
It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

BB Ji | wen

"It's the seventh anniversary celebration, are you coming?"

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

After sending the message, I clicked on the other party's avatar and looked at the circle of friends, and the signature was still familiar with "The Beggars Gang is the No. 1 in the World", but there was no update.

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

I felt a little melancholy, but I finally sent him the four words that were most common in our chat.

"Above the Shout."

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

In fact, I haven't met him, and I don't even know his real name, but in the rivers and lakes called "Tianlong Babu Mobile Game" (hereinafter referred to as Tianlong Mobile Game), we spent many summer nights with cicadas chirping and noisy, many snowy mornings, fighting again and again in the swallow dock, Zhenlong chess game, and ancient tombs, laughing or scolding together in the voice channel.

In the days of wandering the rivers and lakes with him, I found that I was no longer lonely or confused, as if there were endless things to do and endless fights every day. Of course, the main reason is that he was too arrogant and caused trouble everywhere, and the other party came to the door and pulled me to "hot-blooded PK" together. There have been outnumbered and embarrassed, like two noisy lost dogs, running for their lives while not forgetting to mock each other for not putting down any skill just now.

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

At that time, whenever a real-life friend saw me chatting with him and asked who it was, my answer was always surprisingly consistent: a Tenryu friend of mine. I will also add a sentence in my heart: best friend.

But since January of this year, he has disappeared, and until the seventh anniversary celebration of Tianlong Mobile Game, it is still not online, and this is the first time that I have not been able to spend the anniversary together in the seven years since I entered the pit with him.

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

This made me very uncomfortable.

To be honest, what makes me even more uncomfortable is the word "seventh anniversary". In the past seven years, I have also been AFK for a short time because of work, life, etc., but once I am free, the content of gang friends and hot-blooded PK will pop up in my mind, so I can't help but get on the number to get a few copies and PK. Tianlong mobile game is also very competitive, and it really accompanied me for seven years.

I still remember the beginning of the year,There were four professions in the Tianlong mobile game.,Beggars、Emei、Xiaoyao、Tianshan,At that time, I wanted to play a handsome one.,I chose Tianshan without saying a word.,Learn the PK skills of the big hand every day.,If you can't beat it, you can go to the forum to spray the profession.,Wait for the master to refute me with real talent.,Learn another wave.,Witty as me.。

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

That's when I met him in the gang.

He is a beggar, and his ID is very arrogant, called "Brother is invincible". The same is a foreign melee, how can I endure such an arrogant person standing on my side, every week the sect competition is inevitably with him to play a few games, win and laugh and lose on the spray, over time, but established an inexplicable friendship, began to study together how to PK the most fierce, every day all night to do the task, the girlfriend at the time more than once ate our "vinegar".

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

I thought our story was unique, but in the "Review of Celestial Memory" campaign officially launched during the seventh anniversary, I found that there were many people in the comment section who had very similar experiences.

For example, this one also met a hot-blooded PK enthusiast, the two of them have also known each other since 2017, but luckier than me, they are still in touch now, although it may be difficult to meet again in the game, but the bond and friendship last.

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

He is not the only one, I also saw more unforgettable "Tianlong Memory" in the comment area. Some people have found a sense of belonging to the gang, some have met confidants who have been with them all their lives, some have met like-minded brothers and friends, and some still remember how their master took him to clean his heart.

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

Seeing this, a very classic question suddenly appeared in my mind, which has appeared in many martial arts novels:

What is Jianghu?

Are the rivers and lakes all the happy enmity of the heroes? Are they all earth-shattering pinnacle battles? Perhaps this is true in many literary works and martial arts games. What is remembered is great, flickering, and extraordinary.

But this is not the case in the Dragon mobile game.

It creates more "karma" for players, such as "swearing" gameplay. I still remember that when the friendship between me and "brother is invincible" became deeper and deeper, he led me to Luoyang to find Wang Fuzi for a "bow", more interesting is that the worship of Tianlong mobile game can also choose "generation sorting", we fought for a long time for who was the eldest brother, and finally he won the title of the eldest brother with a weak six-yuan red envelope advantage, I still remember his arrogant face at that time.

The seemingly inconsequential setting of "generation ranking" contains the efforts of the official. Do you still remember the first reaction of Qiao, Duan, and Xuan after the union in the novel "Dragon Babu"? That's right, it was Duan and Xuan who jointly called Qiao Feng "big brother".

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

In the eyes of the Jianghu people, the eldest brother is a leader who must be respected, and the virtuous brother is the younger generation who needs to be taken care of.

At the beginning, it was precisely because "brother is invincible" that he became the eldest brother, and I always had a kind of respect and dependence on him in my subsequent career in the rivers and lakes, and now that I think about it, it is also the credit of "generation ranking", it can only be said that Tianlong official really understands "rivers and lakes" too well, and understands players too well.

Not only that, but there will also be a "Golden Orchid" setting after the bow, the higher the Golden Orchid will bring a better title of the Bow, and the last level can even provide additional experience bonuses. For this title, "Brother is Invincible" and I fought in and out of Zhenlong Chess Game, Lao Sanhuan, Yanziwu, and Sijue Zhuang back then.

