
Is it good for children to cough all the time, and there is always phlegm in the throat? TCM experts issue 6 types of cough dietary prescriptions

author:Public Health News

Public Health Daily, New Hunan Client, May 17 (Reporter Wang Lu, Correspondent Long Haixu) If you want to say which symptom is the most difficult when a child is sick, it is estimated that 8 out of 10 parents will say "cough". Your child's cough is often repetitive and persistent, and even if it finally gets better, it still feels like there is phlegm in the throat. Zhan Hongyan, chief physician of the Department of Pediatrics of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, recently reminded that for children's cough, parents can give dietary prescriptions to help children recover their health.

Is it good for children to cough all the time, and there is always phlegm in the throat? TCM experts issue 6 types of cough dietary prescriptions

There are six main types of cough: wind-cold cough, wind-heat cough, phlegm-damp cough, food accumulation cough, yin deficiency and dry cough, and qi deficiency cough. However, the doctor also reminded that dietary therapy is mainly suitable for the nursing stage, and can only be implemented after clear syndrome differentiation, and random use may lead to counterproductive effects.

1. Wind chill cough

Key points of syndrome differentiation: feeling cold or eating too much raw and cold food, dizziness, nasal congestion, runny nose, cough and white sputum, thin and white tongue coating.

Sichuan pepper rock sugar pear

Ingredients: 1 pear, 4-5 Sichuan peppercorns, appropriate amount of rock sugar

Method: Wash the pear and leave the skin, cut it horizontally near the top, dig out the core, put in the pepper and rock sugar, put the pear into a bowl, and then steam it for about half an hour through water, eat the pear and drink the soup.

Efficacy: It has a good effect on cold cough.

Is it good for children to cough all the time, and there is always phlegm in the throat? TCM experts issue 6 types of cough dietary prescriptions

2. Wind-heat cough

Key points of syndrome differentiation: cough is laborious, the sputum is yellow and sticky or not easy to cough up, accompanied by fever, crying and bad breath, dry stool, etc.

Kawa 贝母炖雪梨

Ingredients: 1 pear, 3-5 pieces of Sichuan fritillary powder, appropriate amount of rock sugar.

Method: Cut the pear horizontally by the handle, dig out the middle core and put in 2-3 rock sugar, 3-5 Chuanbei (Chuanbei should be broken into the end), put the pear in pairs and put it in a bowl, steam it in the pot for about 30 minutes, and then drink the soup.

Efficacy: The effect of dissolving phlegm and relieving asthma, clearing heat and dissolving phlegm, suitable for children with more yellow phlegm.

3. Phlegm damp cough

Key points of syndrome differentiation: long cough, more phlegm, white or yellow sputum, chest tightness may be accompanied by wheezing, sticky stool, and poor appetite.

Phlegm tangerine peel drink

Ingredients: 9 grams of tangerine peel, 3~5 grams of Zhejiang shellfish, 6-9 grams of yam, appropriate amount of rock sugar

Method: Wash the ingredients, put them in a stew pot, add an appropriate amount of water, and simmer for 45 minutes.

Efficacy: Zhebei is slightly cold, can clear heat and dissolve phlegm, tangerine peel is warm, can dispel dampness, regulate qi and dissolve phlegm, yam strengthens the spleen and promotes qi and eliminates food, the combination of the three can strengthen the spleen and promote qi, dissolve phlegm and relieve cough, suitable for cough with cold and heat, spleen deficiency and phlegm.

Is it good for children to cough all the time, and there is always phlegm in the throat? TCM experts issue 6 types of cough dietary prescriptions

Fourth, coughing from food accumulation

Key points of syndrome differentiation: cough with phlegm, abdominal distention, nausea and vomiting, poor appetite, bad breath, hot hands and feet, dry stool or constipation, red tongue, thick tongue coating.

Eliminate food and phlegm drink

Ingredients: 6 grams of raw hawthorn, 9 grams of raw malt, 9 grams of fried sulforaphane seeds, 5 grams of tangerine peel

Method: Soak the ingredients in water for 30 minutes in advance, then boil over high heat and turn to low heat and cook for 30 minutes, filter out the food residue, add a little rock sugar to taste, and you can drink, you can drink it twice, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Efficacy: Eliminate food and accumulation, soothe the liver, regulate qi and dissolve phlegm. It is suitable for children with cough and obvious symptoms of food accumulation, such as thick and greasy tongue, smelly stool, bad breath, tossing and turning during sleep, irregular stool, snoring and mouth breathing at night, etc.

Is it good for children to cough all the time, and there is always phlegm in the throat? TCM experts issue 6 types of cough dietary prescriptions

Fifth, yin deficiency and dry cough

Key points of syndrome differentiation: dry cough, no phlegm, or little sputum, very sticky, dry or itchy mouth, throat or itching, hot hands and feet or fever in the afternoon and evening, sweating a lot when sleeping at night, red tongue, less tongue coating, map tongue.

Water chestnut lotus root juice

Ingredients: take 150g of water chestnut and 150g of fresh lotus root

Method: Peel the water chestnuts and fresh lotus root respectively, wash and chop them, and put them in a juicer to squeeze them into juice and drink.

Efficacy: Water chestnut with lotus root juice to drink, with the effect of clearing heat and generating Jin, dampness and expectorant, cooling blood and detoxification, treating fever, dry mouth and throat, yin deficiency cough, etc.

6. Qi deficiency and cough

Key points of syndrome differentiation: low and weak cough, long-term cough does not heal, phlegm is more and more thin, often accompanied by dull complexion, fatigue, shortness of breath, soft voice, loose stools, pale red tongue, thin and white tongue, thin and weak pulse.

Lily lotus seed jujube porridge

Ingredients: 10 grams of lily, 10 grams of lotus seeds, 10 grams of jujubes, 30 grams of rice

Method: Wash and add an appropriate amount of water, cook and eat.

Efficacy: The combination of lily, lotus seeds, red dates and rice to nourish the spleen and lungs can replenish the spleen and stomach, replenish qi and blood, replenish lung yin, clear lung heat, and take into account the physical state of cold, heat, deficiency and reality.

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