
The Political and Legal Committee of the Xiapu County Party Committee carried out activities to popularize the law into the community

author:Learning Army

On May 14, in order to create a strong atmosphere of respecting the law, learning the law, abiding by the law, and using the law, the Political and Legal Committee of the Xiapu County Party Committee, together with the County Women's Federation, the court, the procuratorate and other units, carried out the "Forge Ahead on a New Journey and Build a Dream of Homeland" Family Education Publicity Week and Civil Code Publicity Month in the County Cultural Square.

Promote safety into the community

At the event site, propaganda on the construction of safety was carried out through the display of propaganda display boards, the distribution of publicity materials, publicity materials, etc., focusing on anti-fraud, anti-evil, railway road protection, anti-narcotics, road traffic safety precautions, and the creation of "safe families", and focused on explaining the knowledge of the "three rates" of safety to the masses, helping to guide the masses to install the National Anti-Fraud Center APP, carrying out anti-cult signatures, and raising the public's awareness of prevention. A total of 35 people promoted the anti-fraud APP and participated in the signature activity at the event.

The Political and Legal Committee of the Xiapu County Party Committee carried out activities to popularize the law into the community

Practice the "three positives" close to the hearts of the people

Based on the actual situation of the post, the political and legal committee of the county party committee promotes the formation of a joint force in the work of the political and legal system, carries out volunteer service activities to promote the popularization of law and further polishes the business card of "upholding fairness and justice, guarding the safety of Fujian", and carries forward the new trend of the times. At the event site, volunteers "set up stalls" to popularize the knowledge of the "Anti-Telecommunication Network Fraud Law" to the masses in the past, provided legal advice, distributed leaflets on anti-fraud, anti-cult and safe construction, and guided the masses to establish a correct concept and awareness of the rule of law, and actively participate in the construction of safe Xiapu.

The Political and Legal Committee of the Xiapu County Party Committee carried out activities to popularize the law into the community

The code goes with the law

The Civil Code of the People's Republic of China is known as the "encyclopedia of social life", which covers all aspects of people's lives. In this activity, the volunteers of law popularization let the masses further understand the "Civil Code" and its impact on daily life through vivid examples, and further guide the masses to develop a conscious awareness of abiding by the law, learn to use legal weapons to protect their legitimate rights and interests, and form a good atmosphere for learning and abiding by the law, so that the "Civil Code" can go to the masses and enter the hearts of the masses, and also let the masses realize the importance of the "Civil Code" to the protection of their own interests, and improve the awareness and ability of the masses to abide by the law, abide by the law, find the law, and rely on the law.

The Political and Legal Committee of the Xiapu County Party Committee carried out activities to popularize the law into the community

A total of more than 300 copies of publicity materials and more than 100 copies of publicity materials were distributed during the event, creating a good legal environment for promoting the construction of Ping An Xiapu.

Source: Xiapu Political Science and Law

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