The same team gameplay includes a 3-player squad of four spirits, a 5v5 PVP, a 10-player team PVE, and a larger GVG...... In the process of team battles, players either actively or passively get together, experience battles, successes, failures, support each other, cooperate with each other, and naturally have feelings, and when feelings collide together, it becomes "story" and "friendship".

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

Even if this "story" is very ordinary and this "friendship" is very short, for the players who are in it, it is an experience worth remembering forever. Just like the people in the comment area, they may not be great masters, well-known players, and they may not have any outstanding features in the entire Tianlong game career, just like us in reality, ordinary and ordinary, but they are the most important part of this Jianghu.

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

With the "friendship of rivers and lakes" of ordinary people, building a variety of real rivers and lakes is what Tianlong Mobile Game has been doing.

Of course, what Tianlong officials have done in this process is not only the guidance of gameplay. As the most important work of Mr. Jin Yong's works, "Dragon Babu" pays attention to the "friendship of rivers and lakes", and the characters and plots are all impressive.

In order to retain this feeling, the official Tianlong mobile game has put more effort into the design of the scene and plot, and almost completely restored the "Jianghu flavor" in the original Tianlong work, so that I, a perennial skip 0 patient player, almost never skip the plot in the Tianlong mobile game, and I can't get tired of watching the plot that I have long been familiar with, no matter how many times I want to relive the chivalrous spirit and friendship between the swords and swords.

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

As it turned out, he succeeded in creating a game that everyone loved from the bottom of their hearts, and the repercussions of the gameplay of this seventh-anniversary celebration are the most powerful proof of this.

In addition to reviewing the memories of Tianlong together, many players also spontaneously celebrated the birthday of Tianlong mobile game on major platforms, and produced a lot of creative content that made people "black".

This buddy's picture is both sincere and appetizing, quite postmodern;

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

This one is even more outrageous, and you can continue to rub a few handfuls after the blessing, right?

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

And this one, you have to know that there is only one handsome Tianshan Mountain in Tianlong, and that is below!

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

There is also a soul P picture that closely follows current affairs, and Wang Po and Yueyue are going to beat people when they see it.

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?
It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

The blessing video of hundreds of Tianlong young heroes on the same stage is also very touching.

In this video, the well-known voice actor Ajie, Su Shangqing, singers, anchors, cosers and some of the great god players in the circle are rarely on the same stage, most of them have long been connected with life, presumably there is not enough free time, but they are still willing to prepare carefully, with the most ordinary but also the most sincere "Tianlong player" identity, to send blessings to the game.

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

It seems that in the Tianlong rivers and lakes, the "friendship between the rivers and lakes" has long been not limited to between players and players, but also exists between players and games, and has become a symbol, a symbol, and a spirit of Tianlong mobile games.

The official also gave feedback to this "friendship between the rivers and lakes". In this year's 7th anniversary update, I saw the return of the "crusade barrel uncle", "time square" and other emotional gameplay, the major main cities are also decorated, play for a while, the emotional bonus catalyzes the "friendship of the rivers and lakes" has reached its peak, many brothers in the gang choked up in the voice channel while reminiscing about the friendship of the gang, while not forgetting to brag about how they hit five back then.

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

By the way, this seventh anniversary expansion pack also filled in the pit of the sect's new artifact, and the seventeen sects all had new artifact transformations, and there was a saying that the day dragon I thought was the most handsome this time, and I wanted to open a new Tianlong trumpet.

There have been a few new servers opened before, and in order to make players have a greater sense of participation and belonging, the official boldly handed over the server naming rights to players, voted for themselves, and accepted everything they chose.

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

There is also a time to launch a burden reduction activity, which is also to give power to players, choose how to reduce the burden by themselves, and finally implement it according to the voting results.

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

I have also been to the offline meeting organized every year, and the close-up "spray" planning is not too enjoyable, and when I go back, I find that the feedback problem has been optimized.

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

This bearing, this handwriting, is really like the martial arts alliance leader of Tianlong Jianghu, all the opinions and suggestions for the good of the rivers and lakes are actively adopted and adjusted, and the people and affairs of the rivers and lakes are dedicated to paying their hearts and minds, practicing chivalrous culture, and promoting Tianlong Jianghu to a better tomorrow.

With such an alliance leader, who is not willing to follow his lead and willingly establish a "friendship with him"?

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. After playing games for so many years, in fact, I found that all games, whether they are martial arts or not, can be regarded as a kind of "rivers and lakes". In the Tianlong mobile game, the "rivers and lakes" are more concrete, and players, NPCs, and even game officials are all in this "rivers and lakes".

Seven years have passed, as the so-called "young children and old people", there will be a lot of people who will temporarily retire to Tianlong Jianghu, but as long as there is this "friendship in the rivers and lakes", just like those who send blessings to Tianlong Mobile Game, no matter what profession or where they are, they will get together again because of the common identity of "Tianlong Player", supporting Tianlong Mobile Game to forge ahead.

The phone rang, did "brother is invincible" reply to me?

It doesn't matter, as long as he remembers that my sworn brother is here, he will definitely come back.

This is the friendship of our Tianlong players.


It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?
It's just a game, is it necessary to be so careful?

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