial intelligence, multi-scene large-scale model products have also sprung up, which is the core of the subsequent development of intelligent vehicles, and many car companies have also begun to accelerate R&D investment in this field.

On this basis, the security of intelligent networking will naturally be focused on by consumers, after all, the car is not an ordinary intelligent technology device, something really has to happen in this regard, it is life-threatening, which is not linked to the data security that 360 has always claimed.

Zhou Hongyi just realized his dream of becoming an Internet celebrity? It's actually saving 360

As the boss of a technology company, in the end, it still relies on intelligent technology technology, the traffic is rolling in, and it is inevitable that there must be room for it to play, like Zhou Hongyi's drainage, Nezha's exposure rate has been significantly improved, at this time, it is linked to the Nezha L released in April this year, which has applied the 360 large model product NETA GPT, 360 intelligent brain, search engine and digital human and other AI technologies have been applied in the cockpit and other fields.

At the same time, based on data security, 360 has a certain first-mover advantage in China, at this time, combined with its investment in Nezha Automobile, we can also understand that Zhou Hongyi does not want 360 to become an OEM-like enterprise, but through Nezha Automobile as a carrier in the field of software security, through Nezha's products to promote its own software, and then have the ability to supply in this field.

After all, the transformation of intelligence compared with new energy is more clear and firm, which is a key technology that every automotive product can not be separated from in the future, and this track also has a lower risk than simple new energy vehicles.

Finally, we need to pay attention to the fact that this is not a track with a small number of competitors, and if the industry enters homogeneous competition in the future, it is good to open a gap in products, and if you can't open the gap, it is not a bad thing to maintain a large flow. 【iDailycar】