
Cats "love you to the bone" 8 major performances, you can laugh secretly in the whole middle

author:Encyclopedia of cat knowledge

Although the cat is cold, it will still have strong love and affection for the owner after getting along with the owner day and night for a long time. When a cat "loves you to the bone", there will be the following 8 major performances, and you are too successful in raising a cat!

Cats "love you to the bone" 8 major performances, you can laugh secretly in the whole middle

1. I like to sleep next to you

If you find that your cat likes to sleep next to you, no matter how good the litter you prepare for it, it doesn't sleep, and sometimes even prefers to sleep on the floor near the owner to stay with the owner, it means that he really loves you very much.

Cats "love you to the bone" 8 major performances, you can laugh secretly in the whole middle

2. It will step on your body

If you pick up the cat, it will step on your body and make a purring sound, which means that it is very comfortable to stay by your side, which is also a manifestation of "love you to the bone".

Cats "love you to the bone" 8 major performances, you can laugh secretly in the whole middle

3. I can't help but wink at you

Cats blink their eyes, in fact, is a way for them to express their love, if your kitten will blink at you slowly, as if in wink, that is it is confessing to you, very much love you will have behavior.

Cats "love you to the bone" 8 major performances, you can laugh secretly in the whole middle

4. As soon as I see you, I want to stick to you

The kitten who loves you will especially like the feeling of staying with you, so when he sees you, he can't help but stick to you, and he can't get rid of it, like a little "heel bug".

Cats "love you to the bone" 8 major performances, you can laugh secretly in the whole middle

5. Always "running crazy" in the house full of houses

The cat's love to "run wildly" is actually a sign of love for you, because it lives happily and without stress. Sometimes it's actually inviting you to join it and play with it, which is very cute.

Cats "love you to the bone" 8 major performances, you can laugh secretly in the whole middle

6. You are allowed to touch every part of your body

If your kitten allows you to pet every part of his body, and even enjoys your petting, it means that he really "loves you to the bone".

Cats "love you to the bone" 8 major performances, you can laugh secretly in the whole middle

7. Can hunt or give you your favorite toys

If the cat will give you the little bugs it "hunted" or the toys it likes, it means that it feels that you take care of it and wants to take care of you, which is a sign that the kitten will love you.

Cats "love you to the bone" 8 major performances, you can laugh secretly in the whole middle

If you receive a gift from your kitten, you might as well reward him with some delicious treats so that he will love you more.

Cats "love you to the bone" 8 major performances, you can laugh secretly in the whole middle

8. I always don't like to bury poop

If your kitten doesn't always bury its poop, it means that it is very secure. Especially some kittens, observing that the owner especially likes to "steal" its poop after it goes to the toilet, it will deliberately not bury it, and "give" the poop to the owner, which is not a manifestation of love for you?

Cats "love you to the bone" 8 major performances, you can laugh secretly in the whole middle

If your kitten doesn't like to bury poop, don't be angry, you can observe the cat's poop by the way, if the cat's poop is always wet and soft and dry, it may be that the stomach and intestines have been stimulated, and there is indigestion. You can usually feed some probiotics to your cat, and you can also choose a cat food with probiotics added to the staple food to help the kitten regulate its stomach.

Cats "love you to the bone" 8 major performances, you can laugh secretly in the whole middle


Does your cat have any of the above symptoms?

Cats "love you to the bone" 8 major performances, you can laugh secretly in the whole middle

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